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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. An excellent choice sir. I’m stuck in a Jam rut at the moment.
  2. I heard d this referred to as ‘ABBAtar’ today. I thought that was quite funny.
  3. You know, this increases the likelihood of a Mamma Mia 3…
  4. Edit: sorry didn't finish reading the post fully. 50mm would be better.
  5. Is that with the neck plate on? granted that the screws will be countersunk to fit snugly into the plate, but you'll lose a couple of millimetres there.
  6. Murder on the dance floor - Sophie Ellis Bexter is a great one to do.
  7. The explorer is quite conservative compared to the later ‘Buzzard’; they’ve got to be the ugliest basses ever spewed up. The late MB1 was a big fan, but I just couldn’t agree with him on that.
  8. One of my top 5 favourite basslines.
  9. I tend to only use mine for synth bass patches - a job that it excels at.
  10. That’s easy, I loads better looking than my identical twin brother!
  11. I think on that particular instrument the chrome looks the best, my personal favourite knob is the big/big/small Jazz style.
  12. Seriously, if y see that image as pornographic then you should see a psychiatrist and then report to your nearest police station and tell them that you might be a closet nonce.
  13. Erm, it’s more convenient to use yer feet… seriously though, I can’t remember the last time I gigged without pedals, indeed most of my (currently scant) dep gigs come from having a wealth of sounds to replicate anything from synth basses to bootsy-esque squelches through to utter filth. Horses for courses though.
  14. paul_5

    NPD - filter fun

    The fx25 is like learning another instrument, like when a guitarist first gets a wah wah; it takes time and effort to get the best out of it, it’s time we’ll spent though.
  15. The Behringer BSY-600 isn’t just a copy of the boss SYB-5; I think it’s better!
  16. Mmm, that sounds highly unlikey, the current UK government have always conducted themselves with the utmost decorum and decency in all matters, public and private. History will show them as above reproach. 😂
  17. Martin was one of only a handful of BCers I met in real life- true to form he was giving away a practice amp. I remember having a brew and a natter about tons of different stuff (Warwick Buzzards in particular) and remember thinking that he was a really lovely guy. RIP Martin.
  18. paul_5

    Power supplies

    I bought a Donner one that’s been great for all my pedals - 500mA at 18 and 12v. I’ll see if I can find the linky. edit: it’s a Donner DP-2, but it looks like it’s discontinued now.
  19. paul_5

    Fuzz Hunter

    Another vote for the coloursound, it’s got a really useful tone circuit, doesn’t take the miss out of the signal either.
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