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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. this - they are slightly bigger, but the old saying "buy cheap, buy twice" applies here.
  2. If you don't want to solder to the body of the plug (effectively the body of the plug is a heatsink, so the heat dissipates along to body, meaning that you have to heat for longer to get the solder to flow, often damaging the cable) then I'd look to see if a TRS jack (or stereo) is available - solder the ground wire to the Ring, and the hot to the tip. Some production pedals use a TRS jack to turn the battery on and off, o it's worth looking inside of them and checking with a continuity meter to see if this is the case.]
  3. Am I missing something here? They sound stinky poo in the demo. I thought that - I know these were probably filmed during lockdown, but the tattooed gentleman (the one who actually plays through one) obviously has a recording setup at home, could they not have couriered him a microphone to stick in front of the cab, or asked him to DI it? If you're trying to sell a range of amps, then merely talking about how great they sound isn't going cut it.
  4. I was just about to suggest an LH head - simple eq with oodles of oomph!
  5. This one. https://youtu.be/-KAWylrnlvA
  6. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting - Charles Mingus
  7. Ruby Tuesday - Her Majesty's Right Royal Rolling Stones
  8. He’s not a player I’m familiar with, other than he’s got a signature bass with fender. Cancer sucks though, hoping for a complete and speedy recovery for him.
  9. Good luck. The soldering bit is the easiest, unless you’re not drilling the enclosure.
  10. likewise, glad you got sorted. Surely if you've a figure in mind when listing it on the Bay then you put a reserve on it? Dicey character indeed.
  11. although with an Irish passport, he's got a few more options than me!
  12. I've got an unlined neck on my main Bitsa Jazz (with the same pickup configuration as yours, coincidentally) and have used a small needle file to put small grooves in the edge of the fingerboard in the places where the rest would be, and then filled them with silver paint. Makes it MUCH easier to play live on darkened stages etc... (at least, I seem to remember it does )
  13. I'd raise your concerns with the band - you are part of a group that (at first glance) endorse the song by playing it. I've left bands before now over song lyrics, as I'm not going to promote or perpetuate outdated attitudes and/or misogyny or racism (amongst other things). Simply by being on stage performing the material you are part of that in the eyes of the punters. I've also been in bands that did Brown Sugar, but changed the lyrics to make it acceptable in the 21st century. Happy compromise.
  14. paul_5

    DIY Effects

    Change of plan - valve overdrive with a 3 band eq, clean blend with an active tilt EQ. Had a play with it tonight, and it sounds pretty good - might need to play about with the crossover frequency of the tilt...
  15. The B3N looks like a good (actually, better than good) place to start; 3 footpedals that can be assigned to any custom effect you like (3 overdrives for example), and if memory serves, then they can be scrolled to the side, to use the pedals for two more effects (chorus, octaver, or any combination thereof) - they can all be switched on individually too, or save patches for each song, and name them whatever you need to.
  16. Danny Carey of Tool opening up his shoulders on this one - then the feet start!! https://youtu.be/q0BOpkA2Vs4
  17. Oui, un énorme pantalon, mais il a oublié sa chemise!
  18. Whenever I've done remote recording I've always recorded at least 3 tracks simultaneously and sent them all to the engineer - 1) Bass straight from DI box. 2)Bass direct from pedal board. 3)Bass DI from tube preamp (with effects). Track 1 is a safety net, in case there's a change to the track later the doesn't need overdrive etc... Speaking as a producer, it's always better to have tracks that aren't needed than not enough!
  19. I bet that rattles like Billy-o on top of a rig like that!
  20. Wasn't it Sly and Robbie at the helm for this album?
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