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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Forgotten I’d made this- it’s been a long lockdown! clone of the DOD FX25 envelope filter with controls for sensitivity and frequency...and a couple of mods... ...switchable between the original band-pass filter and a more bass-friendly low-pass filter, and a 3-way toggle switch between 3 settings for envelope decay settings; original (long), medium and short. Powered by 9v centre negative adaptor (not included) Now £35 posted to mainland UK address.
  2. I’ve got an SX neck on a 2 piece ash body as one of my bitsas and it’s brilliant, really slick, playable neck.
  3. Not bad. It’s no ‘Sexual Chocolate’ though...
  4. Metallica were about to part ways with Lars when they lost Cliff. They didn’t want to lose half of the band at the same time, makes it a double tragedy. ☹️
  5. ‘Little wings’? That video’s full of seagulls, some of them have bloody big wings, I can tell you!!
  6. paul_5


    Looks nice, shame there’s not a ‘line out’ in addition to the DI. What if you want to run a post eq signal to your power amp and the sound engineer simultaneously, whilst using effects in the send and return loop? Just seems a bit of a no-brainer; every valve pre that I’ve used in this sort of price range has had this option.
  7. I got a license for MB5 a while ago, and while I like the way it sounds everything is just too small to use.
  8. The hydrive cabs are great; tight and punchy but still got plenty of lows. Provided it’s been looked after then an old TE head should sound great through it.
  9. I’m no expert, but I would imagine that the laquer on the original paint job will stop the new paint taking to the wood - to be safe I’d sand it back and start from scratch. Hopefully another BCer will Wade in with some experience and top tips.
  10. I just like the way it sounds - reminiscent of the Victorian era and rickets.
  11. If you want trad, then a P bass with flats is the way to go. I’m mostly a Jazz and Stingray player, but not 3 feet from me is a bitsa P with flats that I just pick up whenever I want a noodle.
  12. Beaufort. I’m not into meteorology at all, I just like the word. Beaufort.
  13. Technically the ‘standard’ wasn’t standardised until the mid 1820s, so it’s more George IV than Henry VII. I suppose the corpulent wastrel had the find something to do whilst waiting for his loopy dad to finish on the throne.
  14. I’ve been using EZDrummer since it came out and last month looked at updating my plugin to EZDrummer 2. I downloaded the demo and had a quick play, but it just didn’t seem like there was much to gain, apart from access to newer libraries, f anything, it slowed me down as it had loads of new features that I’ll probably never use!
  15. As regards item 2 on your list, what is your Snap set to in your DAW? could be that it needs to be set to a shorter note value (semiquavers instead of quavers) maybe?
  16. I spend half of my time avoiding the blighters! As you were, good luck in your search.
  17. Cymbals. More room for cymbals - effects pedals of the drum world!
  18. Sounds like the old DHA kit - the input pad control is fairly essential!
  19. I reckon Rush would be the ideal thing to play through it! 😄. I’ll get my coat.
  20. Another FuzzDog pcb Jobbie - nice, compact and comprehensive compressor pedal. Controls for attack, release, threshold and ratio with a ‘bright’ switch and level control. £40 English pounds delivered to a doorstep of your choosing.
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