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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Do you have a spare 9v output on your 'isolated' supply? you could buy a 'current doubler' which effectively runs 2 9v outputs in parallel (still 9v, but twice the current, so effectively a whole amp).
  2. sounds like you're drawing too much current from your power supply. Digital effects are notoriously Amp-hungry. Check that your supply can deliver the required amount of current through each of the outputs. Also some supplies don't like reliving current to a mix of analogue and digital devices at the same time.
  3. Granted, but this thread is about a Hattie bass head, not a vintage bass guitar.
  4. What a great idea! Lovely, meaty sounding bass overdrive too!
  5. The gap that you're hearing between playing a note and it sounding through your PC is called 'Latency' - it can be reduced by reducing the buffer size of your sound card, but this comes at a price of processing power. My built-in sound card on my MacBook runs at a buffer size of 256 samples, which gives 12ms of delay by default. I can drop this to 32 samples the latency is 4ms - significantly less delay between sound in and sound out, but performance of my MacBook is reduced. If I plug in my 'portable' sound card (a little Alesis USB thing) I can get similar results, but my old (like, really old) MOTU firewire will run at half of those figures across 8 channels all day. You pays your money and you takes your choice.
  6. sold elsewhere Up for sale is my Sansamp VT DI pedal - got this earlier from a BC’er and put it through its paces, but it’s not exactly my cup of tea, so up it goes. Brilliant o/d pedal, DI or preamp (or all 3 at once if you like) for any kind of Ampeg sounding grind (or not, depending on how you set it) from mild to fuzzed-out! in very good condition with Velcro on the bottom. Price includes delivery to mainland uk address.
  7. £22 on some deoxit spray or £10 (maximum) on 2 new pots and ten minutes to solder them in...?
  8. Hanging’s too good for ‘em - nail ‘em up!!!
  9. I had a play about with it last night, as my plan was to import some Mellotron samples and not have to buy a soft synth mellotron. That is a MASSIVE rabbit hole - there’s so much functionality with this thing.
  10. Mmmm, toroidal transformer, tag board and tubes, what’s not to like?
  11. paul_5

    Zoom MS60-B

    Some power supplies don’t like supplying analogue and digital effects at the same time. Have you tried just powering the zoom on it’s own?
  12. As we’ve already had my favourites (Guy Garvey, Jarvis Cocker, Bill Bragg etc...) I’ll give a tip of the hat to Freddie Mercury’s upper class British accent that poked out every now and then. less favourable mentions go to Joe Elliott of Def Leppard and Milli Vanilli.
  13. ‘Murder One’ - written by Metallica about Lemmy.
  14. It worked really well, the best way would probably be to take the on board switches out of the equation, and just have it exclusively controlled by the foot switch - I might try that this week, as I’m off work with COVID.
  15. Back when I worked on analogue kit with outboard kit I’d bring the FX return back to a spare channel on the desk - reason being was that I could eq the reverb (for example) to suit the song, also gave options for panning effects. These days I group the effects in with the source material (brass tracks with brass reverb etc), as it’s just easier to mute or solo the group and not have to find where the extra returns are.
  16. It’s better than the alternatives though.
  17. Best. Fuzz. Ever. I didn’t think I’d ever take my coloursound bass fuzz off my board until I found this.
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