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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I ran an 410hlf and a t coloured the sound immensely - a real hump at about 200Hz. Sometimes it was great, other times not.
  2. I was in a and with my twin brother for a while - we had fun and didn’t fall out. There, I’ve said it.
  3. I've done this sort of thing before - I use a DI box in front of the pedalboard, then take a DI feed with my overdrive units on it. Producer can chop and change, and as a player I can have more fun with a bit of filth.
  4. Just had a quick play with this in Cubase on some DI’ed bass tracks - it’s really very good; an excellent software version of the BDDI. Well worth at least $5 of anyone’s money.
  5. Not necessarily 'cheap', but good quality part bought from wherever I can find a good deal, and then lovingly hand bodged crafted into playable instruments.
  6. I put one in my Jazz basses - between the two J pups. I can record you some audio samples later if you want to hear how they sound.
  7. Good spot, it’s AAX format too, so it’ll play with pro tools as well as Cubase.
  8. Dave Hall VT1 DI EQ. I use it as a preamp for live (it feeds my power amp and cab), and it’s got a great DI for recording and home practice. It’s also got a line in and headphone amp built-in. It’s not a ‘squeaky clean’ hi-if sound, but it’s great for everything from gentle tube driven tones up to Lemmy-esque filth. Awesome piece of kit.
  9. That should be relatively easy to do, just toggle the potentiometer in and out of the circuit with a fixed ‘no drive’ resistor across the other half of the switch...
  10. It’s a Baxandall circuit (sometimes called a James eq), named for James Baxandall who invented it.
  11. I love a Tekpik aluminium thingy. Properly aggressive tone and last forever.
  12. All hail custom gear. I think the only ‘shop bought’ on my board are the Dave Hall VT1 and a Donner envelope filter. I’ve just been playing about with a clone of a small clone so it does chorus, vibrato and a quasi flanger. When I started it the insides were all neat and tidy - less so now!
  13. Best solid state would have to be the SWR SM400. Could do anything I needed it to. I sold it as I could never seem to get the sound I had in my head at gigs, although it was amazing DIed - turns out it was the cab that I had at the time. Should have kept it.
  14. Yup. Best upgrade to my ageing late 2011 MacBook Pro was a solid state drive. Honestly, it's like night and day!
  15. “Nw I guess I’ll have to tell ‘em That I got no cerebellum” Joey Ramone’s finest, courtesy of ‘Teenage Lobotomy’.
  16. Muse - The Resistance (well, it came on 2 pieces of vinyl).
  17. Amen!! beaches Brew or Live Evil get top billing for me. Outstanding.
  18. I know we‘ve had ‘Isolation’ by Joy Division, but what about ‘Transmission’? ’Epidemic’ by Slayer
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