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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Indeed; my brother-in-law (who is dyslexic) and my friend from music college (who is Dyscalculic) would argue this point at length.
  2. Björk, Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughan and Aretha Franklin for me.
  3. Yep. IMO the Paradriver is the best thing Tech21 has ever made.
  4. Sage advice for most situations.
  5. Or maybe they grow, up realise that they're wasting their lives and have a good, long look at themselves in the mirror before deciding to be better people. Oh, right, I think I misinterpreted your post...
  6. A Rickenbacker bass. They look AMAZING and sound superb, but I've played a few (borrowed various ones for studio sessions) and never found one that was anywhere near comfortable enough to drop £1500 on one.
  7. I’d be charging the singer for mic hire at every gig, otherwise you’re just enabling them.
  8. I’d have that!! I’m not even in a metal band anymore but that’s FIT!!
  9. Look at that neck joint, is it MDP...? 😄
  10. I only *play* one at once, does that count?
  11. Same as anything in this life: buy cheap, buy twice.
  12. I used to play the mandolin, but my kids broke it years ago and I haven’t bought a replacement. Maybe one day I’ll get back into it. I’m quite handy on the recorder too. Not that that’s any use to anyone ☹️
  13. $500 for bringing a fretless, then dismissed for playing above the first octave. On second thoughts I’d just stay in bed.
  14. That’s very altruistic of you, what a nice guy!!
  15. Have we had Guy Pratt’s output on Pink Floyd’s “Pulse” yet? A master class in supportive playing, and choosing a tone/bass to suit the song.
  16. Extended range basses are perfect for certain situations; doubling synth bass lines in the 80s would have been much more difficult without being able to go lower than E. Horses for courses.
  17. Scott Thunes on Zappa’s ‘Broadway the Hardway’ album. Great, meaty tone that cuts through the mix and nice, tight playing too.
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