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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. I started giving this some thought, then realised I don't really care and it’s none of my business. Here’s Tom with the weather.
  2. Agreed, I’ve got a Vintage SG copy and it’s super comfortable to play and sounds great. ps, say hi to Mark and Tony for me.
  3. that’s gotta be *really* heavy though!!
  4. I don’t worry about the weight of a bass since I bought a springy neoprene strap; MUCH more comfortable!!
  5. SX are another brand when you’re on the lookout for a really playable instrument on a budget.
  6. Anyone used one of these to drive a power amp into a bass cab? Just looking for a small, portable lightweight box for in-ear gigs that can occasionally do back line, depending on the venue.
  7. The input cap is C1 - stock value is 0.01uf (10nf), I’d crank it up to 0.1 (100nf); this is the component that determines how much low end goes into the circuit. Edit: because you’ve got a high value resistor before the cap (2M2 going to ground) forming half of the high pass filter (hpf) your ‘corner frequency’ is about 7Hz, try it as it is before changing it out. C2 is the 0.047uf that goes into the 4k7 resistor, then to the gain control. That might be ok as it is, but if you find that you’re losing too much low end, or that your distortion is a bit ‘fuzzy’ then increase the value of this cap, you can work up and experiment (I think the next value would be something like 0.068, then 0.1) C3 is a tiny cap, and shaves off all of the extreme, unpleasant noise that we don’t want amplified. You can leave that as is. The coupling cap is the 4.7uf polarised electrolytic after the opamp stage. That filters the audio signal so that we don’t have DC noise in the audio path. In guitar and bass pedals anything of that size (or bigger) is generally used for DC filtering -C6 and C7 are large values (relatively speaking) and do just that to the power supply input at ‘+9v (T)’. Your output cap is C5 and in this configuration is acting as half of a low pass filter (along with the10k resistor) so should be fine as is. then you’ve got a final clipping stage (the 3 diodes going to ground) before the master volume control. Depending on what you want to use it for then you can decrease the value of the gain pot; 500k is a LOT of filth! Hope this helps.
  8. Generally the input and output (first and last in the circuit) caps need doubling in value (47nf to 100nf) and depending on the circuit I’d do the coupling caps too. edit: there’s also a capacitor from pin 2 of the 741 opamp which connects to a 4k7 resistor, then to the ‘gain’ pot. the resistor sets the minimum signal level, so that when the gain knob is at zero you’re still allowing some signal to pass, and the capacitor before that helps to form a high pass filter for the drive circuit, I’d increase that too; doubling this cap value will drop the frequency by an octave
  9. Dog Days Are Over by Florence and the Machine
  10. Been revisiting Jamiroquai’s ‘Energency on planet Earth’ this week with Stuart Zender and Andrew Levy sharing bass duties. Awesome, awesome stuff.
  11. paul_5


    How did you manage to look at it long enough to photograph it, and not pick it up?
  12. Made using the fuzz dog pcb with an internal voltage doubler for increased headroom. treble, mid (switchable between 200Hz and 1:2kHz) and bass. Top row is gain and volume. £30 to you good people. SOLD
  13. SOLD. Made using the fuzz dog pcb with board mounted pots etc... 2 extra knobs Instead of the internal trim pots. Top row is the standard big muff ‘volume, tone & drive’ and the bottom row are diode blend, scoop etc... £40 to you good people. SOLD
  14. SOLD Having a bit of a clear out, so this is up for grabs: 1U 390W at 4 ohms per side power amp, will do 780W bridged into 8ohm. 1/4” unbalanced and XLR balanced inputs and outputs in Speakon connectors. I’ve used this as part of my live rug for 6 months and it’s never skipped a beat. Original tech specs are here: http://www.expertelectronic.co.th/new/สินค้า-281-soundtech_ps-802_power_amplifier_2_x_390_watts_.html it’s heavy, so would prefer buyer collection, as it will be quite expensive to post. SOLD
  15. I’ve pretty much always used effects. By far the ones I use the most are overdrive; I have 3 channels of varying degrees of filth on my board. Occasionally I’ll use chorus, but only on covers to replicate the recorded sound.
  16. God Gave Rock and Roll To You by KISS. Quite an interesting little intro that segues into mediocrity. And not in a good way.
  17. WRT the stacked knob wiring I’d put the one that you use the most on the top-it’s easier to get hold of that one on a gig.
  18. If I was having a master tone control then I think I’d have the 2 volumes on a single stacked knob and the tone control on its own.
  19. 2 stacked knobs with volume and tone for each pickup, just like the old Jazz basses used to.
  20. Do you have a separate preamp (sans amp or similar) that you can plug into the effects return socket? That will tell you if your power amp stage is working,and it’s just a bad / broken connection between the pre and the power stage. not sure if the di out on there is pre or post eq, if you can try it with another valve (12ax7) that would be the first thing I’d do.
  21. I know some players who regularly make massive foot cups when playing live, shall I give them a bell?
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