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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Strings, DI box, lead and picks. Why carry a small shop around with you?
  2. Tilt eq is really simple to make; dual gang potentiometer and a couple of caps. That’s a ‘cut only’ circuit, so you might need a recovery stage after that.
  3. Ah Lozz, that’s a real plopper, been there with wrist problems and had to keep on gigging. Hope it gets better soon. On the plus side, at least you got to see Sham69 for free!
  4. I love Ernie Ball Cobalt flats on my Precision; lovely thumps and still got enough to to bite when I need them too.
  5. paul_5


    Not even got knobs on the pots!!
  6. What, like this one? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F233376138426
  7. I disagree, you’ve fulfilled your part of the contract (verbal or otherwise). If venues don’t promote gigs properly then that’s their lookout.
  8. That’s not a gig, it’s a public rehearsal.
  9. Been playing my P with flats through a BJFE Blueberry o/d too; still a great thing to do!
  10. For me it’s Steely Dan; a band whose pedigree is without equal, but whose output is just utter shït. ymmv
  11. I agree wholeheartedly with the BC collective. Lead free solder? Wouldn’t have it in the house!!
  12. Bombproof Peavey amp, there’s a reason that rehearsal rooms use these!
  13. What people don’t realise is that it’s the rest of us ‘standing at the back’ that makes this guy look so good in comparison. You’re welcome - bass player inactivity is practically a public service really.
  14. and people were complaining at how bad DHA kit looked! At least Dave started with the right sized box.
  15. Me!!! Got EB cobalt flats on my P bass and regularly fire up myDHA VT2, great sound!
  16. I’ve always been quite partial to this from James:
  17. Ampeg B15 or SVT and 8x10. Fender Bassman Early Trace Elliot and 4x10
  18. Phono inputs and outputs mean it's probably designed to work at line level signals. Not really suitable for the comparatively small signal from a bass guitar. I could be wrong, but even if it passes signal then the signal to noise ratio will mean it has very limited applications for us low enders. Probably not very good for metal either.
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