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Everything posted by bucko

  1. Hi guys. Thanks for the advice. I got in touch with marshall,and they do have the speaker I need for the cab. Cheers.
  2. Looking for advice on this. I have a 300 watt 4 ohm eden nemesis nsp 2x10 cab with one of the speakers blown. Can anyone recommend where to get new speakers, or is it possible to get one original speaker instead of two new ones. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated as I haven't a clue on this,although someone did mention eminence speakers to me. I am from n.Ireland,is there anywhere over here I can go or do I have to order them from England. Many thanks .Sean.
  3. Hi there folks, anyone have any ideas on this. A while ago Ibought Nordstrand nj4se pickups.I had the bridge one put in my jazz 24,worked fine. The neck one put in my 62 reissue. All was fine until recently I wanted the two Nordys put in my 62 jazz. So had this done and now getting hum, even with pickups at same vol, hum only goes when I touch the strings or roll back the tone knob.This bass was quiet before with its stock pickups,Ive had it looked at by a guy who knows his stuff,he says its just jazz pickup hum although he shielded the bass and made it a bit quieter,but I am still getting some hum. Now these Nordys dont come cheap,although great tone but there supposed to be humcancelling. Now onto my Jazz 24,Ihad the original bridge pickup put back in and guess what,noise so bad I couldnt use it. So I ended up putting the 62 stock Jazz pickups into it. Now I get humming if Istand close to my amp or if I solo either pickup ,it only goes quiet when I have pickup select knob in the middle. I would be very grateful if anyone has any advice or input about this.These two great basses used to be quiet ,bad enough one humming but both is so frustrating. Many thanks. Sean
  4. Sorry but what is the cab ,is it 4 or 8 ohm and what is its wattage. thanks .
  5. [quote name='Bassist' post='1236030' date='May 18 2011, 05:40 PM']Similar but it looks a bit different......[/quote] Hi there, Could you give a bit more info on ohms and watts ,also weight of the cab. Cheers.
  6. Recently sold a cab to Shemeck. No probs. Top bloke to deal with.
  7. Great guy to deal with. I bought a cab off him and had it a couple of days later through courier,well wrapped no probs.EXCELLENT.
  8. [quote name='bigevilman' post='1110860' date='Feb 1 2011, 12:22 PM']After umm'ing and ahhh'ing for god knows how long, I've decided to part with my nemesis cabs and go ultra 'compact' and head for a barefaced cab. [attachment=70638:IMG_0405.JPG] The reason isn't due to dislike of the nemesis sound, it couldn't be further from the truth. The cabs sound amazing coupled with my WT800, I get complemented about the sound quite often (which is always nice, as it makes up for the naff playing ). The reason I'm changing is because I'm just after a smaller rig - simple enough, but until I downgrade my eden head (may get the WT400 eventually), I want a powerful, lightweight 8ohm cab (hence the barefaced compact ). Enough about that, on to the cabs! [b][u]The 2x10's[/u][/b] [attachment=70639:IMG_0411.JPG] [attachment=70640:IMG_0406.JPG] The 2x10's are both 4ohm cabs rated at 300w. The 2x10's have been gigged quite regularly within the last 18months, so there is the expected light carpet scuffing. I have used them for a variety of styles and they have always produced. The only downside to one of the cabs is that one of the handles has cracked, due to a idiot guitar playing standing on it when clambering over in the back on the van. The handle itself is still reliable and strong, its more of a aesthetic issue. [attachment=70641:IMG_0414.JPG] Heres the specification for the 2x10's:- Nemesis NSP210 Bass Cabinet Specifications: * Tweeter: T2004 * Speakers: 2 x ES 1040XL8 * Crossover: 3kHz @12 dB * Power Handling: 300W RMS * Frequency Response: 35Hz - 18kHz ±2dB * Sensitivity: 102dB SPL@1W1M * Impedance: 4 ohms * Dimensions: 24-3/4"W x 16-1/4"H x 16-1/4"D * Weight: 40 lbs. * Inputs: 1/4 Jack and Speak-on These are [b]£160 plus postage[/b] for the normal cab, and [b]£150 plus postage[/b] for the one with the cracked handle. [b][u]The 15[/u][/b] [attachment=70642:IMG_0417.JPG] I've had this cab since November, with the intention of replacing the speaker with a 4 ohm cab so I could run a 2x10 with it. Unfortunately, Xmas, MOTs and the girlfriend seemed to get in the way . This cab is in great cosmetic condition. Although I never got to gig with it, I used it at various practices and was as pleased as I was with the 2x10's. It kept up with the rest of the band volume-wise(2 guitarists and a drummer) as well as retaining a decent quality tone. Here's the spec:- * Tweeter: T2004 * Speakers: ES15608 * Crossover: 3kHz @12 dB * Power Handling: 250W RMS * Frequency Response: 38Hz - 18kHz ±2dB * Sensitivity: 100dB SPL@1W1M * Impedance: 8 ohms * Dimensions: 24-3/4"W x 17-1/4"H x 16-1/4"D * Weight: 32 lbs. * Inputs: 1/4 Jack and Speak-on I'm after [b]£120 plus postage[/b] for this one. Local pickup is ok (obviously with prior arrangement) or I can deliver up to 50 miles for fuel money. Any Q's don't be afraid to give me a holla yes....i just put a pirate face. Joe[/quote]
  9. Sale now agreed on this item, pending the usual.
  10. Hi Yeah that seems fair enough,sure see how much it costs and take it from there. Cheers.
  11. Hi Would you post 2x10 combo to N.Ireland. Cheers.
  12. Hi there. Is the pedal still for sale,also could you please tell me if it works well with an active bass. A lot of guys say their great,but I read somewhere their maybe not good with active basses. Many Thanks.
  13. Hi there. Yes cab is still for sale,cheapest to get it sent to Uk I could find is £40.Although Ido play in London from time to time.So if you are interested I can find out when I will be over again,and Icould take cab with me cutting out courier charge.Many thanks.
  14. Shergold, thanks again for your advice on this. Adding another combo seems the best move,although old story money is tight and Im trying to sell a Markbass 115 standard hr 400 watt 8 ohm cab ,not getting used.Gigs have started to get less and less at the minute.But keep me posted if you decide to sell your 115 combo. once again thank you for taking time and your info. Cheers bigtime.
  15. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='1095543' date='Jan 19 2011, 07:41 PM']I assume you have the single 15" speaker version of the combo? Adding a 4 ohm cab will give you a total of 12 ohms load, and a 2 ohm cab a total of 10. It's the combo that controls the wiring to the extension cab. It adds in series whatever is the nominal value for the particular extension cab being added. To get a 4 ohm load - the amp section is capable of delivering into a 4 ohm load, the extension jack on the combo would have to be rewired. This is not as straightforward as it may seem, as the jack has additional components - or so I'm led to believe. Any decent techie should be able to work out what is going on and rewire to parallel. Adding an 8 ohm cab would then get you the 4 ohms. Hope this helps. [/quote] Thanks for that bit of info Shergold,as Idont know much regarding ohms etc. Sorry Ishould have said its the 2x10 version I have. Cheers.
  16. To add say a 4 ohm ext cab to my Nemesis nc 250 combo,does ext cab have to be wired in series as the speaker ext output is wired in series,or can I use a parrallel wired cab?.Also would it be safe to use a 2 ohm cab to get close to using full wattage from the combo. Many thanks,if anyone can give me advice on this.
  17. [quote name='bucko' post='1083945' date='Jan 10 2011, 09:37 AM']Thanks Bassbunny,I will keep this in mind if I need to get some cardboard.[/quote] bump
  18. [quote name='BassBunny' post='1082211' date='Jan 8 2011, 03:32 PM']i tried all the obvious ones and none will do it. Incidently you don't necessarily have to have a box to fit the cab in. If you have a local Bike shop, get a couple of the cartons bikes come shipped in and "wrap" the cab in the cardboard. I have done this a few times and it works well.[/quote] Thanks Bassbunny,I will keep this in mind if I need to get some cardboard.
  19. [quote name='MartyBRebelMC' post='1081808' date='Jan 8 2011, 09:16 AM']where abouts in the country are you?[/quote] Iam based in N.Ireland. Shipping to UK costs £40. This is with D P D couriers. If anyone knows a cheaper one,or can give me some info on where to get cardboard boxes this big to put cab into I would be very grateful. Thanks
  20. [quote name='bucko' post='1077207' date='Jan 4 2011, 12:35 PM']bump[/quote] bump
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