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Posts posted by barkin

  1. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1451158305' post='2938623']
    I have had a loading bar or sometimes two or three across the screen when using the mobile site for ages, have to click round it but it's something that never went after the last upgrade. Any idea how to get rid of it, see attached screen shot!!

    I've had that too, for ages. A refresh usually fixes it.

  2. [quote name='Alec' timestamp='1450187491' post='2930362']

    Well, while I don't know...
    To test this out, rather than just guessing...

    Who's guessing...?

    [quote name='Alec' timestamp='1450187491' post='2930362']
    ... plug unconnected cables into both the send and return jacks - I suspect there will be no break in the signal chain, which would tell you that this is a parallel loop. If you lose signal, then it is indeed a serial effects loop (better known as an insert). Although I've never come across an effects send/return which doesn't work this way - although I never realised that for years, which eventually explained why some effects weren't working for me as desired... [/quote]

    Thanks for the teach-in, but I'm well aware of the difference.

    To be absolutely clear, the LH500 has a serial effects loop.

  3. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1448457458' post='2915566']
    See, PMT in Cambridge are generally lacking in the customer services dept,

    Can't say that's been my experience. I've bought quite a frw bits n bobs from there, and they've always been very friendly and helpful.
    Most recently I was after a Zoom G1on. The guy told me the price and, with no prompting from me, went away and looked up the cheapest online price and sold me it at that price.

    No complaints here.

  4. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1448037786' post='2912607']
    depends how much messing a bout you want to do, we play pubs mainly just use a Yamaha mixer amp http://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Yamaha-EMX512SC-Powered-Mixer/6JJ?origin=product-ads&campaign=PLA+Shop+-+GENERIC&adgroup=GENERIC&medium=vertical_search&network=google&merchant_id=1279443&product_id=8479d1&product_country=GB&product_partition_id=124394595679&gclid=CLWym5i4n8kCFYU_Gwod7hsPOQ
    and a couple of 15" Wharfdale Titans for vocals plus backline and that's it, the last gig we did some folk said we were too loud, takes us about an hour to set up then we're good to go, that includes a few lights.
    I've seen bands turn up with loads of gear, mic everything up, takes them ages, total overkill IMO

    We use the same powered mixer with a pair of Yamaha full range 15's on one channel for FOH, and 1 or 2 no name wedge monitors.
    We always put a bit of guitar and bass through it (for spread rather than volume) and it's always been more than loud enough for any pub or hall we've played.

    Used it this summer in a pub garden - bands in an open fronted marquee, audience in the garden. Usual set up, but with a bit of drums going through FOH (kick and single overhead mic) as well.
    As well as us, there was a classic rock/blues band and a soul/funk outfit as well, so I got to hear it out front. Sounded damned good, and loud enough to get the odd complaint from neighbours.

  5. I found the controls a bit confusing at first. Cut the mid, and the volume drops significantly I find, and some find them a bit mid-shy, but cutting the bass & treble and cranking the volume (which it certainly isn't lacking) works for me. And once I got the hang of it, it's dead simple.
    Talking of volume, get it past about 6 (1-2 o'clock) and it's like the afterburner's been switched on :)

    Love mine...

  6. [quote name='garyod7' timestamp='1446500800' post='2899920']
    ...my worry is that the 500/600w head I have now is powering 2 400w 8 ohm cabs and when you mention having more 'cab' - i still have more head power which leaves me open to over running at this point

    500W into 2 x 8Ohm cabs, the power will be split equally - 250W into each.

  7. [quote name='Chimike' timestamp='1443384272' post='2874323']
    These don't look like they used to be a 406 cab to me, looks more like a pair of 404s

    I wondered that at first, but I think my old 404 had 2 ports at the bottom of the front baffle?

  8. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1435934385' post='2813797']

    Combine it with a pair of these (cheap Chinese earphones that get top audiophile reviews):


    Very timely. I'm about to buy some new earbuds. Hadn't come across these before, but I'll give 'em a go.

    Cheers :)

  9. [quote name='paddy mcbride' timestamp='1435480845' post='2809062']
    The zoom r16 looks like a good option as does the zoom H2n.

    FWIW, I asked a (kinda) similar question [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/242497-zoom-r16-recording-a-band-with-built-in-mics-doable/page__view__findpost__p__2517861"]here[/url] - and apparently the R16 uses the same mic capsules as the H2

  10. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1432569732' post='2782775']
    For reasons I don't need to go into on here, is it possible/safe to use a powered desk if you use powered speakers?

    Just don't connect the (powered/active) speakers to the speaker outputs on the desk.

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