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Everything posted by barkin

  1. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1413385746' post='2577786'] I wonder if you could plumb in a second ext. cab? [/quote] Given that max. power is quoted @ 8 Ohms, and looking at the pictures, I'd say no.
  2. This makes me want to buy another Ashdown amp. If Kev doesn't want to take you up on this...
  3. Watching this with interest, as I'm thinking along similar lines. Have you actually got them?
  4. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1412116855' post='2565941'] Here's a recording from last night, it's a writing session and improvised so a bit sketchy [url="http://soundcloud.com/belowtheghost/toxic-pixie-dust-unfinished/s-md7zN"]http://soundcloud.co...inished/s-md7zN[/url] This is: sh*tty Rehearsal room Vocal mics on snare and kick, bass DI, guitar DI, stereo pair on R16 mounted close to the kit. [/quote] Thanks for posting that. If I can get anything near, I'll be a happy bunny. A bit more work to do, but at least I now know that what I want is definitely doable. Cheers.
  5. Is Stevenage too far? If it's not...I've not used him myself, but I've heard good reports for Terry Chapman at tjcguitars.com I think Lozz on here has had work done by him, so he might chip in here soon...
  6. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1412112957' post='2565893'] When I've needed to do this kind of thing I just hold a variety of drill bits next to the screws I want to drill a hole for and select the best match (in your case I suppose that's the width of the thread). [/quote] This. The holes aren't for the tugbar, or the scratchplate - they're for the screws !
  7. Also bear in mind that the LH500 is 4 Ohm minimum, so you won't be able to use 2 x 4 Ohm cabs.
  8. Funds? What are these "funds" you speak of...?
  9. [quote name='Sean' timestamp='1411898004' post='2563564'] I recorded our rehearsal this week with my recently acquired R16 (£133 on eBay) and it went well. Mics on snare and kick, bass DI from MXR M80, singer with second mic because we don't have a splitter, guitar through DI box. And the stereo pair recording the room. [/quote] I'm going to try something like this in the near future. I used just the onboard mics a couple of weeks ago, but the result wasn't very impressive I'm afraid. Loads of cymbals, snare and guitar, and not much of anything else. Could have perhaps got something better had I experimented with location of the unit and levels, but we were in a small (long, narrow) room and, as I mentioned before, we pay for the space/time and don't get the chance to get together as much as we'd like. Consequently it was a bit of a "finger in the air", set the R16 recording, and get on with then fun stuff - playing. More soon...
  10. I'm guessing the MAG200 is 200W...is that into a 4 Ohm load? if so, and the 4x10 is 8 Ohm, you could only be getting maybe 140-ish watts as it is. What speaker connections/markings are on it ? Add another (8 Ohm) cab, perhaps? Although, if it were me, I'd probably just sell it and get something with a bit more grunt.
  11. re: the HA5000 - each power amp will do 250W @ 4 Ohms, 170W @ 8 Ohms, so 2 x 4 Ohm cabs will be fine with one connecetd to each amp output. I've got both HA's and a LH500. While I like the HA amps, they're quite different to the LH. The HA's, to me, seem to have typical Hartke voicing best suited if you're after a bright modern sound. More versatile too, with the graphic, crossover etc. The LH500 just gives a lovely super clean, fat, warm valvey sound. Less knobs to fiddle with too The EQ can be confusing though, and can be a bit mid-shy so might not suit your cabs. And they're bloody loud.
  12. String gauges are usually measured in inches. A .174 string is 1/1000th of an inch (something like the thickness of a fag paper, perhaps) thinner than a .175
  13. [quote name='The Badderer' timestamp='1411761913' post='2562649'] before buying or spending any considerable amount of money have a think about, what sounds do you want to make? most people's standard advice is if you fancy using some effects but have no idea what, get a multi effects unit, there are many decent ones out there for not much money and then you'll find out if you're actually going to use them and what you're going to use them for and then you can think about what pedals to buy. [/quote] I did exactly that, and decided I didn't need or want to buy any more pedals (I already had a BDI21...)
  14. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1411760157' post='2562640'] .001 MM [/quote] Somewhat more than that, actually, but still not enough of a difference to be significant.
  15. A rehearsal place I use has one of these. It's been around the block several times by the look of it, but still sounds pretty sweet to me. I really like the Hartke HA heads (I've got two...), and this is really just a HA3500 head bolted onto a 4x10 cab. Beware though - the cab part is 4 Ohm, so it won't be able to drive an additional cab as well. Not that you'd really need to - these are pretty damned loud IME. The main downside, for me, would be the weight...over 100lbs.
  16. Perhaps I was a little harsh. I'm speaking, after all, of a sample size of one! But a large part of my disappointment was maybe because I was expecting, having never played one before - and going by things I'd read, to be wowed. And sound-wise, I probably could've been. Lots of options for pickups etc, and some really nice powerful sounds in there. And it looked really nice. And the hardware seemed nice too. And it was a very tempting price. And I'd got the OK from the Financial Controller... But I really couldn't get past the horrible fretwork on this particular example. If I'd bought it online, I'd have sent it back - no question. I fully accept that it's probably not typical of the brand/model, but my experience is what it is. There ya go - just thought I should expand a bit on my previous (rather terse) comment
  17. re: quality - having read lots of good stuff about them, on here and elsewhere, I tried one in PMT in Norwich a while back and was really disappointed. I wouldn't write 'em off completely, but from my experience I wouldn't buy one unseen/untried.
  18. I've gigged a Sue Ryder P too. And I've done 100's of gigs with a Westone Thunder, and more recently a Vintage V4 that I picked up from here for under a ton. If it plays OK, and makes a sound that you're happy with, what's the problem? As for those that say "it has to have the F word on the headstock" ... F 'em. As long as [i][b]I'm[/b][/i] happy playing it, I don't give a monkey's what anybody else might think.
  19. I don't really follow your description, but I'd guess it's attenuation in dB's, from zero (full on) to infinity (the 'double zero' - fully off)
  20. Yup - 40mm
  21. I'll check mine when I get home. I think it's 40mm
  22. Indeed, and I'd probably have had a quick squirt down the A1 myself - had I not just blown my spare cash on a BB...
  23. Bought some strings from Alan, in a dead straightforward & painless transaction. Cheers buddy.
  24. No tuning issues here, but I'll check out Graphtec. Thanks for the suggestion.
  25. No experience of the 5-ers, but I've played both the 424 and 1024. I'd been umming and aahing over a BB424 for a while, been into some shops and tried 'em, and thought they were great - especially given the price. But when I picked up a 1024 it just felt like an altogether better instrument...but for reasons that I couldn't quite put my finger on. I think the 10xx has slightly different hardware - bridge/saddles, possibly tuners...can't remember - and the nickel nut and spline jointed body, and different pickups. No big deal individually perhaps, but it somehow it all adds up to make the whole thing feel more "alive" and responsive. Soundwise...to me, the 1024 is more rounded and smoother - still a Rock Monster, but whereas the 424 could be a bit shouty and spikey at times, digging in and heavy pick playing with the 1024 can keep the in-your-face aggressiveness but with a bit more weight and authority. Don't get me wrong - I'm not knocking the 424 - I think they're fantastic, and I'm thinking seriously about getting one. The individual differences aren't great, but ISTM that a number of small improvements add up to the 1024 being an instrument that's overall quite a big step up. The 5-ers could be altogether different though...
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