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Everything posted by barkin

  1. Yup - I had some of Rich's lovely thumbtests as well. Very pleased with 'em. Cheers Rich...top job.
  2. FWIW, for a small vocal only PA in pubs etc, we use a Yamaha EMX powered mixer. Great bit of kit IMO.
  3. I'm now the owner of Adam's Zoom R16, after a super smooth transaction. Couldn't be happier. Cheers.
  4. I posted about this on 14th Feb in the 'search engine aggro' thread. No response, so I assumed it was just me...
  5. Whereabouts in Cambs are you? I've not used him myself, but I've heard good things of Terry Chapman in Stevenage. /edit/ tjcguitars.com
  6. I kinda like the black, but with the rw fingerboard it sorta looks like they forgot to paint the headstock. IMO, YMMV etc...
  7. I remember your problems, but ISTM that the OPs problem here is with the retailer, hence my previous post. Does that retailer sell Yamaha/Aguilar/QSC/whatever ? If they do, and could conceivably balls up a warranty repair/replacement of a.n.other brand in the same way (after all, any brand can, and do, have failures) should we boycott those brands too ?
  8. I think you've misread the situation.
  9. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1393415269' post='2379879'] Barkin - 486 trade for some rests if you want? [/quote] Cheers Rich - let me confirm, then we can work something out. Might be a few days though - laid up with a bad back at the mo', but as soon as I can walk again...
  10. Good stuff Rich ! I think I'd prefer less of a chamfer. That way, if it's not enough I can let rip with the sandpaper I'll have 2 mate - plus one of the ali ones. ps - think I've found a 486, if you're still looking?
  11. I'd put it between bass & amp.
  12. Yeah - was a shame. I'd still look at another in the future though. But disappointing nonetheless - I'd got the nod from The Financial Controller as well...!
  13. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1392845293' post='2373537'] Can only second the G&L Tribute motion. [/quote] Hmm...I keep reading this, but I'd not had my grubby paws on one until last weekend. Perhaps I just happened upon a bad 'un, but I was very disappointed - the fretwork especially I thought was poor, and overall it just felt cheap to me. I didn't bother plugging it in... At that kinda price point, I'd take a Tanglewater any day.
  14. It's black plastic that I'm really after, but I could use a single ali one. Cheers,
  15. I've a Gator 2U ABS case that, I'm pretty certain, would take a 450mm amp OK. It's bigger than I need, so I'd be up for a trade for a shallow one...
  16. The search feature doesn't work properly, for me, on the mobile site (iPhone). When I select a forum to search, then press 'done', the 'search in forum' reverts to blank. Noticed this a while ago, and seeing this thread just prompted me to mention it...
  17. Yup - I'd have 3 or 4.
  18. When I bought some Schaller-type (but not Schaller) strap locks for my Tanglewater, I didn't bother with the strap button bit. The ones there were almost (as near as makes no difference) exactly the same size/shape.
  19. [quote name='sam-davies' timestamp='1391507838' post='2357811'] Has anyone seen RHCP live? I haven't and am wondering whether it's worth it if the opportunity comes around. [/quote] Not seen 'em myself - not really my cuppa tea - but a drummer mate, who's a fan, saw them at Knebworth a couple of years ago. Underwhelming was how he described it.
  20. Might have something...I've a load more crap in the loft that I haven't looked at yet. Drop me a PM to jog my memory - I'll take a look at the weekend if I get chance.
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1390859344' post='2350667'] The one on the left is a voltage selector plug and the one on the right is an impedance selector plug. They are the same - a voltage/impedance plug. [/quote] That told me, dinnit It's for an impedance selector...just wondered if they were called anything in particular. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1390859344' post='2350667'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MARSHALL-VOX-AC30-VOLTAGE-SELECTOR-PLUG-LINK-4-VALVE-GUITAR-AMP-/360846675106"]http://www.ebay.co.u...P-/360846675106[/url] [/quote] Thank you Sir! /edit/ Bargain ! Jeez...
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1390857683' post='2350612'] What, you mean the powerCON socket? [/quote] Going off on a bit of a tangent, does anybody know what those 2 connectors/plug thingys are, either side of the plate in the middle, in the rear view pic? I need one for my old Carlsbro TC60, and haven't a clue what to search for...
  23. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1390833334' post='2350008'] ...he has neglected the issues bands face, and the what the venues can be doing to encourage audiences into them and keep them coming back, [/quote] Yup. I don't know the venues mentioned, but as I get older I find the thought of an evening out standing on a floor that threatens to consume me from the feet upwards, drinking flat lager from a plastic "glass", and schlepping through an inch of piss to relieve myself, less and less appealing.
  24. PM's replied to... ...and gone.
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