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Everything posted by barkin

  1. The clearout continues... Fishtank going begging, if somebody wants to collect it. Juwel - 31inches long/wide, 15 inches high, 12 inches deep. No leaks, so it'd be OK for fish, or reptiles etc. Complete with hood, lights, pump/filter, thermostats etc. Even got some gravel... I decided to run it down a couple of years ago, and when the last fish popped its clogs I switched it all off. It's been sat a while with water in it, so it'd need a good clean, descale etc before using it again. Although it was all working before, I can't guarantee that it'll all work if it's switched back on again now, but I could check things out if anybody's interested. Collect from SG8 postcode, or I could meet up/deliver if it's not too far...Cambridge, Stevenage... It's going to the tip if nobody wants it.
  2. Bought some pickups from Paul. What can I say...great comms, arrived well packed and in double quick time. A splendid transaction. Thanks matey.
  3. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1390226176' post='2342778'] The PSU is supplying the standby power, as indicated by a motherboard LED being on, but the power switch is doing nothing. I've re-seated the various connectors but no luck. [/quote] I've a HP desktop that does something like that. It's fine as long as it's connected to a mains socket that's switched on. But if it loses its mains supply - a power cut, for example - it won't turn on with the switch. The LED on the PSU flashes, in time with something clicking inside. I can get around it by pulling the power connector from the motherboard, then reconnecting it while holding the on/off switch in which starts it, and it's all fine again until next time the mains goes off. Anyhoo - all these highly collectables are still here, but only 'till the weekend...
  4. Whatever takes your fancy. Thick red Dunlop XL Jazz III's for me. (3mm?) I use Rotosound strings as well...!
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1389870040' post='2338806'] Problem is one of employing people on minimum wage then putting them under extreme pressure. You can't expect a decent service under those conditions. Driving jobs are [i]extremely [/i]stressful. It's pot luck all round, really. Any delivery firm will have a certain percentage of damaged or undelivered parcels - usually in the minority, so you just have to hope to hell that yours isn't one of them. [/quote] This pretty much sums it up, IMO. I think I've had OK service from all of those mentioned above as being troublesome. The only problem I've had was with Yodel. Waited in for a delivery, checked online tracking at lunchtime which said the delivery had been attempted...card left. I was home all day, and no card was left. To cut a long story short, I ended up making a 40 mile drive to the 'local' depot to collect it myself a week later, where I was told that they'd had lots of problems with that particular driver, and he'd been sacked.
  6. Hmm...just seen your other post. Are you thinking of changing cabs, amp or both ? What do you feel's missing from your current setup ?
  7. Horses for courses, I reckon. I tried a Shuttle 6 something, amongst others, when I was last looking at amps, and ended up buying an LH500.
  8. Not a 1210, but there's a 1212 for sale on here at the moment.
  9. Over to you FF. I've nothing here as modern as P2/P3 that I'm getting rid of - I can still make use of cutting edge stuff like that...
  10. Hadn't thought of that...cheers. Screens...got some of those as well
  11. No problem - carry on. I've a feeling I'll be taking a carload or two to the dump anyway - a motherboard more/less is neither here nor there
  12. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1389894214' post='2339265'] A quick look online reveals that the internal speaker is disconnected when the extension socket is used, so it's likely it's already fitted with a 4 ohm speaker. [/quote] FWIW laney.co.uk says, for the current RB2: Speaker connections - 1 jack (8 Ohms) But the picture in the manual doesn't show a speaker connection for an external speaker... I found a manual online for an older version of the RB2, which does show an external speaker connection and also states that the internal speaker is disconnected when an external speaker is connected, and that the min. impedance is 4 Ohms.
  13. Clearing out the man-cave...this lot's got to go. I'd be surprised if anybody wants this stuff, but just thought I'd offer it up here before it goes to the [s]dump[/s] recycling centre... A big pile of old PC's - all were working fine when they were retired. 1 X IBM PS/2 model 30-286 2 x IBM PS/2 model 35 1 X IBM PS/2 model 56 (also have another of these, but the PSU is knackered) 1 X IBM PS/2 model 57 [edit - might also be a couple of mod 76/77's in there as well] In addition, I've a large box of PS/2 specific odds & sods...speaker assemblies, hard drive mountings, cables etc, and some floppy drives...including some 2.88MB ones. I've also a handful of generic 386/486/Pentium PCs - some were working, some have been canibalised to varying degrees. Plus loads of various old add-on cards: ISA bus modems, sound cards, NIC's etc, and a handful of small IDE and SCSI hard drives...40MB, 100MB etc. I'm SG8 postcode, roughly midway between Cambridge & Stevenage, so collection from there, or I could deliver/meet up if it's not to far.
  14. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1389874834' post='2338895'] To answer your question: [/quote] I've already replied to that, and it doesn't
  15. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1389871297' post='2338836'] If I may ask another question here, if the OP were to fit a 40w speaker, it would be slightly less loud, but am I right that the amp is less likely to blow the speaker? [/quote] Assuming similar tone & efficiency, why would a 40w driver be less loud than a 30W one ? (I doubt that a 30W amp has a 30W speaker...)
  16. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1389827792' post='2338511'] Nope its more about ohms and driver efficiency. Putting in a higher wattage speaker may in fact make it quieter as your amp could be (and probably is) too weedy to drive it fully. [/quote] Really? Surely that'd be entirely dependant on the efficiency, rather than the wattage rating per se?
  17. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1389440180' post='2334126'] I don't like any shop that has no 'real world' contact name, location, address or even telephone number shown on their website. [/quote] I thought that providing (at least some of) those was a legal requirement... BICBW
  18. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1388950074' post='2328046'] I had a Vintage Jaco fretless - fabulous instrument with a delightful neck. I've also had a couple of their V4 P copies and both were on the button build-wise. The Wilkinson hardware is quality. [/quote] As the current owner of one of Geoff's old V4's, I'd agree with this.
  19. FWIW I've a Peavey Royal 8. Stock, it sounded a bit boxey and harsh, but running it through a separate cab fitted with an old Celestion G10-60 completely transforms the sound. Cheap as chips too, and lots of modding info out there.
  20. http://www.vintagehofner.co.uk/britamps/watkins.html
  21. No expert, but I'm sure the bass version differed only in its speaker size. There were numerous different versions of the Dominator though... I used to have a Power Musette (basically a Dominator - Mk3 I think - by another name) and played bass through it with no ill effects. ISTR it sounding quite nice for bass, as long as the knobs were kept within the limitations of a 70's guitar speaker. Great guitar amp though.
  22. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1387879105' post='2316660'] Lastly, does anyone have any tips for cleaning up the brass bridge ? [/quote] Recently did just that on my old Thunder 1, although it was much worse than yours to start with. I took it off (string saddles as well) and soaked them in coca cola for a couple of days. Then a good rinse, and polished first with T-cut. Used a stiff toothbrush to get into the nooks & crannies and knurling on the control knobs. Then finished with a car polish - Auto Glym something or other. Worked a treat and looks good, although it's starting to dull a bit so I guess it'll need re-doing from time to time. Yours looks great, BTW.
  23. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1387290365' post='2310290'] Incidentally, I have yet to take my GT100 anywhere near full volume playing pub gigs ... just saying. [/quote] Ditto...my Carlsbro TC60
  24. Saw them a few times, in the 80's I guess. While I remember enjoying them, my lasting memory is that, on every occasion, they were staggeringly loud.
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