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Everything posted by barkin

  1. If the punters are OK with it, and you get what you want/need from it, does it really matter what anybody else thinks?
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1380702708' post='2229030'] The whole technique thing is getting tired now. Unless you are playing technical music for a living, no one cares anyway. [/quote] I disagree, quite strongly, but each to his own. I returned to playing bass about 4 years ago, after a break of some 8 years. I thought I was doing OK, until i was forced to offload my gear from the '80s in favour of some modern lightweight cabs. These are in a different league in terms of clarity & transparency, and it was quickly apparent that my technique and playing was a lot more sloppy than I thought. I think I'm a far better player now as a result.
  3. More pictures would be good.
  4. Mmm...I thought this was a special edition in the 'standard' range, so in between the Affinity & VM ?
  5. Have you tried removing the speaker, rotating it 90 degrees and screwing it back in?
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1380376198' post='2224461'] I'd gladly contribute to a communal hot tub. But we need to sort out some rules first. [/quote] Rules? Spoilsport!
  7. Thanks for your input folks - much appreciated. Had another quick look (working from home today...!) Nothing obvious that I can find. Done the usual - wiggling/tapping things etc - and none of the components show any obvious signs of damage. It's got what appears to be a sealed unit called a '21st Century Module' on it too. Not being my amp, I don't know if that only works on that channel - and being a guitarist, he doesn't know either... so I guess it's possible the problem lies there. TBH I don't think it's worth spending any more time/effort/money on it, and I've now noticed a loud pop from the speaker when it's turned on. At least it's now got one channel working, so I think I'll just give it back as it is, and suggest he looks out for a new amp sooner rather than later. Cheers,
  8. Cheers - I've got it here now. Impressive bit of carpentry - must weigh about the same as my car! A quick squirt of Servisol in the pots, jack sockets, switches etc, and channel 2 seems to be working fine. (the distortion's pretty crappy, but clean with my Strat sounds surprisingly nice) Channel 1 is rather sick though - effects send, into another amp, gives no output at all unless the onboard compressor's turned right up, when it gives a very low output that's very distorted. So it looks like the ch1 preamp stage is knackered. I'll have another poke at the weekend...
  9. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1380205941' post='2222308'] A few minutes of drizzle will do little more than make some surfaces wet. Anything more then I think I'd be packing things away. There will always be better opportunities to play. How many will be in the wet watching? [/quote] Did a gig last summer, in a kind of open fronted cricket pavillion. We we nice and dry, but it was pouring and all the punters were drenched. Never underestimate the waterproofing properties of strong cider!
  10. Mmm...seems it's just me then!
  11. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1380126654' post='2221243'] When I said 3 versions, I was meaning of the 1a really, as that's what mine is. I'll edit my previous post to make it clearer. I've been highly tempted by a Thunder II recently. Just a bit too pricey for my budget though ... http://www.whitstableguitars.co.uk/1981westonethunderiibass.htm [/quote] Ah - yes, I see that now. That T2 looks very nice - don't think I'd pay that much for one though. The refinish on yours looks great. I've thought about doing something similar to my T1, but always decided against it. I've had it for 30 years and, tatty as it is, it still plays great and feels kinda part of me as it is.
  12. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1380112490' post='2220940'] There were 3 versions of the THunders I think. v1 had the brass nut and bridge and traditional P pickup, V2 lost the brass nut. V3 added the different pickup (also nearer the bridge) and a big, chunky cast bridge instead of the brass Fender-esque bridge. THey are all great basses as far as I can tell, but V3 has rather a different character to the other 2. [/quote] There were at least 4 Thunders. 1, 1a, 2 & 3 Thunder 1 was passive. Mine has brass bridge & nut. I've seen one with a plastic (or bone, possibly) nut, but that could've been non-original. The 1a was active. There were at least three different itterations of the 1A - 2 different P style pickups, or a Magnabass. I think the later ones, with the Magnabass pickup, had chrome bridges rather than brass. The 2's and 3's were all active and AFAIK all had 2 pickups and thru neck. Corrections welcome...
  13. [quote name='Raggy' timestamp='1380027403' post='2219696'] Am looking for £750 for the stack, I could split if I can find a buyer for both. [/quote] Individual prices?
  14. I use a small vice/clamp gadget, that clamps onto the edge of a table or workbench. Like this http://www.maplin.co.uk/helping-hands-with-magnifier-4017. But different.
  15. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1379934342' post='2218321'] Can you add a tweeter to the Super Compact? [/quote] Not according to the link Alex posted earlier.
  16. Whoops - stupid iPhone posted twice...
  17. I'm really rather miffed at not being able to make this.
  18. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1379412857' post='2212265'] I'd suggest that anyone who is regularly spending money abroad checks out a specialised credit card---something like Halifax Clarity Card or Capital One Classic Extra. [/quote] I use a couple of FairFX pre-pay debit cards - one Euro and one US dollar - which work for me, and the exchange rate always seems to be better than regular 'tourist' rates elsewhere. Handy for travelling abroad, as well as buying from overseas.
  19. No single, easy answer. Depends if, and how much, your DC/CC charges for foreign currency transactions.
  20. I just tried mine with the preamp valve removed, and it didn't work. So yes
  21. It's on my reading list - cheers.
  22. A guitarist mate has one of these, but it no longer works. Apparenly it appears to power up, but he gets nothing from the speaker. Not much to go on, I know. He'll be bringing it over in the next couple of days, so I'm wondering if amybody knows of these 70's beasts - any common problems, internal fuses that might have popped - that kind of thing? Cheers.
  23. Sorry for the tardy reply - don't know how I missed this Thanks for the offer Tommorichards...very kind of you, but no longer required. I was looking for a cheap 5-er just to see how I got on, but following a chat with the bass player in a band I saw last night (who I kinda know to speak to but not somebody I'd have called a mate) I've got a Yammy on the way on 'borrow it for as long as you like' terms I guess this is a bump...
  24. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1379338872' post='2211415'] Cambridge --> Addlestone/Chertsey for a BassBash would certainly be a show of devotion! You may find that there are two, perhaps three, BassBashes which are held closer to you ... [/quote] I really only put Cambridge (ish) as my location as people tend to know where that is, and i'm in Cambridge a lot. I'm actually 2 mins from the A1 jcn10 and, M25 traffic permitting, could be there in just over an hour. That's not too far for A Grand Day Out in my book...the chance to see/hear Mikes Acoustic rig - maybe my old 404 if he's taking that. And somebody's taking a Matamp apparently Nah - I'd only come home with another Compact, that I want but don't need, in the passenger seat!
  25. The volume control, on mine at least, isn't at all linear. The volume really takes off from about 6 upwards. Below that there's lots of control at lower volume. From what I've read, they're all like that, but don't take my word for it...
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