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Everything posted by barkin

  1. This all sounds great, and I'd love to come along, but apparently I'm busy - moving MissB to uni or something...
  2. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1379328774' post='2211224'] I'd have no problem with the scenario you've described as a buyer, providing there had been excellent communication between both parties, which is usually where the problems start with stuff like this. [/quote] Yup - agree with this, good comms is the key. I'd be fine in this scenario, as long as the seller kept me updated.
  3. I've one of each
  4. Dammit - I'm the best part of 200 miles away If you'd post it, I'd have it...
  5. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1379084444' post='2208519'] I just bought a Hartke Kilo from Thomann and they added an extra £23 for transaction or currency fee. No mention of this on their web page. Still far cheaper than anywhere else though and they are a very reliable and reputable company that i do like dealing with. Amp was knackered so hope i get the full amount refunded incl the £23. Not holding much hope for that. Dave [/quote] I think you'll find it wasn't Thomann who added the transaction fee, but your bank or credit card company, and I wouldn't expect Thomann to mention it on their site, as they don't know how much it'll be - or even if a charge will be made.
  6. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1379071228' post='2208331'] Absolutely - I've had several "freebies" simply through taking a few minutes to review stuff I've bought. What I don't quite get though, is what they do with the reviews. Are they actually visible on the website anywhere ? [/quote] [quote name='mart' timestamp='1379077690' post='2208443'] They say they are, but I've never been able to find them! They must be building up a secret dossier somewhere. [/quote] Ah - glad it's not just me...
  7. It depends on the top level domain. For some .uk domains (eg .co.uk, but check Nominet for chapter and verse) you can only opt-out if you're a private individual, as opposed to a business. Some registration agents offer the choice at sign-up. [url="http://www.nominet.org.uk/uk-domain-names/about-domain-names/domain-lookup-whois/opt-out"]http://www.nominet.o...p-whois/opt-out[/url] The rules for other TLDs are different. I don't think you can opt out of the WHOIS for IANA maintained gTLDs - eg .com, .net, .org and some others. One way around that it to register the domain via a proxy, so that a WHOIS lookup shows their details rather than yours (which can lead to a whole different can of worms...do you actually own the domain etc)
  8. Registering and administering your own domain/s is pretty straightforward nowadays, but I'd still recommend doing some homework first. Take a look around at lots of different providers of the service - some offer standard features that may not be available with others, or may be a chargeable option. Will you be needing a hosting package as well as simple domain name registration? Do the available hosting options provide eg the email functionality the you need? etc. Of course there's no need to buy domain registration and hosting from the same provider, but it could be cheaper, or simply make billing and account management easier...or any number of other reasons for/against. FWIW, I use tsohost.co.uk
  9. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1379068542' post='2208282'] But yes, do review the bass, and anything else you've bought lately - I just got a free iRig and ampstand, paid for by the reviews I put up there. [/quote] Absolutely - I've had several "freebies" simply through taking a few minutes to review stuff I've bought. What I don't quite get though, is what they do with the reviews. Are they actually visible on the website anywhere ?
  10. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1378804165' post='2204734'] Maybe if you're playing the NEC or Wembley or somewhere. Personally (no one take offence pleeeeeease), I just find the whole thing about wireless when you're playing pubs or clubs totally ridiculous and a bit silly . [/quote] No offense taken Strangely, perhaps, I find small pub gigs - the ones where everybody's on top of each other - can benefit enormously from going wireless. No more treading on each others leads and getting tangled up. And if you're doing your own sound, it's sooo much easier to wander out front and hear for yourself how things sound. Mine was bought used from here, for the price of a couple of decent long leads, and has been totally reliable for me.
  11. [quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1378821900' post='2205102'] Which TC head you guys talking about? If is the BH500 is a loud head in my opinion. [/quote] Yes - I was referring to my experience with the BH500.
  12. That TC amp was one that I looked at before I settled on my current rig. I liked the features - Tubetone, tuner, compressor, presets - but while it sounded great at lowish volumes, I felt that it ran out of steam and got a bit 'flubby' at war volumes. Could have been the TC BC cabs though... I went for one of your other choices in the end - the LH500. It's EQ, while very simple (3 knobs) can be a bit odd at first, but once you've figured it out it's very loud, with a lovely fat punchy sound and loads of clean headroom. despite the valve preamp, I've never managed to get even a tiniest hint of grit/grind/distortion. With quality cab/s you can crank the volume all you like - it stays clean & fat, and just gets louder & louder until the police arrive! Currently using it with a Barefaced Compact, and I'm REALLY happy. You're welcome to try it if you're anywhere near me.
  13. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1378558547' post='2201808'] Hartke cab and head main reason - best value decent rig going imho [/quote] Hartke here too - LH500 and HA2500
  14. I check the gigs forum regularly, but if I see a gig 160 miles away I seldom bother to look beyond the thread title. The number of 'views' doesn't necessarily reflect the number who've seen the ad.
  15. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1378382394' post='2199391'] Apparently we bass players are a miserable bunch who enjoy arguments! [/quote] No we're not!
  16. That's a bugger I've played a Kilo - great amp IMO, and one I'd like to own. If it's any consolation, I've first hand experience of Thomanns returns process and I really couldn't fault it.
  17. And I see now that it's in the OP. Should'a gone to Specsavers...!
  18. FWIW that's what I thought as well. I saw a great band last weekend - the bass player had a very odd technique. Played with a pick, but only used upstrokes. Looked bloody hard work to me, but he sounded great. Technique? F*** it!
  19. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1378159897' post='2196570'] I thought as much. How's it holding up? [/quote] Alright thanks matey. I don't use it all that often, but when I do it does the job
  20. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1378158736' post='2196544'] Mine was fine too when I had it. [/quote] That'll be the one
  21. I've got one too. Works fine for what it is - never had any problems with it since I bought it used from here
  22. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1377971588' post='2194281'] ...but I'd have thought TE had the market cornered in the 80s. [/quote] Depends on which circles you moved in, perhaps? It's all a bit of a hazy memory now I'm afraid, but I don't recall seeing much TE stuff in the early '80s. Late '80s lots of the players I knew wanted a TE rig, but not many actually had one.
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