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Posts posted by barkin

  1. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1375818635' post='2166183']
    Ive only just learnt that OLP were a company in their own right....they made budget copies of other musical instruments.

    Hmm...I've always thought that they were officially licensed by EB/MM to build thier budget 'Stingrays'

  2. [quote name='Dave_the_bass' timestamp='1376076764' post='2169562']
    I classify myself as a solid player.


    To me I'm as good as I need to be. I look at videos posted by members and other virtuoso players and "wow, by comparison I can barely even play" then I remember that I have a wife, a family, a full time job and a social life. If I wanted to sacrifice other aspects of my life and dedicate time to it then I could probably be as good as anyone, but, I'm good enough for me.

    A very good point.

    If I'm honest, I'd have to say that I was a considerably better player 25 years ago, when i could afford to invest far more time in proper practice than the odd snatched half hour that's all I seem to manage these days.

  3. Different strokes for different folks, and all that, but...I tried a BH250 before I bought my LH500!

    Depends how loud you need, I guess, but A/B'd through a single Barefaced Compact (8 ohm), and leaving tonal differences aside, in terms of simply volume the LH500 blew the BH250 (and the BH500) into the weeds.

    Not sure if that helps...

  4. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1375991686' post='2168435']
    Ebay is dead to me. They have priced themselves out of the game.

    I still use it very infrequently - But only to buy stuff, and only if it's local-ish and cash-on-collection.

  5. +1 to what Lozz said...try them both if you can. (I have, and bought something completely different!) they're 2 quite different sounding rigs IMO.

    Personally, I'd be looking at a pair of 210's. With the 410 you're stuck with lugging ~40KGs of cab around, whatever the gig, but I'm a decrepit old thing with a dodgy back! (as are most bassist, it seems, who've lugged ~40KG cabs around for many years...)

  6. I use a Yamaha EMX powered mixer (can be had for 200 quid ish 2nd hand) and a couple of passive speakers.

    Even the smallest 2x200 Watt model is loud enough for vox at pub gigs. Sounds great, has very usable effects (if you want a smidge of reverb on the vox, for example) has 2 power amps, so you can use one to drive a couple of monitors if you wish.

    And it's dead easy to setup - mics in the front, speakers in the back... Job done.

  7. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1374961274' post='2155357']

    The Tanglewater is an awesome bass and fantastic bargain. It makes very little sense not to pursue that, but the only problem is not being able to play one. I know, beggars and choosers etc - but I have questions. Will the neck be right for my hands? How about the weight? How compatible with my amp is it (a Fender Bronco)? Sad to say, if I can't road test it, I can't buy it :-(

    Good 😊

    If it's still here later in the week, and my car sails through its MOT test on Thursday, I don't think I'll be able to resist.

  8. Just checked my manual, and it says there that the power Requirement is 12v DC, 3A.
    I'd imagine there's a bit of wriggle room factored in there, but would they specify and supply a 3A PSU if they could get away with a smaller/ cheaper one?

    Could it be the 12AX7 valve pre that makes the high current PSU necessary? I don't really know - just thought I'd mention it 😊

  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1375047156' post='2156206']

    Well there you go. If you have a certain technique and are prone to sticky, clammy hands you'll have a problem.
    If you don't, then you won't.

    I've a certain technique, such that having my clammy hand glued to frets 1-5 isn't a problem.

    What're all those other frets for anyway...?

  10. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1374958422' post='2155326']
    I'm not saying I'm a fan, far from it, every encounter with TE for me has ended in disappointment.

    That's pretty much my experience too.

    Admittedly I've never owned one, so it could be that I just haven't got my head around the EQ or something, but whenever i've encountered them I've found 'The TE Sound' to be one that I'm not happy with.

  11. Way back when, there weren't really 'bass amps' or 'guitar amps' - just amps.

    My Carlsbro TC60 sounds great for both guitar and bass, as long as it's going into a suitble speaker. The old WEM dominator combo also had a bass version, which was identical except for the speaker...etc.

    If it sounds good, it is good.

  12. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1374860595' post='2154227']
    Blimey, playing bass must cost some people a fortune!

    10 minutes, a set of screwdrivers, allen keys and a tuner is all you need unless you've got a bass with a neck or fret problem.

    Lol! Know what you mean.

    I do my own setups, but I've a well used 30 year old bass that needs some fret work doing...

  13. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1374790376' post='2153403']
    The luthier I use has 2 rates, £35 for a basic set-up, and £55 for a full job. The full set-up includes:

    Level, dress and polish the frets
    • Clean and oil the fretboard
    • Check, clean and lubricate electronics
    • Re-cut nut to suit (if necessary)
    • Set pickup heights
    • Set intonation, action and truss rod
    • Clean and lubricate bridge screws
    • Set Tremolo (if applicable)
    • Check all hardware
    • Fit new strings (at extra cost)
    • Full clean and polish

    Is that Terry in Stevenage? I've not used him myself, but a mate uses him for his guitars and can't say enough good words about him.

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