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Posts posted by barkin

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1369476450' post='2089595']
    That a 220 head?

    I think it is, and a 404 underneath it I believe.
    That was gigging rig for many years, until the 220 went up in smoke, literally, during a gig. Hope the same doesn't happen to yours!

    My old 404's still going strong with another BC'er AFAIK.

  2. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1369408051' post='2088938']


    I have just entered the waiting room

    Crikey! What're you going for now Jon - S12?

    You change your rig more often than I change my socks! No, really... :)

  3. It surely can't be a lack of volume or headroom. Like Conan, I find my LH500 can go monstrously loud even into an 8 Ohm load, and I'd have thought a 4x10 with the volume at 7 in your living room would be...erm...painful !

    It is though, as has been said, a very clean amp. I use mine with a Barefaced Compact, and I have to say that the combination took some getting used to at first...not least because it's very revealing and not at all sympathetic to poor playing. Made me realise how lazy & sloppy my technique was at times :(

    The EQ can seem a bit odd at first too. A "flat" EQ is something like: bass & treble wound way back, with the mid cranked way up. But they seem to be kind of interactive as well - drop the mids, say, and it seems to change what the other controls do somewhat.

    I don't know your cab, or what your sound/tonal goals are, but I'd take some time to experiment with the EQ. There's also the fact that it might just sound different to what you're used to, and once you've "forgotten" your old sound and become more familiar with the new it may completely change your view. Or it may just not be for you.

    re: the volume control...yes! Some amps give the impression of being loud by putting all the control in the first half of the travel, and not really changing much beyond that. The LH seems the other way around, which I really like. Up to about 6 on mine, the change in volume isn't that dramatic - which I find good as it gives better control at lower volume.

    My gear was used as the "house rig" at a 50th birthday bash last weekend - lots of musicians there, most of who had all played with each other (ooh-err!) in various combinations over the years. Lots of swapping band personel over the course of the night, and I got to hear some other bassists using my setup, which I haven't done since I got the Compact.

    Have to say, it sounded absolutely monster :)

  4. You could try PMing ivansc on here. I sold him an Ashdown 2x10 cab a while ago, and he replaced the drivers with some Celestion neos. Last I heard, he still had the old Ashdown drivers sat around doing nothing...

  5. I can't see what all the fuss is about. Sounds like a rehash of something I didn't like 30-odd years ago, and feel pretty much the same about now.

    But hey-ho...live & let live.

  6. I wouldn't call 2 or 3 a lot...

    Perhaps some folks - who wouldn't otherwise use effects - grabbed one to have a fiddle with as they were so cheap, and now realise that they still don't really use effects?

    What's wrong with them? Nothing really, IMO. I did need to invest a fair bit of time, getting to grips with how it works, setting up patches etc, but now that's done I'm really pleased with it.

  7. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1369066824' post='2084477']
    How would one run two combos without the use of a line out?

    'send' to the other combos instrument input?

    That'd work - might have to watch the levels though.

    [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1369066824' post='2084477']
    Ext. speaker output to other combo instrument input?

    You really don't want to do that !

    Just Google'd the combo quickly. Looks like it's got a "tuner" out - you could probably use that into an instrument input. Just keep the levels low to start with.

  8. I always reckon (rightly or wrongly...!) on about 60% of the new cost, as a rough guide, and vary from that depending on condition, desirability, rarity etc.

    One of these sold on [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/183404-markbass-sa450/"]here[/url] a few months back.

  9. Can you try it first? Some Ashdown gear tends to have its own kind of sound, and tends to be a bit like Marmite as far as peoples opinions go.
    Some folks seem to like the old school kind of thump, whereas others find them 'woolly' because they don't do the modern twangy hi-fi thing.

    I sometimes use an old Klystron head (the forerunner to the ABM stuff I believe) at a rehearsal room, and with a bit of tube grind dialled in I reckon it sounds pretty bloody good for a classic rock kind of sound.

    I've used the newer MAG heads as well though, and found them rather disappointing - always seemed to be lacking in grunt, and I just don't seem to be able to find a sound that'll cut through and be heard in a loud band situation.

    Which was never the case with my old red-faced MAG400, which I thought sounded great...

  10. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1367426562' post='2065552']
    So there's being in a band, which is like being in a band, and there's actually being in a band, which isn't like being in a band, because it's not about being in a band, it's about actually being in a band.

    I'm rehearsing regularly ATM (2 new members, and some new material) and thoroughly enjoying it.

    Am I just in a band, or am I actually in a band?

  11. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1366703142' post='2056044']
    It depends...

    If I know the studio, and know that they have decent gear, and I can't be arsed loading my own into and out of cars - I might well use theirs. Getting a decent, usable sound out of unfamiliar gear is a useful skill and can actually help you (IMO) learn to utilise your own gear better.

    If I have just got some new gear, then I will use mine so that I can test it out at gig volume. A gig is not the best place to do this!

    If it is a new studio or one that I am unfamiliar with then I'll definitely take my own. My combination of LH500 and BFB Vintage is very transparent, so I know that i will be getting the sound of my bass (and any effects). Some of the gear used in studios can colour the sound a lot and make it hard to get a clean tone. While my earlier comment about using unfamiliar gear still stands, it depends on the situation.

    £12.50 an hour makes me take full rehearsals seriously. I do whatever is required and wastes least time. But sometimes it is quite interesting to use gear other than your own!

    This is it, for me.

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