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Posts posted by barkin

  1. I think the bass version was just an ordinary Dominator with a 15" speaker instead of a 12".

    I used to have a Power Musette MkII, which is basically a Dominator MkIII with a different speaker.
    Playing a bass through it was only any good for very low volume - did sound nice though. But guitar is what it really did best IMO. Lovely tone, and that gorgeous natural break up when you push it. The problem I found was that to get that just-breaking-up sound it had to be really cranked, and although it's only 15Watts it's very loud - far too loud for noodling at home. And it's not exactly small...

    It's gone to a good home with another BC'er on the South coast now, but I do sometimes wish I'd kept it...

    Some good Watkins info at http://www.vintagehofner.co.uk/britamps/watkins.html

  2. Nice aren't they? I bought a used one from here, and I'm very pleased with it. Lots of bang for your bucks, IMO.

    Mine has a black/white/black scratchplate - not sure which I prefer...

    I know what you mean about the J pup - I evened mine out quite a bit by dropping the P and raising the J. I shan't be touching the P pup, as it sounds great, but I'm tempted to swap the J for one of the standard Entwhistle ones. I emailed them about it, and he replied that his standard J pup is hotter than the Overwater spec one. And they're only a tenner or so...

    Hope you enjoy yours as much as I do mine :)

  3. I don't know what would be "too long", but if they won't reach the speakers, they're definitely too short :)

    I recently bought some long (15 metre) cables for our PA, and everything's fine. It's surprising isn't it, even in a smallish pub, how several metres of cable can disappear once you start running things sensibly...so that they don't get trodden on etc.

    As long as they're of decent enough quality, you should be OK. I do still use shorter ones if longer runs aren't absolutely necessary though...

  4. [quote name='Elvis Valentine' timestamp='1364311129' post='2024646'] Howdy folks, I got one of these about a week ago and i was loving it through the headphones. Really loving it but when i took it to my practice room and got it through my amp i am having difficulty getting any sounds that are even close to the headphone sounds. All the amp models sound really similar as do the dist and OD's. I had my amp , Peavey TKO with black widow speaker set flat to begin with. Any useful advice on setting up patches with regard to the pedal or amps in general? [/quote]

    re: headphones vs amp/cab -- yes, it does sound different, but I always find that anyway with anything, and it's even more noticable with the stereo effects...
    I set my basic patches how I like 'em at home for practicing (currently using 4, at A1-4) then copy them elsewhere (I use B1-4) then tweak them for live use - as whatever sounds good solo at home will almost certainly sound carp with the rest of the band. So I've got A1-4 for noodling at home, but B1-4 as the "live" equivalents. If that makes sense...?

    re: the amp/cab sims and ODs - mine (the stock ones) definitely don't sound similar. Whether they sound anything like whatever they're trying to be is another matter (what should a SVT/8x10 sound like, when it's through a LH500/BF Compact?) but the stock ODB3, for example, sounds very different to the stock Big Muff.

    I just view the stock patches as tonal presets, to use as a starting point for crafting a sound that I can use.

  5. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1361041765' post='1980332']

    And now the bloody drummer's had to relocate at short notice, and Bristol to Cambridge is a bit of a trek :(

    So look out for me in the 'how hard can it be to find a drummer who can play a constant tempo for a whole song, turn up on time for rehearsals, etc etc...' threads.


    Audition & a few beers last week - proper rehearsal tonight. Can't wait :)

    And he's got his own kit and everything...!

  6. I've noticed some sold threads in the marketplace are now locked. I'm guessing this is part of the new paid-for ad scheme (which I thoroughly agree with, btw) although it appears to also be the case for some that were started prior to its introduction.

    Is this intended behaviour? What if (say) an item is considered sold, and is marked as such and locked, only for the sale to fall through?

    Can the tread be reopened, or would the OP need to place another ad - and possibly incur another fee if they've not gone the 20 quid all-you-can-eat option?


  7. [quote name='Chest Rockwell' timestamp='1362596729' post='2001955']
    btw, My OTB settings are generally Treble just off full, Middle = 0 and Bass on full (though bass usually comes down a bit at gigs) - that's a perfect setup during practice.

    So seriously scooped, with pretty much no mids at all then ?

  8. Yeah - I've had a good hunt around t'interweb, and it doesn't seem to be a common problem. It is a PITA, but since I had an Acoustic head literally go up in smoke in the '80s (no backup, end of gig) I've always carried a spare, which I never needed until now.

    I've had quite a bit of Hartke gear, and this is the first hiccup to date.

    Here's hoping that Thomann come good - I'll let you know the outcome.

  9. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1362589093' post='2001786'] You can't see the shop either in 'mobile mode'... I wonder if these links work in mobile-land: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/cp/9-support-basschat/"]http://basschat.co.uk/cp/9-support-basschat/[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/cp/2-shop/"]http://basschat.co.uk/cp/2-shop/[/url] [/quote]

    Yup - seem fine on my iPhone. The shop link doesn't make any attempt to fit the screen, but it's usable.

  10. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1362584809' post='2001707']

    Interesting point regarding the logged in/out bit. I'm changing it so only logged in users can proceed to payment. Thanks for raising it.


    Would it be worth a sticky or two, with a link to the donate/sub page? You don't see the link/button on a 'phone or tablet device that uses the mobile layout.

    Unless I've simply missed something obvious...

  11. Bugrit! My LH500 started to do this, or something very similar, last week - instead of the usual 12 seconds to come up, it sometimes took significantly longer but was OK once it got there.

    Then this weekend, setting up for a gig and it did it again, but this time it came on - I heard the protection stuff click, then it clicked again...and nothing. No output, nada, zilch.

    Luckily I had the HA spare in the car, so no problems there - the show must go on! - but it looks like I'll be putting the Thomann 3-year warranty to the test in the next few days:(

  12. You can download manuals for most Peavey products from www.peavey.com

    They have 2 amps listed there under the "Solo" name.

    The Solo guitar amp is 12W-8 Ohm. I wouldn't use a 4 Ohm speaker with this one.
    The other "Solo" amp is described as a portable PA amp, and has a low impedence XLR input as well as jacks. This is given as 10/15W-3.2 Ohm, so a 4 Ohm speaker should be OK.

    If you're in any doubt, an 8 Ohm speaker would be safe to use in either (subject to the possible volume reduction mentioned by bremen)

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