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Everything posted by barkin

  1. FWIW...I use a BB1024 into a Zoom B3, and don't have this - or any other - problem.
  2. I did that quite a bit, and every time it was extremely well done. Felt much safer, to me, than my weekly shopping trip.
  3. Define best? I love my Compact, but I'm sure it wouldn't suit everybody. It doesn't have a HF driver or tweeter, for example.
  4. Yes. 4 Ohms is the minimum. More than 4 is fine - just won't put out full power, probably 170 or so into an 8 Ohm load.
  5. I had my first ever flu jab on friday. In and out in 10 minutes, and half of that time was just waiting for a few minutes afterwards in case I had a reaction to it.
  6. They're ports alright, albeit not very long ones.
  7. I only skimmed the article, but I don't think that's at all what it says.
  8. I'm not sure the position of the 3 tone knobs on my amp would translate very well to the 97 knobs on a GB Shuttle 12... or vice-versa
  9. How did you get from "the alternative is communism..." to communism being to blame ?
  10. Some discussion here
  11. A belated "thanks" ! I bought a pair of these a while ago, on the back of your comments, and I'm very pleased with 'em.
  12. barkin

    Barefaced Machinist

    Mustang Sally & Moondance, mainly...
  13. 1981...some 16 years before Ashdown begun. I think...
  14. If it was to be an "on the house" drink, he did them a favour
  15. He was there in an advisory role, not as a customer.
  16. Don't know about the LH1000, but I've used a LH500 for several years now and have no plans to change. It's a fantastic sounding, simple amp.
  17. I don't really care if a cab is 25kg or 60kg. Either is too heavy. For me.
  18. What other kit have you already got? I use a little Zoom multiFX - which gives effects, tuner, drum patterns as well - with the other source (phone, MP3 player etc) into its aux input.
  19. Same for me - 3mm stubbies
  20. 20+ replies, and nobody's said that they like a nice big stiff one. You're slacking folks...
  21. Some, if not all, of the HA series do too.
  22. Zoom B1-on multi-fx, or similar. As well as an aux input you get effects, tuner, drum machine etc...
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