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Everything posted by chuck_stones

  1. First come, first served dude! You surely get first refusal.
  2. I recognise that beauty! +1 for a top notch USA bass at a nice price and a top man to deal with. Wish I had the cash so I could grab it back off you mate!
  3. Argh man, I just traded a Clover Avenger last Friday. I'd have been all over that trade! Best of luck with it, Zon are great basses!
  4. Is this still available? Cash money ready to buy today if it is.
  5. Popped round to see Kert for a bass trade and was greeted with smiles, a coffee and biscuits and was even offered some food. Great guy, easy going and no nonsense to deal with. Trade with confidence. I hope you enjoy the bass mate! I'm loving the Shuker!
  6. Curses! Well, probably best to mark the thread as sold
  7. This is a ridiculously good deal! I'd love to help you out, but I'd be leaving myself flat broke until pay day.
  8. Ah mate, sorry to see you selling this! Such an incredible bass. Have you got any specific basses in mind for a trade, or is straight sale preferred?
  9. Colour me intrigued; would love to see some pics. I'd also be interested in the bass and p'ups deal. Think Sunderland is a bit too much of a drive for collection though, even for me (he says about to drive to South Wales and back tonight for another bass deal).
  10. Hey man, what's the neck like on this? I've got a Clover Avenger 4 which whilst not being a P, does a flawless P bass impression and has the virtue of dual single coil pickups in the bridge position with switchable wiring which opens up the tonal possibilities even further (with the 3-band EQ, it can do almost anything). It's an incredible bass but I recently discovered that whilst the neck is very thin and fast (much like an Ibanez) my clamp hands are just too big for it and I get a gnarly cramp when I play for long periods - so definitely not for those of us who like the baseball bat style Warwicks or MusicMan's - and hence my thoughts on trades.
  11. HI there...I've got some unexpected cash burning a hole in my pocket. Better spend it on something good before I lose it and this looks pretty swish. Where are you based? I could be very interested...
  12. Hi Brian, I realise that this is dredging up an old thread, however are you still selling this or have you withdrawn it permanently. A week on Friday I will finally have the cash to splash out on my dream bass, and this would fall pretty neatly into this bracket...if you're interested in selling, I could be very interested in buying....
  13. Amazing....always wanted one of these. Where are you based? for £250 I could be tempted to drive over and check it out!
  14. Somewhat delayed feedback, but had to post to compliment Shaun on being a perfect BC'er to deal with. Speedy communications and agreed to meet up on short notice to trade basses for what turned out to be an effortless trade. Lovely chap and a perfect gentleman to deal with! Cheers Shaun
  15. I've always liked the look of these, what's the tone like? Anything resembling a jazz bass? Any interest in a Sandberg trade?
  16. Where is this beauty located? I'm in the process of trying to flog an appendage or two to raise funds ...will keep you posted!
  17. Every bit my perfect bass....a very interested PM your way comes if I can sort out some finances...
  18. So sweet!! It I wasn't too skiing to afford to take a piss I Charing Cross station, I'd seriously consider this. I used to own what must have been the cheaper sister of this; an equal thing of beauty!
  19. Tried to edit the trade or sale value to £1200 but doesn't seem to fly on mobile :/ So, trade or sale value: £1200...
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