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Everything posted by Austin7

  1. If not the worst, then it's at least his weakest song that has got the most acclaim. However, it doesn't bother me at all if people like any song by a Beatle more than I do since I've been a Beatles fan for a long time. If you tried to pick out the worst song any of them did after the band broke up, though, that would be difficult. Because there have been many lackluster songs to choose from. But as a band I think they were great.
  2. That she was not speaking with a New York accent. She was speaking English with a slight Sabra accent. Something which, by the way, isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think it sounds cool--somewhat similar, for instance, to what some people sound like when they speak English with a French accent. You seem to try to be making it look like I'm saying something negative by my statements when I'm not. For the record, I've just begun trying to learn Hebrew and the last thing I would ever do is say anything negative about anyone who speaks English with the native Hebrew (Sabra) accent. I have something to learn from them-. They have nothing to learn from me. So,, please, whatever negative interpretation you seem to have received from my posts, I'd appreciate it if you would let it go. To me it feels like you are ringing fire bell alarms when there is no fire. I'm going to have to chalk this up to an honest misunderstanding. However, I sincerely hope this is the last time I'm going to have to try to explain myself to you.
  3. Maybe so. But for me it would be having to listen to the Dave Matthews Band.
  4. Whether it was the worst or not, it did seem to get an unusual amount of unmerited attention. Not only are the lyrics ludicrous utopian nonsense but the melody is unusually boring for a John Lennon song. All the Beatles had trouble being ex-Beatles, though. However, George Harrison noted that he would rather be an ex-Beatle than an ex-Nazi.
  5. I have encountered a few people through the years who felt the same way.
  6. That's a very good interview. Amusing, too. I ran across this article several months ago. It only has one paragraph about "Imagine," but the whole article is informative. I may only disagree with the statement which is made about Mark Chapman being forgotten now. I think he will always be remembered in George Harrison''s "All Those Years Ago" when he is referred to as "the devil's best friend." What I especially agree with in the article, though, is Yoko Ono's assertion that "Imagine" shouldn't be considered an anthem (if I'm interpreting that correctly.) I definitely agree with John Lennon when he said about "Imagine" that "It was only a bloody song." https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/the-beatles/8179356/I-remember-the-real-John-Lennon-not-the-one-airbrushed-by-history.html
  7. That is your interpretation of my post--which is totally inaccurate by the way. i was suggesting no such thing.
  8. I never said that people should only work where they are from originally. I am puzzled why you would think I'm saying that.
  9. What bothers me about the song is that it's supposedly some kind of anthem which some people look at something it isn't. Its importance is blown up all out of proportion, IMO. Other ex-Beatles had some bad songs, too, of course, but for the most part they weren't hits. Hardly anybody knows about them. But everybody has heard of "Imagine." George Harrison, for instance, had a song called "Save the World" which in a sense has some of the same themes as "Imagine." It's probably even worse than "Imagine," but almost no one has heard of it (fortunately.)
  10. "Imagine" may be the worst song John Lennon ever wrote. Yet here we are still talking about it. It takes attention away from all the other great songs he wrote. That includes just about any John Lennon song that isn't "Imagine." The other John Lennon song I can't stand is "You Know My Name (Look Up the Number." It's probably even worse than "Imagine" if that is even possible. I'm somewhat of a Beatles fan, but that doesn't mean I'm delusional. Yes, Paul, George and Ringo also had some awful songs, especially in their solo careers. I mostly try to focus on the ones I like, though.
  11. Sometimes that can be a good thing, sometimes not. I'm not really much of a Fender fan, although Fender has proved itself time and again. Needless to say, that isn't something that can be said for Moniker now as it turns out.
  12. It's too bad, too. Those seemed to be nice basses.
  13. Based on what I've been able to gather from sketchy info, it appears that Moniker itself must have gone out of business several months ago.
  14. It has been months since I first saw the video. I can't remember everything on it. All I can say is that as someone probably a little closer to intermediate than advanced, whatever she was saying wasn't for me. I got nothing out of it.
  15. I could tell from her accent she wasn't actually from New York or even anywhere else in the U.S., either. I looked her up and she is originally from Tel Aviv. It appears she lived in Los Angeles a while before moving to NYC. I agree with the analysis that her videos must be for beginners. I happened to encounter her a few months ago on You Tube and was immediately puzzled by what she was saying.
  16. "White Room" by Cream.
  17. Although it was very much making its presence known, the P bass wasn't ubiquitous in the U.S. during the 60s, either.
  18. ^^^ I like my Contemporary more, too. But I think Ignitions are good, too, especially at that low price. I also might be interested in an Epiphone Viola some day.
  19. I would love to watch that if I could get that channel. Jack Bruce was one of a kind. My favorite bassist, actually.
  20. I have both the Hofner Ignition and Contemporary violin basses. I like them both. As for a review of the Ignition, I think this guy's review is about as thorough as it gets. I discovered this when I was getting interested in the Ignition bass.
  21. Jack Casady played on "Voodoo Chile." Noel Redding played on five tracks. Jimi Hendrix played on all the rest of the album, including "Have You Ever Been to Electric Ladyland." My favorite Hendrix bass-playing track, though, is probably "All Along the Watchtower."
  22. The SG basses are called SG Standard basses at this point. I wouldn't mind having one since I like short scales and the sound of Gibson basses. But they're overpriced for me and although it may seem like a minor point, I really dislike trapezoid inlays.
  23. I'd love to have an EB-2 some day.
  24. I know they don't get a lot of love, but some people do like them. In Rinus's case, the one that got stolen was probably one of his custom-made basses which had a Fender and Danelectro neck. I'm not sure, though. However, on the Golden Earring albums the best sound he got was with a Yamaha BB-3000 in the late 1990s/early 2000s. Strictly, of course, IMO.
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