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About bassist_lewis

  • Birthday 04/05/1989

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  1. I've been using Evidence Audio solderless for 3 or 4 years (much to all of my pedalboard loving friends' chagrin) but I've only had <5 break on me. I don't know if that's quality or luck! You can get patch cables with smaller jacks than you have from EBS and others, and in varying lengths. Alternatively, you could get a raised pedalboard so there is room underneath for power and cables. Even a pedaltrain Metro has enough clearance for cabling. They can be picked up secondhand for not very much.
  2. I also recommend a Serek 5 if you can swing the cash. However, Ibanez do a short scale 5 called the Talman TMB35. Not seen any reviews but they are under £300.
  3. For those considering a modular system, I have a Three10 and One10W (for WIDE). The Three10 footprint being pretty small means it can do pretty much any gig space-wise (it's barely bigger than my old Super Compact), and usually volume-wise as well. If it's a bigger gig, or I feel like it, I can add the One10W on top. Or if its a very cramped stage (not so common for me these days) I can use the One10W on its own. Sure it wouldn't work for everyone, but it covers all basses for me. And they are colour coordinated.
  4. I was considering an HX One to cover my modulation sounds as I only very occasionally need them, but I love my stomp boxes.
  5. I tried it in a shop and I couldn't get on with it either! I was expecting a tubescreamer sound, one of my favourite sounds on bass, but it just felt really compressed and lacking in dynamics and the tone of the bass was completely lost. In fairness I'm comparing it to my Origin Effects Halcyon Green, which is about double the price. Would recommend if you have the cash and want a chanky overdrive with a clean blend.
  6. 3 Leaf Audio Doom 2. As all I had before were the octaves and filters I initially bought it to add a fuzz to the collection. I didn't think I'd much actual use for another fuzz (I don't play rock/doom/metal so I never have much need) BUT when I plugged it in... its a totally different kind of fuzz than I'm used to. Much more dynamic and responsive, and its the basis of any synth sounds I need.
  7. I played one of these (or more likely the v.1) back in 2018 when I bought my JMJ Mustang. Very awesome basses, occasionally still feel like buying one.
  8. A small board I made for a band where I use no effects (!!!), apart from the one bass solo at the end of the set where I wanted a bit of a boost. Any excuse to use the BB preamp.
  9. What's the FTeletronica like? Seen a bunch of times and like the clear reference to the OG Meatball.
  10. Did you perchance buy the Crook off Reverb a few weeks ago? I sold mine to someone in Torqay last month!
  11. I ordered mine last week, so will report back when it arrives. I've had the original Jive for a couple of years and love the low gain settings.
  12. I have the Black Vehicle and it's up there with the best. Very transparent and loads of tonal options with the boost switch and the pre/post gains.
  13. Bass Blasters are pretty hard to come by these days! Are they worth the hype?
  14. I've played SS exclusively for almost 10 years now, and I've always used 30" scale strings. LaBella make a special Mustang set for through-body stringing, which I guess are similar to 32" scale strings. In terms of winding round the post, it doesn't matter too much with the D and G, but make sure that only the narrower part at the top of the string (where the silk is/would be) goes around the post for the E and A.
  15. That's some impressive Tetris-iing!!
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