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Posts posted by bassist_lewis

  1. 4 hours ago, Thunderbird said:

    I look at these incredible boards and wonder how most of you use the effects are they just for fun or used in actual songs? I understand where preamps and drives are used but some of the boards blow my mind with the cool toys on them and I just can't think how some of them are used 🤔

    I play in a few different wedding bands so I use octaves, filters and chorus to recreate synth bass sounds (I don't play with nay of them consistently enough to justify shelling out for an actual synth). I also make some pretty wild sounds in my original band, we're a trio so there's lots of space to take up. Having said that, my phaser and chorus probably get the least use of all my pedals, hence why I only have one of each.

    • Like 2
  2. On 05/01/2022 at 21:50, Owno said:


    It is inspired by the Epiphone Coronet guitar and Newport bass seen to the gumbyesque body shape and pickguard, for sure. In terms of playability this is - dare I say - way better though. Here’s another pic of my bass from the Serek factory floor: 3CDB0D4F-D8CE-4440-B7A7-3470264E4430.thumb.jpeg.6c7cc11f9b2529fa77bceafb63c6731f.jpegIt plays like a dream, weighs less than 3kg and sounds incredible. Another beast than my JMJ and P-bass. I highly recommend all short scale fans contemplating whether to purchase a slightly more expensive bass to order one (if low output thump is what you need)!

    This makes me more excited for mine, but also more frustrated because I probably won't get it til January 2023 😭

  3. For my mini board (Mono Lite, so basically a Pedlatrain Nano) I've mounted a Gigrig isolator underneath and I plug that into a standard 9v True Tone power supply. I'm sure that would void any warranty but I've been doing it for about 6 months and it works great.

  4. Gone a little bit crazy  this festive period with pedal buying but here is 3 of 4 pedals ordered this last few weeks. This is a fantastic fuzz for bass, probably second only to my  Malekko B:Assmaster. The clipping settings give a lot of fun options to play with, the bass boost is good if you really want that low end, though at my preferred setting it becomes flabby and loses definition.




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  5. 7 hours ago, stewblack said:

    The only weakness I can see is the lack of bass content. He did one show where the message was, stick a graphic after the pedal and boost the low end.

    But surely the low end isn't there to be boosted if the guitar pedal has sucked it out 🤔

    I sometimes wonder if what's happening there is that the upper frequencies are so loud as to cause us to perceive the lower frequencies as quieter. The ear (bot the physical structure and the audio centres of the brain) pick up more on upper mid frequencies than anything else, cause that's roughly where human voices lie. Total theory and nothing to back it up mind!

  6. 1 minute ago, stewblack said:

    He's a brilliant broadcaster, obviously a complete pedal geek, and by featuring all pedals not just his own, has produced a wonderful show.

    I love his humour and the way he shares his knowledge. Not a half bad musician either.

    Yeah, I love the show. The irony is, he hardly changes up his own pedalboard! 

    • Like 1
  7. 17 hours ago, stewblack said:


    It's an envelope filter into a phaser. Only two controls and a choice of upsweep or down.

    It sounds absolutely amazing. I never knew an envelope needed a phaser. It's like going through life eating chips with neither salt nor vinegar on them.

    What a revelation. Easily smashing its way into my top 3 ever pedals, the moment I tried it.

    I do have a question however. The power socket is labelled 9 - 18v.  After literally minutes of extensive research, I found a video where Josh wotsit off JHS, said it made little or no difference which I used. He said some people claim it makes a difference, but really it doesn't. He wasn't on about this pedal mind you, just the whole 9 to 18v thing.

    Now here's the thing. My pedal works beautifully with 18v, with 9v the light comes on but nobody's home, it doesn't affect the sound at all, with 12v nothing happens, the light doesn't even come on.

    My question, in a nutshell, is this. What gives?


    I have an Fulltone OCD that runs at 9-18v and I honestly can't hear the difference between the two. I saw that video and felt vindicated. I feel there's a lot of myth and magical thinking in the pedal world about components, vintage pedals etc etc. and it's good that someone like Josh Scott is *trying* to dispel the myths.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Len_derby said:

    Any recommendations for gig bags for short scale basses? Fender Mustang in particular. I know it’ll fit into a standard size bag, but that takes away the ability to stash the bass out of sight in the boot of my car. 
    Suggestions welcome.

    Very much depends on the bass, particularly the headstock. My Callowhill MPB will fit comfortably in a Mono sleeve, but I have to fight the zipper with my JMJ Mustang. Harvest Leather make a short scale gig bag that fits the JMJ, but they are very expensive.

    Serek and Maruszczyk also make bags that will fit most short scales.

    • Like 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, stewblack said:

    Hey, I've been researching (just your basic GAS really) OBNE pedals but there's not many bass videos. How are you getting on with this pedal, now you've had it a while?

    Do you have any video or sound samples?

    I haven't done any recording with it but I like the sound of it with bass. You can change the number of stages, the wave shape plus the usual mix, depth, rate, so it's pretty versatile. Though I'm guilty of set and forget. It can get pretty wild with the delay feature, so I don't really use that function (might if I had a TRS cable).

  10. I recieved 2 new pedals today, a Boss OC-2 and a Demedash Spidola Germanium fuzz (the silver one), so they were straight on the board for my gig tonight (it's a soul band so won't get much use!). They might get more use in my original band...


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  11. Ordered both of these before Xmas and they both arrived today. The OC-2 is, of course, the gold standard of octave pedals. It's more subby and tracks a lot better than I expected.

    Demedash are a small company in Manitoba in Canada (I think a video was recommended to me on Instagram). He only makes a few pedals but they're very cool. This is the Spidola Germanium Fuzz. I basically wanted something smaller than my Malekko B:Assmaster (keeping it obviously, it may go back on the board).





  12. 1 hour ago, bottomfeed said:

    Latest small board version.. I tried to skimp on sound quality because I needed to fit many on a small board.. I had a mooer envelope filter, which isn't bad.. but just had one sound that took constant vigilance to dial in right! Adding the early Xmas prezzie to me! ...EBS IQ blue label has completed this set up 😊....small but perfectly formed! 


    What does the RC Booster actually do? is it a drive or just a clean boost?

  13. 2 hours ago, ped said:

    The proton I sold very quickly - just didn’t like it at all for some reason. Pedals do seem to be a hugely hyped corner of our hobby (for better or worse) and it seems like it’s gone particularly crazy n recent times

    I know I'm guilty of becoming more obsessed with pedals over lockdown. When I wasn't gigging it was a way of feeling like I was still engaging in music, and they're cheaper than buying endless basses (usually).

    It might make you angry to watch the JHS YT channel, the guy has literally EVERY version of every pedal.

    • Like 2
  14. 13 hours ago, GisserD said:

    The chromatron is regarded by the experts (Q and i) as the best 3leaf filter there is. 


    Is anybody in the market for one? 

    And what would you pay? Knowing that there won't be any more. 


    I would agree its the best he's ever made (though the Proton 4 is no slouch). I paid £300 for mine which I was happy paying but I don't think I would pay much over that. But the price will rise to whatever the market can support. If people are willing to pay £5k for a klon, why not £500 for a Chromatron?

  15. 2 hours ago, Quatschmacher said:

    I only saw it thanks to @charlietuna, who told me about it and snagged the last Doom 2.

    I will find him...


    1 hour ago, GisserD said:


    But seriously tho. 

    I recon you could shift it now for more than new price. They were rocking horse poo. Now they are hens teeth. 

    (Based on the fact that you could technically put poo in a rockinghorse. But I don't think you would have the patience to put dentures in a chicken)

    I'm sure I could but owning the pedals is more important to me than having the money (currently!).

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