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Posts posted by bassist_lewis

  1. 1 hour ago, GisserD said:

    I have sold many items on basschat and alyways try to price competitively. But times are hard, and as much as id like to give ppl a deal, the money is more important right now so my price strategy has changed slightly. 

    I have a mint condition chromatron that i was thinking about selling. and if i do, it will be listed at the price i paid. £3,000,000

    Do you take credit card?

  2. 1 hour ago, Quatschmacher said:

    Also looks like prices will go up too. Spencer just announced that his prices will be going up. 

    Just read it. Annoyed I didn't get in quicker and finally get the Doom 2 I've been wanting! The changes he's making seem reasonable, it's the way Iron Ether does things.

    • Like 1
  3. 24 minutes ago, Bunion said:

    Probably Japanese prices (they do ramp them up) or a scam if it’s disappeared 

    I’ve purchased a few 3leaf pedals this year one quite recently for the going market price 

    The last ones I saw here was expensive but not as outlandish as these examples (almost bought the Octabvre mini but got a speeding fine and couldn't afford it 😪) I think the Chromatron was in the US and the Octabvre was in Germany. I didn't consider that it might be a scam... its a very niche one if it is!!

    • Like 1
  4. Anyone noticed an insane increase in the price of 3Leaf Audio pedals? I recently saw a Chromatron up for about £700, then last night saw an Octabvre mk2 on sale for £800. It was gone by this morning!

    I understand why, they're amazing pedals and Spencer isn't building at the moment, or at least is only filling back orders, but it still seems a bit ridiculous, like the original Klons that go for £5k.

    • Haha 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    Yeah I think I was getting confused with the reissue 1.5 guitar version. So the original and best bass version is still the one to get. 


    I think there was one in the FS recently - I hesitated and it got snapped up! Tbf my little Pigtronox Octava is punching way above it's weight (and price bracket!) in terms of full spectrum overdrive / fuzz duties. But if another vgc used Xotic BB comes up I really should give it a spin and A/B it against the Pigtronix.


    I had a quick search and there's a few up on eBay and Reverb, not sure on the location though. I would highly recommend it.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Al Krow said:


    I've been super tempted to get this. I've got a sim on my Zoom B1-4 which sounds great, but doesn't manage particularly with low end notes (on low E and B strings) - I'm guessing the real thing won't have any such issues? (And it obviously also has my all time favourite BB moniker 😁)


    Any significant difference between the Mk1 and Mk2 versions of the BB?


    No issues on the lower strings at all! I can't find the mk2, do you mean the bright orange v1.5? Haven't tried it but either way its a great "transparent" overdrive, surprised I don't see them on more boards.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, bassman7755 said:


    But you could presumably just passively voltage divided the input before the opamp input (which is what the volume control in the bass is doing essentially). Also why are all these 9v effects units and preamps not clipping all the time if this is such a problem ?. Also my B4-1 sounds exactly the same at 5v USB power as it does at 9v so presumably internally its running at just 5v.



    So why does hifi and studio equipment get by just fine with high SNRs when using  line level signals everywhere, the highest level being +4db / 3.5v peak to peak ?. 


    Still not convinced this is anything other than voodoo folklore to part bassists with more money.


    I'm leaning towards voodoo... still a great pedal though.

    • Like 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, Jus Lukin said:

    I think the main difference with the higher voltage is greater headroom- essentially allowing greater amplitude before clipping. In terms of a preamp, it means that transients will be reproduced more accurately, or basically it will provide greater clean volume. This is also a good thing for keeping, say, modulation effects distortion free.

    As for an overdrive it will push the clipping points further round the dial, making for less saturation, but greater range at the bottom of the dial.

    I tried using it at higher gain about an hour ago and I think there was slightly less compression that at 9V, not something you would notice in a band situation. I also haven't noticed any difference in where it starts to break up or the variation at lower settings, between the two voltages.

  9. When I was playing it last night I had the drive set to about 3 o'clock, so not pushing it much at all. I will try it at higher gain levels and see if I hear a difference then. I do remember at high settings it sounded very compressed at 9V. Maybe 18V will make a difference there.

  10. I got a Fulltone OCD last week, and its a great "transparent" overdrive, though also has a nice mid-push with the HP switch. It runs at 9V and 18V, so I got an adapter because every forum says that running at 18V is better than 9V (more headroom, more dynamics etc). I AB'd it at both voltages and honestly I can't hear or feel much difference. Maybe a tiny bit more top end/high-mids.

    Are my ears dumb or is it just another of those pedal myths?

  11. 21 hours ago, EBS_freak said:

    It's part of the transition - but can you disclose more about how you feel self-conscious? Is it because you can hear any little mistakes a lot more clearly?

    Yeah, I think being able to hear every tiny detail makes every mistake feel huge. It was also very bright, which is not the kind of tone I like. I mentioned  that to the guitarist and he says his sound is the same and he usually asks the sound engineer to roll off some of the top end. I also think it was partly because I haven't played with this band in 3/4 years and all the members are very experienced and top notch musicians.


    I'm not likely to get the opportunity to get used to IEMs as I'm not with any band full time, and most don't have the facility for them.

  12. 8 hours ago, danny-79 said:

    Tablet gone screwy. I’m trying to ask Lewis, how you getting on with the Octabvre? I’m looking for a new octave pedal and like the look of that 

    It's by far the best octave I've used or heard. It tracks really well down to around G/F#, the tones available are great, and having the option to solo the octave signal is very cool. I also have the mk iii, which is even better because you can control the levels of the dry and octave signal independently, plus you have the 'Tim Tuning' switch. However, they are very difficult to find secondhand, probably because they are so good, and Spencer was off the grid with mental health issues for about 4 months and is currently finishing back orders. He is getting back into it but no indication as to when he's going to be taking new orders.

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