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Posts posted by bassist_lewis

  1. 5 strings make transposition easier. If a song is in G and a singer asks to play it a fourth lower its an easy change. Or if a singer decides in the same breath as calling the song to also take it down a tone from E to D! Drop tuners are great if you've practiced the part in the new key but I wouldn't personally want to try and transpose on the fly while compensating for a different tuning.

  2. So this thread has been quiet for a long time! Tim had been trying to get the bass to one of his endorsers to deliver to the UK - avoiding import duty - but because he was unable to pin anyone down it never happened. It very nearly got delivered by Derrick Hodge, which I was very excited about, he mentioned a couple of other people but in February I told him to just courier it as I'd like to have it by April and also I can afford the duty now. He's happy to cover the shipping, I think he feels a bit bad that it's taken so long - it was completed in September time.
    Unfortunately Tim has had a family emergency and then been ill in the last month but is promising a tracking number soon. Hopefully it'll turn up in the next couple of weeks. Fingers crossed!!

  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1414445863' post='2589440']

    I'm curious, what would those classics be?


    Re your previous comment,I'm thought this was a discussion about pub gigs in general.

    No surprises: Sweet home Alabama, alright now (occasionally), brown eyed girl, mustang sally, a little respect, Roxanne, Billie Jean, superstition, I feel good. Not all classic Blues/Rock and not exactly expanding musical minds but they work 90% of the time.

  4. Is tipping in the US not a result of having a minimum wage that is too low to live on? I've also been told that the cost of living is much lower as well so buyers can afford to tip.
    I've seen it during the edinburgh festival when loads of venues have back to back bands from mid-afternoon til late and they pass a bucket round, but never any other time. I appreciate the sentiment but I've been in one of those bands and I felt a little embarrassed about it, it is akin to begging in my eyes.

  5. Depends how you calculate it: I spend most of my time between my wedding band and an original disco/funk/soul act but I have plans for a jazzy/fusion fun band with a couple of friends. I am also a member of the Edinburgh's Got Soul house band but that only demands 2 gigs per year with 2/3 rehearsals each time. I also dep regularly (not like clockwork but I get asked either a lot or before anyone else) with 2 very busy wedding bands throughout the year. I also play with a neo-soul band but we tend to only rehearse when a gig is imminent. So... 5 that I am THE guy for and a few that I fill in for.

  6. I signed a similar (the same?) petition. I wholly endorse with encouraging children to make music. It's fair for people to come to it later in life and enjoy it but studies show that there is a window for acquiring musical skill like language, someone who begins learning a musical instrument any time after their late teens will not be able to achieve the same level of expertise as someone who began in their teens or earlier. Why else does everyone complain that music and musicians are getting worse? Because fewer and fewer people are able to start music education early enough!

  7. Not to get too much into a nature/nurture debate but from reading several books on the subject of talent, motivation and learning methods the only factor separating the so called 'naturals' from others is hours put in to their chosen subject and enjoyment of it - which encourages more hours put in.

    Personally I have played several other instruments, I started on guitar but have also spent time playing mandolin, piano, double bass, singing and drums. That "natural" feeling I have with bass is, I think, more to do with having spent countless hours with it rather than some affinity I was born with. My step-father assures me that I did not sound good when I first started playing!

  8. Hi all, bit of a moany post but I don't do them very often so grant me one. Most of the original bands I've been in have come about through gumtree and all have petered out fairly quickly (if they got going at all). Am I going about it the wrong way? Do I just pick the wrong people or should I stop trawling the net and just wait til a meet people in real life?
    Cheers guys

  9. I've known Siphilips (I think that's his username) for about 5 years, I actually didn't know he was on BassChat until last year, he's not very active here.

    I went to see monarch with... His ska band (sorry :S) a while back when I was picking up the relay bass.

    I'm always surprised how few bass players I know, online and in real life.

  10. After a year of lusting and saving I finally put a deposit down a couple of weeks ago. No pictures as yet as I'm still to choose the piece of wood for the body.
    The specs are as follows:

    Alder body
    Natural finish
    Single P pick-up
    Rosewood board
    Tort pickguard
    Passive volume/tone controls
    Mono M80


  11. We were gigging in Aberdeen on Friday (which was fairly pants but they did have a pick & mix) and stayed over, had some beers in the room afterwards, the lunch and a kick about in the car park the next day. We played a wedding at a distillery near Huntly - about an hour north of Aberdeen - last night, which was great. The bride and groom we're really nice, they offered us a room to get changed in (normally we have to find a toilet), the buffet was amazing, barbecued prawns, ribs, burgers, smoked bacon rolls, Lorn sausage. The crowd were fantastic, up for most of the night, getting compliments all round. And at the end the groom gave us a box of whiskey - I looked it up, they're about £50 a bottle!
    It was all a bit emotional towards the end as it was our drummers last gig with us after 3 years before he goes to Abu Dhabi.

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