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[quote name='XPAULUSX' post='1131687' date='Feb 18 2011, 07:14 AM']How much power will I lose? Is that possible to work out? Will it be that noticeable or not? Thanks [/quote] I've used a regular VT for years with a tube slave. The VT has quite a LOT of volume on tap - especially if you have the gain up a bit. Just make sure the amp you buy has some extra headroom and you should be okay. If the VT is incapable of driving massive volumes, the poweramp will need to be set a little louder. If you have the extra headroom, you'll be fine.... but it may increase any noise (hiss etc.) just a little. If you're still not sure, just try it out? I find I have my VT significantly set lower than unity, so I can get just the right sound with my tube slave.....
Don't bother - they don't reply..... My MM4 had problems, and I ended up just repairing it myself....... and still NEVER got an email or a call back. Whats your prob?
[quote name='JTUK' post='1124741' date='Feb 12 2011, 06:40 PM']Back to the OP... and this is important...what sort of resale would you get from your end choice?[/quote] Resale is a fickle thing. With the Aussie Dollar VS the Pound currently, this may be the only chance I get at realistically ever owning one of these amps. I'm sure I'm gonna take a hit no matter which big tuber I go for should I want to resell it, but resale is doubtful if these amps are as good as (or better) than the other amps I mentioned before. The GT200 being much rarer over here may count for something...... [quote name='the_brow' post='1125937' date='Feb 13 2011, 09:47 PM']As promised here are some GT200 clips from our last rehearsal. Nothing polished, recorded with and SM57 into a Tascam 4-track tape recorder. Used a Mojo Hand Cream Pie for some boost (always on) and an OxFuzz Bass for the distorted/fuzz sounds. Cab was a mid 70's Ampeg 810 and the bass was a 4001 Ric with flats. [url="http://soundcloud.com/the_brow/0212-starships-holodecks-and"]http://soundcloud.com/the_brow/0212-starships-holodecks-and[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/the_brow/0212-bennington-triangle-blues"]http://soundcloud.com/the_brow/0212-bennin...-triangle-blues[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/the_brow/0212-store-high-in-transit"]http://soundcloud.com/the_brow/0212-store-high-in-transit[/url][/quote] Awesome demo. Not to mention a great band sound. Cool! Thank you SOOOOOOOO much for this. This is very close to the tone I am hunting for, and using flats myself... HA! Cool. The_brow - Take a bow. Ta muchly! If anyone ever compiles a sticky/list of Amp tone samples - here's a contender for the Matamp for sure.
Awesome site. Thanks!
I ended up building my own one. lots of isolations, multiple voltages, including a "sag" circuit. Let me first say this. [b] What a pain in the arse![/b] Sourcing a suitable multiple tap - non-common ground transformer (thats not switchmode, cos I wanted to stay away from those noisy bastards!) that'll be big enough (but not physically big) was a task in itself, and then etching the PCB with all the filtering and rectifying and having to make lots of them for each isolation.... pfft. Since I now have it, and it works flawlessly, It'll stay. [size=3]But if I had my time again I'd just buy one. The difference in the cost of building one VS buying one isn't as much as you'd think when you work out all those little leads to go with it.....[/size]
[quote name='JTUK' post='1122692' date='Feb 10 2011, 10:36 PM']I do know that my amp tech, who is an old skool 60's designer, is scathing about the innards of some top marques and some of them would be the direct competition you may be considering.[/quote] Yeah - I've seen some of that too. I wonder how much of that is from a tech. point of view (difficulty to work on) similar to a mechanic, or whether it's about overall design? Many people love how an Alfa goes, but I'd never own one....... A tech I met a while ago was pretty prickly about the big Fender tuber, and wasn't a big fan of the SVT either. My guess was because of weight and difficulty to work on? [size=4]But I'd love to know of the ones that are thought to be poorly designed with longevity in mind.[/size] I really don't want an amp that'll last 5-10 years, and then have to have a load of work done to it because a pcb has melted/warped to to heat issues..... [quote name='quimbymeat' post='1122506' date='Feb 10 2011, 08:25 PM']I did not get anything sound wise custom and i am glad because its perfect.[/quote] Cool. Yeah your response seems to be the norm. This must be a pretty good amp! Everyone who has given me a positive response aren't strangers to tube amps to start with, some having 3 or 4 previously (including some of the others I've asked about). Thanks everyone.
The VT really shines as a preamp - I use mine as a pre straight into a 200w tube slave. A lot of tones on tap, very versatile and heaps of volume on tap. I love it. As an OD it's also pretty sweet, but the knobs are a little touchy when you get the gain up to insane levels, but this is my only gripe - and it's a very minor one. Awesome pedal.
[quote name='Musicman20' post='1119214' date='Feb 8 2011, 02:26 AM']I seriously suggest trying before buying. I am more than happy with the Mk3, but that's me.[/quote] Wish I could. But I'm not heading to the UK any time soon. [quote name='quimbymeat' post='1118854' date='Feb 7 2011, 09:28 PM']Just deal with a Matamp you will feel better about it. Ask them to make it sound the way you want.[/quote] Yeah that's what I thought. So Quimbymeat - I saw your Matamp here - very nice looking amp! Did you get any custom options besides the faceplate? Have you had a chance to compare yours to other amps? And everyone - is there a resource anywhere with dedicated sound recordings of the Matamp, with or without a band? I've found a few, like the one from Monobrow, but not too many others I've found have the bass loud enough in the mix.
[quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1116681' date='Feb 6 2011, 12:33 AM']A proper good service should sort you then really.[/quote] You're pretty much right. ...... unless I have a tube die, or a fuse repeatedly blow at a rehearsal space or venue (both have happened) Another amp on hand is something i'm leaning towards, and it would also mean I could use the slave for keys or guitar or even vocals. [quote name='Anders' post='1116629' date='Feb 5 2011, 11:37 PM']Slave,so none of these are avaliable for you to try them? Which ones have you heard or tried?[/quote] I have tried and/or rehearsed through SVT2pro, modern SVT-CL and once tried the Orange AD200B. Done recording through a vintage 70's SVT. I liked all of them, but been unable to do a back-to-back. A lot of retailers over here are a bit protective of their big bass amps, and don't like people trialling them if you don't flash the cash. I like all of what I've heard so far, but leaning towards the Orange compared to the SVT-CL, bearing in mind I've only been able to use the SVT2pro with the band. A vintage SVT for sale is something pretty well impossible to find where I live...... The ORange's [b]power tubes resting on the PCB[/b] has me wondering how long the amp will actually last with those hot 45 degree days running at full whack, and knowing how hot my slave gets.... Not knowing about the Matamp, been very keen to find more info about them. [quote name='Anders'](From different thread linked by Jon) Believe me i have tried an AD200MK1,Matamp GT200 and AD200MK3 side by side.The MK1 and Matamp is louder but the MK3 has a tiny bit deeper bass. The Matamp and MK3 can distort about the same(maybe i found the Matamp distortion a bit more interresting),but the Matamp could get really loud when distorted and the bottom end was still there,where as the MK3's bottomend diappeared when it broke up.[/quote] [i]I guess this is what has me most interested.[/i] So the Orange has a little more depth whilst clean, but at louder volumes or using high gain the bottom breaks up to mush? Is this comparable to the old OR120 on bass? - which I have used with the band. Very cool amp, but suffered the same broken up bottom which made it something awesome, yet not awesome at the same time. ......so I guess my real question is; [size=3]Is the difference in the bass "depth" whilst playing clean-ish or slightly overdriven, at band stage\rehearsal volumes enough to justify buying one over the other? - or is it only very minimal?[/size] [size=1][i]BTW - my main cab is a sealed Berg NV412.[/i][/size]
It's an aussie made, kiwi engineered 200w (4x6550) 70's Holden WASP Slave. It's the only amp I have currently (sold the back-up due to WASP never missing a beat) Problem is, lately the WASP has been missing a few beats........ looking to get a second amp to avoid hiring amps, and there's really not many people in Oz who make tubers. I've had separate pre-amps like the DHA, Sansamp, VT bass etc. which have all been pretty good. .....but I wanna keep it as simple as possible. So I'm looking at what serious all-tuber options are out there.........
[quote name='jonthebass' post='1116218' date='Feb 5 2011, 05:02 PM']Hello slave, I don't own one but I guess a good starting point is what sort of tone/sound are you looking for and what style of music do you play? A good starting read is this thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=103114&hl=matamp"]CLICK HERE[/url] Good luck! Cheers, Jon[/quote] Thanks for the link - that was a very informative read. I'm a stoner rock, finger and pick (no slap) and like P-basses and Stingrays strung with flats in C tuning. Think wall of oomph, with lots of mids, with a heavy attack. I already use a 200w tube amp, but it's a slave - no EQ or gain adjustments, and thats why I'm here right now. What I'm looking for is an amp that'll be capable of staying fairly clean with that lovely power tube OD and still be nice and full, and have the versatility to be able to go all rage when I need it to. I really don't want an amp that's gonna suck out mids or lows. [quote name='Basszilla' post='1116433' date='Feb 5 2011, 08:33 PM']I've had a gt200 for a couple of years almost. In the past i've owned a mesa boogie 400+, an orangeAD200B and a fender bassman 135, and i've played on an SVT a few times. The matamp breaks up nicely and will deliver the 200watts clean before getting into breakup zone. It's a really loud amp. And heavy. Matamp for me are the be-all and end-all, superior tone, build quality, excellent customer service and quite simply, they rock.[/quote] Cool. In the thread link above, someone stated the AD200B was "lower" in the lows. I've found some tube amps in the past to be quite finnicky about input strength - and a hot signal would just end up over staurating the input - and cutting lows. ......could this be what they're alluding to? What was your take? How did you see the lowest lows of the Orange compared to the Matamp?
Title says it all really. Been looking at the Matamp..... and living over in OZ means importing, but the insane pricing compared to the brand new Ampegs and Oranges (and the Markbass, Eden all tube heads) are all within a few hundred dollars compared to the Matamp. So really it's coming down to tone over all else. [i]I know there's not many of these GT200 heads around yet - but to those of you that DO have one, or have trialled one;[/i] How does the Matamp GT200 match up compared to the more common tube heads available like the Orange AD200B, the Ampeg SVT-VR, CL and others? Are there any minuses? What would you do?
[quote name='dannybuoy' post='982360' date='Oct 9 2010, 05:37 PM']I know Chris doesn't use one, but the sfx Micro Fuzz is a great alternative to the muff for Muse type sounds. Tons more low end and a synthy edge when set to high gain. If you want one small pedal that will get you in the ballpark for Time Is Running Out, Starlight, etc it's definitely worth checking out. Unlike most fuzzes, it retains the DEEP lows that hit you in the chest![/quote] That is a cool sounding pedal in clips. Another that'll get you close (a LOT closer than a standard muff) is the TakeFlight GOOSE, and they're relatively inexpensive. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5zTl61qv3E"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5zTl61qv3E[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9-zT6YBUbA&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9-zT6YBUbA...feature=related[/url]