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Everything posted by funky_numba
Hi everyone, Would appreciate some serious inspiration re learning Bass Guitar. I've been learning bass for about a year. I went to bass lesson with a tutor for about 6 months and got to a decent level but gave up lessons and have been trying to learn on my own by using online videos and reading up on the subject! I've been playing along to music videos on youtube but feel that it does not help me progress!! I had a go at trying to learn slap bass to a video but it was too difficult. I would just like to hear some testimonials from ex-newbies to advise how they learned to play the bass and get to be as good as they are now!! Many thanks for any help!! P.
Hi guys, I've been on this site a while ago to get some ideas for buying a bass, setting it up etc!!. Took up bass about 10 months ago. Bought a second hand generic bass and amp for £50 to get me started. It did me okay to start with however I bought a really nice second hand bass (Yamaha RBX 760a II) from a local shop a few months back. It sounds fab!! Music likes are mainly funk, soul, blues, fusion, swing, jazz.. I've taking bass lessons for a while now but need a point in the right direction. I have been guilty of learning by playing along to songs on youtube and more or less avoiding the 'homework' given to me by my bass teacher. My question is... what is the best way to learn better? Are scales [u]really[/u] that important? My brain is telling me that I will not gain anything by this but I feel that I will not progress until I put in some hard grafting with learning scales, theory and reading books on the subject. Should I practice every day???? Please can you advise what you feel is the best way forward? Many thanks for any help!!! Regards. P.
Well done for nailing down a fav of mine 'Chameleon'. I had never heard of this song until I went to a 'chill-out' bar in Glasgow. The 4 piece band that played this were truly superb!! I was at the bar getting the drinks and when I heard this song I had to ask the band leader what they were playing. A seemingly straightforward bassline but still sounds amazing!! Still need to have a go at it myself!! How did you learn to play it? By reading music or just working it out yourself?
Hi Guys, Can any you please help me??!!!?? I've been trawling the net to find the bass tabs/ sheet music for 'Critical Mass' by Jeff Jarvis but have had no success. I've only managed to find a basic youtube video to play along to. Can any of you talented ppl out there please point me in the right direction? Many thanks!! Paul.
I currently have a bog standard bass - a Wesley 4-string type with 40-60-80-100 Swing Bass strings. I have worked with this for the past 6 months and def need a change!! I want to upgrade to something more 'funky' sounding. I've checked out an Ibanez SR300 and for the price and the sound it seems ideal price. I went to a local shop, tried it out and loved the sound and crispness of this bass. Far superior to the sound of my current bass. Has anyone out there got the Ibanez SR300 and would recommend it or should I go for some other make. My local shop are currently selling the Ibanez SR300 Red Sparkle for £249. Ideally i've been wanting a second hand Yamaha BB414 bfor a whilte but these are hard to come by. Please, please can you guys help????!!!! Thanks, Paul.
Hi to all of you!! I recently went to see the Byres Road Big Band in Glasgow. They often play the song 'Critical Mass' which I believe is composed by Jeff Jarvis. I have been trawling the net to find a cd that I can play along to for this song however, to save time, do any of you guys know where I can find the bass tabs for that song??? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks. FN
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7nfC7kWBAQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7nfC7kWBAQ[/url] I want to learn some Simply Red music as per the above link. I have a really dull sounding bass. I want a big fatter, funky sound like the above vid. I've tried everything to try to enrich the sound but it still sounds dull!!!! Changed to Rotosound Swing Strings -40-60-80-100. My bass is a Wesley Bass with 2 single coil pups. I've cleaned the frets, the strings, raised/ lowered the pickups but I have got nowhere. I need lots more treble. I mainly play my bass thru my pc with a top notch soundcard. I want a funky sound but it still sounds bad. Do I need new, better quality pickups? Thanks Paul. p.s. on the video... what is that wire that is hanging from the bridge at the bottom of the bass? What is that for?
Hi Guys, Here is what I think is an easy question.. Do any of you have the bass tabs for a great classic.. Rise by Herb Alpert. Love that song.. mmmmm. Thanks, Funky_Numba
[quote name='goblin' post='1045856' date='Dec 3 2010, 12:16 AM']Using rotosound swingbass 66 at 95 - 35 on the Jazz, and on the Wal and Warwick they're 100 - 40. Pickups on the Jazz are bog standard Vintage 35s and the Warwick's got a pair of active EMGs. As for setting intonation, when the jazz arrived, the E strings was really dead, even new strings didn't help. I lowered the action as far as I could before I'd be getting fret buzz, and then to set the intonation you adjust the saddles (on mine it's just a case of a philips screw driver going up the bottom of the bridge). As soon as the 12th fret harmonic sounds exactly the same as the note on each string, the intonation's perfectly set [/quote] I'm totally lost! What's with the 12th fret harmonic thing??
[quote name='goblin' post='1045856' date='Dec 3 2010, 12:16 AM']Using rotosound swingbass 66 at 95 - 35 on the Jazz, and on the Wal and Warwick they're 100 - 40. Pickups on the Jazz are bog standard Vintage 35s and the Warwick's got a pair of active EMGs. As for setting intonation, when the jazz arrived, the E strings was really dead, even new strings didn't help. I lowered the action as far as I could before I'd be getting fret buzz, and then to set the intonation you adjust the saddles (on mine it's just a case of a philips screw driver going up the bottom of the bridge). As soon as the 12th fret harmonic sounds exactly the same as the note on each string, the intonation's perfectly set [/quote] I had the same problem. I lowered the action on the e-string and get fret buzz. I think I have passive pups on my bass. I still don't get the intonation thing.. the 12th fret harmonic???? Thanks for your help.
[quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1044274' date='Dec 1 2010, 08:22 PM']Reading through this thread there is a lot or subjective opinions, not a bad thing but then again you say funkier sound. Could you provide some examples, youtube links??? It'd be a lot easier to give advice once we know what you are aiming for. Knowing what you have helps, which you've done but I don't know much of anything about Wesley basses, all we really now is to know though is what it's pickups(2xsingle coil, split coil, humbucker) It's true that "tone is in the fingers" I didn't really get my desired finger playing sound until I'd practiced for good long while and built my finger strength. Also the right EQing can work wonders. However you can't make chickens fly. intonation: the notes at the 12th fret should be the same as the notes when played open.[/quote] Hiya Prime_BASS Thanks for the update. Here are some of the Youtube links I found and : [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7nfC7kWBAQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7nfC7kWBAQ[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgyutFJKwPA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgyutFJKwPA[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_t21IZrWo0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_t21IZrWo0[/url] Btw.. I don't understand what you mean by saying 'the notes at the 12th fret should be the same as the notes when played open'. Please explain. Many thanks! Funky_Numba
[quote name='610*c' post='1044008' date='Dec 1 2010, 04:41 PM']Just a point, earlier you mentioned changing things around on the bridge. Did you put it back where it should be? the saddles need to be right in order for the notes to be in the right place on the neck.[/quote] What do you mean 'put in the right order'? I was under the impression that the bass gets tuned initially with the guitar tuning pegs but the 'fine-tuning' and the action is done by adjusting the saddles/ bridge screws. I am lost now!! Please advise!! Thanks. Funky_Numba
[quote name='zero9' post='1043778' date='Dec 1 2010, 01:54 PM']I always loved the sound from my 'p' bass acoustically, but it wasn't until I put better pup's on it when I realised it's full potential.[/quote] Hi Zero9, I hardly use my amp when practicing. I plug my bass into my pc soundcard (it's a very good soundcard btw). I have various apps at my disposal to tweek the sound but I still cannot get that sweet funky sound. I think I may be flogging a dead horse trying to find THAT sound, especially if I have cheap pups to start with. I don't know what make the pups are but I've been looking around the net and have heard some soundbites of reasonably priced pups that give THAT sound. What pups did you have originally and what ones did you upgrade to? Do you have a 'popular' bass to start with? Thanks for your help. Funky_Numba
[quote name='endorka' post='1043250' date='Dec 1 2010, 02:32 AM']The Rotosound strings you have should be no barrier to getting the tone you describe. Hmm... I'm not sure I would describe the plucking approach that was a major component of the sound of such luminaries as Jaco Pastorious to be "just a workaround". Where you pluck on the string has a major effect on the tone produced; closer to the bridge gives a brighter tone, closer to the neck gives a fatter tone. There are many other factors to consider in addition to this that will affect tone, however. While you may appear to be copying what these musicians are doing on Youtube, there could be other things that are not immediately apparent. For example, even the amount of callous on the fingertips can change tone. It can be an interesting thought experiment to consider: what would one of these musicians sound like playing your bass? You have a strong sense of the sound you would like to produce, this is good. Over the next few months I would advise spending a lot of time making small adjustment to your technique to attempt to find this sound. It will be obvious when you are getting nearer to the ideal. There is another thing: Have you tried playing with the neck pickup completely off, the bridge pickup completely on, and the tone as trebly as you can get? Jennifer[/quote] I play with both pups up full and the tone up full but I will try and experiment as per your instructions. Thanks for your advice, Jennifer!!!!!
[quote name='bubinga5' post='1043246' date='Dec 1 2010, 02:23 AM']sorry but you dont need lighter strings a or a tweeter... a few questions. does the bass have any treble response at all Paul. what amp are you using how old is the bass is the bass passive/active...im guessing its passive knowing westfields.. is it a jazz ive come across a couple of basses with lack of treble responce and its been because of the pickups....im not saying this is your bass Paul but it may be... IF this is the case and the bass IS passive the pups are not expensive to get a fairly good set...[/quote] Hi bubinga5, I think the bass is passive. The bass is about 5 years old. The amp is a Starfire TEC20B practice amp. The treble pot on the bass makes very little difference. I thought that the pups are just basic ones. That's why I thought I should upgrade them but I don't know what to as there are so many choices. I have two sinlge coil ones at the mo. No idea what make. Should I get a couple of neck and bridge Jazz pups? If so.. what make?
[quote name='endorka' post='1043243' date='Dec 1 2010, 02:02 AM']You will find much talk of the pros and cons of instruments/amps/strings/pickups all over the Internet, but always remember - "the funk is in the fingers". In other words, if your basic technique is not producing the sound you are after, then it will be difficult to compensate for this with gadgets and technology. How does the bass sound unamplified? Many people advocate plucking near the bridge of the instrument, rather than closer to the neck, to achieve the bright funky sound you desire. Have you tried this? Jennifer[/quote] The unamplified sound is fine but not super great. That's why I thought I would need better bass strings to have a better tone to begin with and let my amp do the rest. Re the funk is in the fingers. I've watched the youtube vids and they are not doing anything different from me re plucking. Yes, I get a slightly better sound by plucking nearer the bridge but that just a workaround. Shouldn't I be able to get the sound by plucking between the bridge and the neck pickups?
[quote name='goblin' post='1043229' date='Dec 1 2010, 01:39 AM']Check the set up on it as well, when I got my Tokai it was pretty dead when it came to slap, and I was worried I'd have to spend alsorts getting it up to the mark. Put a set of 35 - 95 strings on which helped, dropped the action a bit, but the magic came when I set the intonation so it was spot on. It now slaps faster than my active Warwick which is saying something![/quote] What make of strings did you get? Roto's Roundwound Jazz....?
[quote name='goblin' post='1043229' date='Dec 1 2010, 01:39 AM']Check the set up on it as well, when I got my Tokai it was pretty dead when it came to slap, and I was worried I'd have to spend alsorts getting it up to the mark. Put a set of 35 - 95 strings on which helped, dropped the action a bit, but the magic came when I set the intonation so it was spot on. It now slaps faster than my active Warwick which is saying something![/quote] What kinda pickup have you got on you bass?
[quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1043235' date='Dec 1 2010, 01:45 AM']My setup isn't for slap. My Aguilar does have a tweeter I keep turned off, so it probably could, but most of my 'highs' come from a guitar rig I run in addition. Appropriate setup may make a lot of difference.[/quote] What do you mean by setup, Mr Foxen?
[quote name='goblin' post='1043229' date='Dec 1 2010, 01:39 AM']Check the set up on it as well, when I got my Tokai it was pretty dead when it came to slap, and I was worried I'd have to spend alsorts getting it up to the mark. Put a set of 35 - 95 strings on which helped, dropped the action a bit, but the magic came when I set the intonation so it was spot on. It now slaps faster than my active Warwick which is saying something![/quote] I have the same problem. Funny enough, with my string setup of 40-100, the E-string on 100 guage sounds muffled when compared to the other strings. How would I set the intonation? I have raised and lowered the bridge. Moved the saddles back and forth but that didn't work. What strings do you use?
[quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1043226' date='Dec 1 2010, 01:25 AM']Amp and cab, what is it. You might need a tweeter.[/quote] I normally play thru my pc soundcard however, I have a second hand TEC20B Starfire bass practice amp which I bought with the bass. It has a few pots .. 1 low, 2 mids and 1 high (i think) but they seem to make little if any difference to the sound. I wonder if the bass amp is gubbed!!! My bass still sounds 'muddy' through that amp. What's your setup?
Hi all, I've only been playing bass for a few months now. I use a second hand Wesley bass I use but it's been a great help for learning. I've been watching a lot of bass covers on youtube.. mainly funk/ jazz based music. I love that type of sound but what's driving me nuts is that I cannot reproduce that bright funky tone on my own bass.. even with the new swing strings I bought. Don't get me wrong.. they are A LOT better than the ones I got with the bass but the tone seems a bit 'muddy' compared to the ones on the youtube vids . I currently have Rotosound 40 60 80 100 roundwound Swing Strings. Apart from buying a new bass.. I would just like to know how I can alter the sound. I've put the tone up full, but no joy. Do I need different strings.. Elixir, Ernie Ball Super Slinkys, blah blah. What about Jazz pickups? Will that alter the sound by much. Any help is much appreciated!! Paul.
Hi guys, Been a busy few week.. at rehearsals... learning script and music for some show i'm involved in... going to pub after rehearsals and then coming back home to my lonely bass afterwards and feeling all guilty with not practising more. Still took on board all comments to having fun playing the bass along with other songs. Loving it!!! Currently trying to practice bass notes for some songs.. Broken Wings by Mister Mister, Canned Heat by Jamiroqua and It's My Life by Talk Talk. Getting somewhere with the first two but don't understand the tablature for It's My Life. My left fingers are numb... is that normal? Any of you know any easy jazz songs to play along to or even some 80's songs? Thanks!!!
[quote name='icastle' post='1025410' date='Nov 16 2010, 01:38 AM']Don't be tempted to tighten the E string and bring everything else up to match it - quite aside from the fact that nobody will ever want to play with you as a bass player (you'll be out of tune with everyone else), the chances are you'll break at least the G string and probably bend the neck of your bass. Adjusting the saddles back and forth won't help you - all you will do is screw up the intonation of the bass so that it will go out of tune as you play up the neck - that's easily fixable with a guitar tuner, so no permanant damage done there. Adjusting the saddles up and down is OK as far as intonation is concerned but if you have the strings too high the instrument becomes difficult to play (you have to push the strings down harder and further to fret the note you are after). Absolutely no disrespect, but I personally think you might be trying to run before you can walk. Slapping bass opens up a whole pile of percussive and damping techniques that are probably counterintuitive to anyone who's played bass for only a few weeks. My advice would be to buy a guitar tuner if you don't already have one, sort out the intonation (I'm sure we can help you do that) and get the bass back to it's original factory state at worst. Practice basic techniques like playing scales, little bass riffs, some common scales, play along with some of your favourite CDs etc. Once you can do those easily then you'll be in a far better position to play slap bass. HTH[/quote] I agree. I think I may have been a bit too hasty with the bass tuning. I do have an electronic guitar tuner so I can easily get my bass back in tune however, it still does not resolve the problem with the buzzing of the E-string against the frets. Thanks.
[quote name='icastle' post='1025401' date='Nov 16 2010, 01:18 AM']I just went through my tape collection and tried playing along with different tunes and different styles of music. Kept at it until I could do it without thinking or hurting I still learn new tunes exactly the same way today.[/quote] That's just the way I thought everyone did it. Time to look through my large collection of music to try out!! Think that's what I'll be doing thru the xmas hols off work!!