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Everything posted by funky_numba

  1. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='989912' date='Oct 16 2010, 03:24 AM']It's definitely worth taking someone knowledgeable with you. They'll be able to tell you, for example, if a guitar has been well set-up. I say this because from what I remember the Yamaha and Squier P neck and fret profiles are pretty close, so if the Yamaha didn't play well it may be because of this (I've never found one that couldn't be set up to play very easily with a trussrod tweak and a play around with the action at the bridge). Someone experienced would also be able to tell the difference between something that sounds better because of superior pickups/wood rather than, simply, the fact that it had newer strings on than anything else. For maximum versatility of tone, 2 pickups are very useful, however, the P bass itself with just the one pickup has been used in pretty much every style of music that uses bass! So if you liked the sound and feel of the Affinity P, then go for it. I know I've said before, but don't be scared of looking secondhand to make the most of your budget. Good luck![/quote] Hi LawrenceH, Maybe a Squier JAZZ Bass might be a better option as opposed to a PRESICION Bass, as it apparently has a much richer tone than a precision bass. But as i've said before, i'm a total newbie with bass playing so i'm like a fish out of water at the mo. I've taken on board what you and everyone else has said re buying second hand. A friend at work has a brother who has a collection of basses which he may want to sell. Will find out next week if he has any decent gear to sell. On another note.. I checked out an Ashburn Perfect 10 as a practice amp, however when I tried it at the shop, I thought that it sounded a bit weak so may need to have another look about for something louder.
  2. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='990062' date='Oct 16 2010, 11:53 AM']As mentioned in the bass guitar section, I bought this Japo from CC a few weeks ago for 50 quid. Cosmetically the body and headstock have some "character" lets say but it`s all been done in the course of duty! None of your fake relicing here! It has a couple of holes on the back which I assume were done when someone had moved the strap button. It`s all original as far as I can tell apart from the control knobs and the input jack that I have replaced. It sounds really good, the first 5 frets have some wear on them but its from 1983. I have fitted some barley used Rotosounds and that along with the new jack is why I`m looking for the extra fiver. It`s on the heavy side as well. I`m only getting shot of it because I find it ugly and I won`t use it. It is what it is, if you want a shot, drop me a pm. £55 [attachment=61504:DSC01706.JPG] [attachment=61503:DSC01704.JPG] Jez[/quote] Hi Jezzaboy, Yep your right, it is an ugly bass. Thanks for the heads up tho!!!!!
  3. I took a half-day off work today to trawl around glasgow to find a decent beginners bass and to be honest, I'm still confused by the whole bass guitar world. There was Jazz bass, Precision Bass, Single Coil, Humbuckers blah blah!! I had a mindset to buy a Yamaha RBX 170 however, when I visited a shop today and tried out said bass (with an Ashburn Perfect 10 amp), I found that the fingers of my left hand struggled on the frets. The shop assistant led me from the Yamaha 170 to a 'better fit' Squier P affinity bass. It was a more comfortable fit and a much richer sound but a few quid more, however, I felt as though I was missing out on something. The cheaper Yamaha 170 had 2 pups but the more expensive Squier P bass had only one pup. Am I missing something.... what is better... a bass with 1 pup or a bass with 2 pups. I was later given a Squier Jazz bass to try out but someone else took up the 'sound room' so I never got the chance to hear the Squier Jazz bass. I'm lost now!! I realise that it may take some time to develop the necessary skills to play a bass guitar however, I don't want to end up spending money on a bass that does not fit my needs. Thanks to all respondants!! P.
  4. Hi Guys, I've been a big fan of Level 42 since the early 80's and have most of their albums however, I'm trying to find some new stuff to listen to in a similar genre (hate that word). Can any of you recommend any bands that are current and play brit funk, jazz funk etc? Seen a few on youtube but any name plugging would be greatly appreciated. Need some new inspiration!!!! Thanks. Luv this site, bigtime!!!! P.
  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='987368' date='Oct 13 2010, 08:18 PM']In a nutshell, yep you can get hum from a lone single coil pup. But it is more often down to interference from the locale. There are only a few basses with just one single coil pup, the most famous being the 51 P. A Jazz bass for example has 2 single coil pickups but when both pups are used at the same volume, because of how they are wired they effectively become a single humbucker. Often as not hum can be dealt with by shielding.[/quote] How I would 'sheild' the bass from interference? And hypothetically speaking, would it affect the sound in a live performance? On a similar note.. the spec I saw for the Yamaha SBX 170 mentions - Dual P/J-style pups. What does that mean? Thanks to all!!!!!
  6. Hi all, Been reading some stuff about 'humbucker' pickups and that they reduce excessive noise. Does that mean that if I buy a bass with single pickup coil or whateva, i will get louder unwanted hum from that bass if the volume is turned up on an amp which is connected to other equipment, effects pedals, etc? How bad would it sound?? Hope that makes sense... Thanks again.
  7. [quote name='charic' post='985279' date='Oct 12 2010, 08:09 AM']Ashdown Perfect 10 is a brilliant practice amp but may push you slightly over budget[/quote] Thanks for the update. I may have to go slightly over budget if I've decided on the rbx170 and the ashdown!! Roll on payday!! I just hope after all this time, I won't get bored playing bass!!!
  8. [quote name='4StringFortress' post='986409' date='Oct 12 2010, 11:14 PM']Yea I have a BB414 with it I find rock sounds very very VERY nice on it but im gona shove some flatwound strings on it and use it for Funk and Jazz I think. I love its sound very hot pick ups and it has some real punch.[/quote] Another Yummy Yammy then? I'm sooooo jealous. Are you in a band at the mo?
  9. [quote name='4StringFortress' post='985255' date='Oct 12 2010, 06:59 AM']Had a look round they are not really any packages as such but iv put this together for you that will easily cover what you need to practice on =] Bass: Yamaha RBX170 [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/yamaha-rbx170-bass-guitar-dark-metallic-blue--12177"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/yamaha-rbx170...lic-blue--12177[/url] Amp: Ashdown Tourbus 10 [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/ashdown-tourbus-10-bass-practice-amplifier-combo--73694"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/ashdown-tourb...er-combo--73694[/url] That's a 10 watt practice amp that will be perfect for you to practice on it might be small but it will still pack a bit of a punch =P. And no you don't need any effects pedals to start with that can come later when you wana experiment with sounds. That package I put together there comes to £181 so thats within your £200 budget so you can spend any extras on like a strap and stuff like that. Hope you like it =].[/quote] Hi 4stringFortress, A big thanks for narrowing down my options!!!!! Re the RBX170 colour, I will prob be going for either the Old Violin Sunburst, Red Metallic or the amber version. Thats £149 or so. You've sorted out my Bass amp. Gonna save me a lot of time looking for something that I didn't have a scoobie about. All I need will be a decent set of headphones. Think I could manage that. Is that a BB414 you've got? What's your style of play.. Rock, Funk, Jazz...?
  10. Hi Guys, Thanks for all your advice!!!! This site is truly amazing!!!! Love it already!! I'm going to buy new as opposed to second-hand. Would love a Yamaha BB414 but based on my budget I think I will be opting for a Yamaha RBX 170.. possibly in old violin sunburst or red metallic. I will obviously need a practice amp but again, I'm a newbie to this so any help/ advice on a decent amp would be much appreciated. Just need one to use for practicing the bass in my bedroom so nothing seriously loud. Would I need any effects pedals? Looking for a package deal for around £200 to include the RBX 170 but could not find any online. Help please!!!! Thanks again for your input!!!
  11. [quote name='charic' post='983678' date='Oct 10 2010, 07:29 PM']My money would go on the second hand yammy a2 if the budget was 200. I really really liked the last one I played. Are you dead set on going new?[/quote] Yes, I'm going new. Don't think I trust second hand. No come back if it goes wrong. New bass should get me a warranty.
  12. Great!!!!!! Thanks for that!! On a similar note.. if I bought one particular bass guitar, would it be suitable for playing 'big band' swing music as well as playing funk/ soul etc, or would I need to buy another type of guitar for each style of music? What dictates the sound of a bass.... string type, pickup type, guitar body type? Sorry for the heavy question there. Any help is very much appreciated!!! Thanks again..
  13. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='983380' date='Oct 10 2010, 02:44 PM']No disrespect to others above, but given what you list as music you like I would ignore suggestions to buy a P-bass without an extra pup at the bridge. Before anyone jumps on my back, yes they are great for some funk (Paul Jackson of the Headhunters springs to mind), but the core tone is sort of exactly the opposite of Level 42 etc! A jazz type, MM, or a P-J, will be more versatile. I started on a Yamaha RBX170 and it was a great bass to begin on, ergonomic, well-constructed and reliable. The core tone was a little weak but you'll struggle to find better in the sub-£100 bracket that these go for 2ndhand. Having said that, I'd say the BB414/424 is a very worthwhile step up. I don't think you need look beyond the Yamaha range at the low end of the market, there might be others as good but I don't think there's better pound for pound. If you want a jazz then the CV Squier is a safe bet, and there's one for sale on here I believe.[/quote]
  14. Hi Guys, Thanks for the prompt response !!! My budget is around £200. A friend of mine said that he could get me a new Washburn bass (don't know model), amp and some kinda pedal (?).. all for £170. Still like the Yamaha series tho. I saw another nice Yamaha bass.. BB 414. Sounds like a fatter sound than the RBX 170. Probably a lot more pricey tho. Anyone played the BB 414? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-Q3OUd7Ev0"]Yamaha BB414[/url] On another note... best way to start learning? DVD, books? Thanks again!!!
  15. Hi all, Would really appreciate some help/ advice re buying a bass guitar for a beginner. I've long been a fan of funk, soul for some time now. Recently been attending BIG-BAND gigs of which my sis has been the singer for some of them. I'm a big fan of Level 42, Jamiroqui, etc. Listening to them has always given me an itch to learn funk / jazz music. Been wanting to try bass for ages but thought it would be too much like hard work!!! Now I'm confused by all the technology re what to buy as a first 4-string bass. Do I choose one with active or passive pickups, what strings would I use, what amp should I buy to start with. Could I use a particular bass for learning basic stuff... but also use the same bass to learn swing-jazz and slap bass?? I have been 'googling' and 'youtubing' for some inspiration. Found what I thought was a nice bass.. Yamaha RBX 170. Well within my budget too. Sounds really nice!!! I've heard that Yamaha basses are really good for beginners, however, I've also heard that Washburn basses are good too. I'm lost now!!! I have the funds but I don't know how to proceed. Buy the Yamaha RBX 170 or opt for a Washburn? If Washburn.. what model?? Or what?? Can you guys pleeeeez give me some ideas, reviews, opinions, how you started off? Many thanks for any help!!
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