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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Kev

    Neural Quad Cortex

    Nope, nothing. Have you tried messing with levels in the i/o menu? If you're getting white noise out of the box though, doesn't sound right. With a closed noise gate, mine is as quite as you could want it to be.
  2. In fairness, it was extremely predicable it would go this way, especially following your rather tongue in cheek use of the word "bargain" 😅 That being said, I don't think anyone has been rude, its just an open on-topic discussion.
  3. Just a little heads up - no real issues discussing this fella here, but please don't post any direct links to the basses he's selling. He's more than welcome to come on here and advertise them
  4. Just goes to show its how you use it, as there's nothing non-Darkglass about the capability of this one, just a digital Alpha Omega with additional octave and routing.
  5. To be fair, if he's not making a profit on most of those, he's had a nightmare...
  6. I just meant doing that would make it absolutely sure it was the tube 👍
  7. This is absolutely gorgeous. Everything about the aesthetic just works beautifully!
  8. Could that be an indication the tube is microphonic? Try opening up the finally when it's on and connected to an amp and gently tap the tube, see what kind of sound it sends through the amp, if any.
  9. I'm sure if everything came down 10-20% he'd have an easier time of it, but if they've been up for ages then I guess he has the retailer mentality at the mo!
  10. I mean to be fair, that mostly follows the body line/contours 😅
  11. It's all top dollar for sure, but quite a collection!
  12. The only one I can see in that link does? Looking at other pictures of other Retro's, I do feel like it has the new body edge contours? Which may be causing it, or causing the illusion. Either way, its odd that they wouldn't just copy the bass its a reissue of when they did everything else. BUT who cares, they're lovely basses otherwise.
  13. Sorry no not the scratch plate alignment, i'm talking about the alignment with the edge of the body. Every control plate i've seen follows the body lines, whereas these don't seem to?
  14. Do you have a link to any 76 era Stingray's that have the same control plate not following the body curve? Struggling to see one!
  15. Is it because the new ones have the different contouring that's causing it to shift? I would have thought it was vintage spec, but the body shape looks different all round in that pic if you start comparing other things like the bridge position too.
  16. This thread is surreal today 😂
  17. Probably better to compare against other independents and stores that have comparable shipping volume? Bassbros, for instance? Vintage Bass Room?
  18. £5 sounds a bargain for £700 worth of goods to be shipped to you, risk free
  19. Bugger, forgot about this. New DI = me out
  20. Top tip; in your designated User Group, its best you don't ask
  21. Its mainly just been things like uneven frets/fret ends, loose soldering, poor setup, just all budget bass kinda stuff really that i've read aboout, which for a four figure bass isn't really a goer. He also irked me when I asked for a quote on a copy of Chris Squire's Ric; I asked for a price on one which he gave, which was a little more than I expected but I was ready to go for it, and then when I double checked it came with the toaster/horseshoe pickup and oversized headstock, he wanted to up the price by another 20 % odd to cover it, despite having made clear from the start its what I wanted. And then I read about the issues, so decided against!
  22. Love the look of HW's work, but reading SO many stories about the basses arriving with silly issues needing tech attention completely put me off, they cost too much to have to worry about stuff like this for sure. Hope any issues are set right for you, and naturally he should be covering shipping costs unless you're imagining the issues! Did he really not offer?
  23. Indeed! Can't wait to take it out tonight with the Evanescence tribute and be told by my bandmates they can't tell the difference. At least it's pretty.
  24. Yeah this is the 2.0 version, the first one was quite a different beast altogether. I assume the bars were added later on. Don't see many of these about!
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