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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. I'm told I just look worried.
  2. It's headless....perfect
  3. A Mad Professor Blueberry Overdrive and the rest to FedEx me a soldering iron and a handful of components to mod it to sound like mine
  4. I was going to go for Steve Pillage He played with Mong for a while.
  5. You know that Boxing Day invitation ? Yeah, kinda, sorta, doing a thing...sorry
  6. Here's the evidence
  7. Hey, stop arguing about the rules of the game.. .plenty of time for that at Christmas with the In-laws
  8. I broke a 1mm Gibson plectrum once (only once)...I still have it somewhere as a testament to WTF !
  9. Gush Smashing Bumpkins Dunkadelic Britney Swears The Mangles
  10. I wasn't born in London, but have lived just off St Anne's Road for about 20 years.
  11. It all sounded like a lot of fun from Tottenham* (*about 2.5 miles away for those not blessed with living in North London)
  12. Radio One, from before I was born until about the age of 13, was on almost all the time at home, so I know where you're at @ambient ! Nothing cool, no exposure to an extensive parental record collection, no cool uncles. Just wall-to-wall top 40 pop. Has it affected my playing ? Not sure, but almost every song I write weighs in at under 3 mins
  13. Same style here, except without the weapon analogy
  14. Great stuff ! Do keep us updated on the repair. And welcome to Capacitor Club
  15. Ha, beat me to it !
  16. Hopefully it's something easy to sort. Fingers crossed. Wishing you a swift recovery too.
  17. Dodgy mains sockets ? Are the sockets they're plugged getting full juice ? (I appreciate any electricians in the audience are muttering "You stick to your books, mate.... )
  18. Apart from changing from a pickup selector to jazz wiring, would this do the job ?
  19. I am a Beatles fan and I think it's dire. I could get all lyrical about 'squeezing the last few dessicated, bitter fruit from a long-dead tree' but I'll quote George instead - he said it best. "..it's f××king rubbish."
  20. Also....no fan folks ! One of the reasons I have one of these is the silent operation...and it's Trace, of course. 👍
  21. Ha, that's nothing on The Proclaimers !
  22. Sssssshhhhh ! I was trying to break @spongebob in gently!
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