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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. Huzzah ! Glad you're getting tonez
  2. Yes, most likely, but let's let the OP come back and let us know their thoughts and maybe we can offer some considered advice.
  3. No, the nut should sit neatly in the slot, not have a gap underneath. What bass are you working on ?
  4. I mainly use one, the pointy finger.
  5. I really don't have any friends, so nobody to chat music to. So it goes.
  6. You know they're coming
  7. A dozen wheels on the Sci-Fi truck When Georgie P tested his luck As we saw him bravely sally Into the Damnation Alley
  8. It's just a typo Just a slip The thrust remains Within the frame
  9. Jacob used four strings, John Wayne had a six-gun Use what comes to hand - you'll still have your fun. Ben-Hur rode two wheels, George Peppard had twelve Don't worry about the others, you just do yourself.
  10. Blimey, that's a generous slice of lovely.
  11. Is it any good for S.L.A.P. ?
  12. I think folks understand that, you've nothing to be worried about. You keep asking the questions you need answers to - you didn't deserve the chaos this thread turned into.
  13. Agreed ! And what about the bassists who play three string basses with two strings ? This incessant marginalisation of the intersectionality of fretboard/string count determinism cannot go on ! Shadowy Cabals ! Vested Interests !
  14. And again the air crackles with unresolved sexual tension
  15. Tell the bandleader(s) you're not happy with the last minute cancellations, and if it happens again within (insert patience-length appropriate time period here), you'll be off, then stick to your word. I wouldn't leave without telling them why - bands fall apart and reform, and by letting them know its the logistics that's putting you off, an incarnation with better organisation might be calling you up. Good luck
  16. Double post
  17. I haven't. I've a few odd pictures of playing live, but no concerted effort to keep anything else. Mind you, a drummer in possibly the best band I played in did graphic design for Warp Records and I've kept the odd poster he designed. Phenomenal drummer as well
  18. Naaah, you're reading it wrong. It's 110001110, 00011010 Can you see it now ? Think 'Close Encounters'
  19. Me neither. Nothing against 5-strings, just never needed to.
  20. Dirty AC Town
  21. Not at all how I play, I think it would slow me down as my right hand pretty much just floats apart from some muting with my curled in fingers. But there's no criticism implied if it works for you !
  22. Aaaah, I see, thanks. May I ask why you anchor ? Again, straight question, just curious about the different approach.
  23. How are you anchoring when you play with a plectrum ? Straight question BTW- just having trouble visualising it, which I assume makes me a non-anchorer
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