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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. iirc the way the wiring in the JC works is that the pickup feeds into a variable impedance (switched by the 'varitone' switch - the load is an audio transformer) and through the transformer to the output. that way the o/p impedance is constant but the pickup 'sees' a different impedance, and so sounds different on each setting.
  2. sketches of spain - miles davis yeah, i know it's davis lite...but still sweet.
  3. /reserves space for when my t-bass arrives from barnacle bill/
  4. [quote name='eude' post='862233' date='Jun 9 2010, 03:50 PM']Good shout dude. I've added a couple of SWRs to my list. Those Baby Blues are very hard to come by from what I can gather unfortunately Eude[/quote] there's a workingman's 15 combo [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SWR-Workingmans-Series-15-Bass-Guitar-Amp-Amplifier-/120574567845?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item1c12cde5a5"]on ebay at the moment[/url] edit: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SWR-workingman-15-/170496223479?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item27b25de8f7"]and another[/url]
  5. i have a SWR baby baby blue combo (120W), which seems to fit the bill...i'm not sure if they make them any more, but if you can find one, then i think they're amazing sounding amps for the size.
  6. [quote name='steve-soar' post='861028' date='Jun 8 2010, 02:28 PM']Holger Czukay?[/quote] now there's a proper bass player
  7. [quote name='dangerboy' post='860889' date='Jun 8 2010, 12:34 PM']I think if the answer is that you're in a scene where lending is abused, don't lend. But if you're in a scene where lending is expected and respected, do it.[/quote] pretty well summed up db...when it comes down to it, you do as you wish. it's your stuff to do with as you please. tho it seems this thread's gone a bit beyond that truism, so i reckon we can add it to the plectrum/no plectrum, slapping/not slapping and jaco praise/bashing pot boilers that crop up now and again.
  8. i think this might be the no. 1 in the top ten of basschat topics that get people frothing at the mouth.... hang on...is that an idea for a new thread ? :wacko:
  9. who says you [i]should[/i] like it ? i really don't like chorused bass....so i don't use a chorus* [size=1]*but i still own one - go figure[/size]
  10. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='859888' date='Jun 7 2010, 02:17 PM']I've lent my amp on a number of occasions (to death metal bands mainly!), and used other people's amps on numerous others. As long as its by prior arrangement I don't see the problem. Obviously I keep an eye on it and if they make any special requests (don't touch EQ etc.) you abide by that. That said, if you don't want to lend yours then that's your prerogative.[/quote] plus the one most venues i play are so small that everyone bringing their own equipment isn't feasible...i've no problem with some sensible sharing...and in my experience everyone is very much aware that favours are being given and is careful of everyone's equipment. ymmv
  11. keep at it mano...i can only echo the senitments expressed above. to paraphrase brian wilson "keep playing strong and hard, all the way through"
  12. how about the ehx stereo memory man with hazarai ? it has a tape echo setting and you can adjust the tone of the delay to get nice analogue-ish sounds. i really like mine....must get it back off the guitarist !
  13. sadly i reckon a lot do get thrown away... bass event horizon anyone ?
  14. so, as it seems the BBC were prejudicial in their treatment of bass player... were they being bassist ?
  15. i've got a pearl octaver and i reckon, with care, it'll track to the A on the E-string...but it starting to struggle. it doesn't 'hunt' for the first octave at that point....it's just starting to find it hard to replicate the note and sounds slightly detuned.
  16. hmmmm....beefheart and can in a thread on basschat. i [i]knew[/i] i liked this place for a reason
  17. hey - tidy bit of work there...admittedly not to my taste (it's not black !), but good stuff.... so which bass is currently quivering with fear in case you get bored ?
  18. [quote name='Clarky' post='858826' date='Jun 6 2010, 12:54 PM']Peddent - wot woz my 1th mistake init? [/quote] [i]coming to hazzard county in the first place[/i] aaaah, it never gets old !!!
  19. [quote name='Clarky' post='858798' date='Jun 6 2010, 12:22 PM']"Dukes of Hazard" video for you tonight, boy![/quote] spelling "hazzard" with only one z was your second mistake...
  20. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='858734' date='Jun 6 2010, 11:26 AM']You lot are always getting angry at the telly. Just don't watch the telly![/quote] plus the one. life really is too short for it....
  21. i usually pull a wooden clothes peg apart and use the wedges to lift off stuck knobs (oo-er again matron)... less likely to leave any marks being wood... but the spoons is a good idea !
  22. i shy away from coffee table basses. black's the new quilted.
  23. i shy away from coffee table basses. black's the new quilted.
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