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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. Hang on, the youngsters on Reddit turned you on to Countryfile ? F**king hipsters ruin everything!
  2. If I did that with some of my basses I'd just have a nice collection of toothpicks:)
  3. This.
  4. You're helping...kinda
  5. @Gasman, if these instances worry you then you should seek some help. Not because there is something wrong with you, just to put the ideas into perspective. I think moments like you're describing aren't totally unheard-of, I've had similar experiences too. But if you're concerned about them maybe get some advice. 👍
  6. Stop it
  7. "Timbers hand selected from Basschat's expertly-curated personal reserve of tonewoods: WoodBeGood - Reuse Timber, Reuse Tone"
  8. Ooh, that's lovely, and thanks for the info. I like narrow string spacing - it's one of the things I really dig about my NS2000.
  9. 12 notes ? All 5ths ? That's 2 and 2/5. See, easy ! Next !
  10. It does say 'Fender'
  11. Crikey. The verse sounds like a bad David Bowie impersonator fronting a britpop band. Or possibly just Blur on a bad day
  12. If you know your limitations
  13. Beautiful ! What's the string spacing at the bridge, do you know ?
  14. 'Streetwoods' I get the idea, but really ? I suppose this means I've got a personal reserve of Tottenham Shedwoods at the end of my garden. Get in !
  15. I don't mind. I'd rather the people there chose the music - then it'll be music that reminds them of me. Funerals aren't for the dead, after all.
  16. Fantastic basses. GLWTS.
  17. LowEndLobster had a Spector with an EMG preamp for eachpickup Ah, yes...
  18. That's smashing. Nice work.
  19. Ah, I thought you meant something else there. "Jockeys for playing in the pocket". Wish I hadn't said that now
  20. It needs to be chanted over and over to some doomy backing. Backwards maybe
  21. And here's Mary from Manhattan Transfer with your next clue...
  22. Nicely done
  23. It sounds like the subtitle to a Social Sciences PhD. I used to a librarian, so I've seen a few Reminds me of this https://www.elsewhere.org/pomo/ EDIT: Although I think I do understand the three types of personality described. They're different ways that people respond to questions of which they have knowledge. Some don't share fully and protect their knowledge, some share but in a way that reinforces the power dynamic of their knowledge, some are hung up on absolute exactness in discussion. I guess, kinda Jeesh, too long in Social Sciences... You think you're out...
  24. You put an awful lot of work into that, I'd say it definitely deserves another chance. Is a trip to a luthier an option ? See if they can sort out the neck ? Maybe some of the Basschat bass building folk can offer some advice. Even if it's heavy - just play it at home. Enjoy your handiwork. You absolutely have to resurrect it - you made a bass !
  25. Now we're getting somewhere - slightly (but only slightly) nearer my age...hair's closer... But....something's not quite right - she's feeling something, but I don't think it's joy... I may have to do y'all a selfie showing the real joy of soldering when I get home.
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