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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. if you do go to denmark street...deffo haggle...and go from one shop to the other playing them off... i did, and got £20 off my boss tuner pedal. best not to go on a saturday tho if you can avoid it
  2. that's a beautiful bass. i wish i had the ££££s
  3. [quote name='acidbass' post='234578' date='Jul 7 2008, 10:49 PM']Mine is a little woofy at the minute in the low end (I'm currently using a hollowbody McCartney bass copy), but I have a feeling that adding a compressor to my signal chain might resolve this. Any thoughts?[/quote] try cutting the lower frequencies a little and and boosting you lower mids...that works well with my semi-acoustic.
  4. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='233874' date='Jul 7 2008, 12:16 AM']Brilliant! I've been looking for a bass that can be played under water for some time now. [/quote]
  5. that must be the shaft that would risk his neck for his brother man ?
  6. i'm no expert, but one bit of advice i'd give to to make sure you're not gripping the neck too tight. when my fretting hand starts feeling tired or crampy i've found cos i've been gripping the neck like a vice.
  7. ...or [url="http://duc.digidesign.com/"]here[/url]
  8. [quote name='silddx' post='234368' date='Jul 7 2008, 06:32 PM']I've forgotten his damn name, the guy who played with John Martyn, just gorgeous voice support.[/quote] danny thompson ?
  9. [quote name='ironside1966' post='234182' date='Jul 7 2008, 02:38 PM']At least the venue has had the courtesy to inform you in advance. If you can’t play quiet , turn the gig down and politely suggest the find something more suitable.[/quote] plus the one if you can't do as they want, then tbh i think you should turn down the gig, whether or not you think it's reasonable.
  10. [quote name='coasterbass' post='234522' date='Jul 7 2008, 09:35 PM']If so, why do the 'pro's' still stick to 'regular' cabs?[/quote] i'd imagine it's because if they're hiring equipment on tour an ampeg 8x10 is easier to get hold of than a more 'exotic' brand or model. but i'm no expert
  11. i'm very happy with my tone...jazz bass and my ampeg preamp, with my fulltone mosfet bass driver for overdrive sounds. it's kindof clanky, kindof deep.
  12. could be the old 'tic-tac' approach to bass recording. one fat-sounding bass guitar and a baritone providing a bit more attack by doubling up the bassline. very common in country music iirc
  13. nice
  14. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='233999' date='Jul 7 2008, 10:48 AM']Ooooooooooooooh I see... similar to an innerpartysystem kind of thing... cool. [/quote] i hadn't come across them before...i see what you mean. we don't usually have vocals, but we have a friend who's put a few raps on the odd tune.
  15. more like some banging techno/breakbeat with two spacey guitarists and me... have a listen (although the tunes on the site are a bit old)... [url="http://www.myspace.com/quantumbeats"]myspace linky[/url]
  16. best description i could give tbh !!
  17. ...and now i have to clean all the mud of my equipment cases !! played an hour set at the workhouse festival in wales, and it was an awful lot of fun. we [i]didn't[/i] clear the tent (so i owe one of the guitarists a tenner !) and had the place packed out with people shaking their funky things all over the shop. it's the first time i've played with this band live (it's in a kind of live techno/spacerock style) and it was lovely to have the crowd really getting into it and waving and smiling at you on stage...makes a change from the more restrained indie-style audiences i'm used to. i suppose that's what playing to people on party drugs does !! can't wait to do it again. [size=1]for those interested: westone spectrum gt >> boss tuner >> xotic bb bass preamp >> boss syb5 >> modded boss cs3 >> mxr bass di >> desk[/size]
  18. my first bass was a hohner arbor with precision and 'mm-style' pickups...the neck was a bit on the large size, but it was a great little bass for the money iirc. the pickups weren't great tbh...one thing i'd say is that you might want to look at upgrading the pickups. love to see the pics...for old time's sake.
  19. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='230763' date='Jul 1 2008, 06:33 PM']but if you're spending serious money on a top bo**ocks custom bass, then you might blow the expense and get some platinum, jewel encrusted knobs merely cos you can![/quote] i wouldn't...it's a bit tacky imho.
  20. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='230815' date='Jul 1 2008, 07:37 PM']I've played many instruments over the last 20 years, I guess that makes me an experienced player, and they do all sound different, and more importantly they react differently to your playing, inspiring you to play differently in some cases.[/quote] plus the one - i do play different basses in different ways.
  21. i need to get back into learning other people's basslines.
  22. a fool and his money...
  23. i got a small phonic mixer a month or so back and it's great for the kind of thing you're describing - i use it for the same myself.
  24. they may play well, but it's not drool-worthy to me. each to their own.
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