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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. I get this - I think the frets hold the notes on to the fingerboard and if you don't have any the notes slide off the neck overnight.
  2. To me, slap is possibly the worst way of getting a sound out of a bass, short of hitting it repeatedly with a stick. Oh, hang on a sec...
  3. 4-string pickups on a 5-string bass is unusual, I think we're just chewing that over.
  4. The only '5-string in a 4-string' pickups I know of are EMG, but they're soapbars so not really what you're after. None other spring to mind
  5. In my experience, 5-string jazz bass pickups are usually wider as they have to accommodate the extra string - to fit a 5-string pickup in a 4-string housing you'd need to find a that was the same dimensions...not something I've come across. Have you a replacement pickup in mind ?
  6. The Microbass II can act as two-channel preamp with adjustable gain on one channel- cheaper used than the III.
  7. Always been happy to ask the obvious question.
  8. I like the 80/90s styling. The V4BH (which this basically is as far as I can tell) had a more classic look, but...this one has a red V. That's so much better
  9. It's certainly a lot more manageable weight-wise than an SVT Glad you got your stack though - I be it sounds formidable !
  10. Right - it's an EQ thing, gotcha. (I can be on-topic, sometimes) What's the intended effect ?
  11. That sounds like a punchy tone
  12. Indeed - can anyone give some examples ? I'm a bit in the dark too.
  13. They were indeed - this one in St. Louis. The construction looks top-notch, and being 90s, not an surface mount component in sight- a joy to work on.
  14. New (Serviced) Amp Day(ish) I bought this wonderful slice of valvey goodness a couple of weeks ago, but it needed some TLC - a good clean, some reflowing, new output valves and rebiasing. That's all finished and it sounds...well, amazing, to be honest. I used to use an SVT -Pro preamp but that's now too old and badly-behaved to use. I've been after something to replace it for a while. After ruling out any flavour of SVT (too loud, too heavy), the recent reissue V4B seemed an option, but this 1997 version turned up for sale, and just seemed a better bet - cheaper than the new reissues too It does the Ampeg break-up, ludicrous amounts of bottom end and smells divine when it's all warmed up. I'm a very happy man.
  15. I swear that's gravitationally lensing the wall behind
  16. Yes, but it's finding a safe spot to aim for 😊 And don't call me....
  17. I've smoked when playing bass before - back when smoking indoors wasn't a problem. Only downside was finishing a smoke mid-song and having to dispose of the dog-end whilst your hands were occupied... ...and finding a good point in the song to pass the mood stick to the guitarist
  18. Different tunings and electronics, but twins nonetheless. I also have two Jack Casady signatures, but they're different colours
  19. Odd video. And not just because he looks like a Lego man holding a Duplo bass.
  20. Sounds like light overdrive to me
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