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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. what a beautiful bass
  2. [quote name='Lenny B' post='174836' date='Apr 11 2008, 09:18 PM']+1 London - I'm in Camden so Kings X sounds good...[/quote] i'm in tottenham.
  3. [quote name='Biggsy' post='174546' date='Apr 11 2008, 02:11 PM']Maybe Red Onion would be able to advise me, but I'll still have to spend some time figuring out the possibilities beforehand.[/quote] i'm sure they'd be more than happy to help. (btw - the footswitch for my ampeg came and works a treat, hats off to the red onion people !)
  4. my first ever band recorded their first demo with the mission's drum machine yeah - have that !
  5. interestingly both of my my boss pedal tuners take a few seconds to register the open e...
  6. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='173627' date='Apr 10 2008, 08:06 AM']That's priceless, that last bit! A good night then...[/quote] yup
  7. she's lost control - joy division
  8. our gig went amazingly well. our first gig...and we lost count of the number of people who came up to us after and told us how much they enjoyed it. got paid, got another gig off the back of it and someone told me i was an amazing bass player
  9. is the compression driver adjustable ? i'm very keen on 'lightning my load' so to speak, but i just don't get on with HF drivers. shame if they're not - girlfren is keen to buy me a cab for my birthday !!
  10. [quote name='BassManKev' post='172819' date='Apr 9 2008, 08:08 AM']sometimes buffered bypasses are better for your signal chain than true bypass are[/quote] [i]sometimes[/i] yes...
  11. i guess i've got a boss tuner in my effects chain already, so maybe a true bypass one is a bit pointless now. the boss might be an option. if only mxr stuff wasn't so expensive !
  12. on and off, yes.
  13. [quote name='Beedster' post='172435' date='Apr 8 2008, 05:20 PM']I was trying to describe the tone the other day and the word 'agricultural' sprang to mind. No idea why, but it seemed about right [/quote] you just made me spit biscuits at my lappy. but talking of active fenders, although a little tangentially...my fender pj 'cowpoke' seems to have a lovely active eq. it records beautifully.
  14. there's the mxr 10-band eq i know about. any other ideas for a bass-friendly eq pedal with true bypass ?
  15. one reason for using speakons over jacks i've heard is that if you're using a closed cab, it is possible for the pressure to blow a jack plug out of the socket, whereas a speakon locks in place. whether this is true or not....i dunno !
  16. update: i think my steel leather has developed a fault. when daisy-chained with boss pedals it won't turn off, and i suspect it's taken out my double muff and damaged the dc power input on my micro q-tron. i've mailed the people i got it off to see if they'll exchange it.
  17. well, i can't really complain...i've been using elites on my basses years. but i think i got a dud set...restrung about a week ago, played one gig and practised twice, and the e-string sounds like a washing line. ugh. the other three strings are fine...still zingy. thing is - i hate brand new strings and we're playing on wednesday... so..restring, or put up with it ?
  18. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='171022' date='Apr 6 2008, 10:17 PM']Let me know when you Bristol boys have arranged yours so I can have my thread back! [/quote]
  19. i keep looking at the rockbass fortress and thinking... hmmm.
  20. i use my ridge farm gas cooker di as a bass preamp for recording. sounds great.
  21. london...bass...effects. this sound good
  22. you won't damage the preamp in the slightest. i think the light's there so that you know if you're not getting a clean tone. [i]why[/i] that's important is beyond me
  23. blimey ! straight off the plane and you're back in there ! good on you, and welcome
  24. thanks for the review and soundfile... oh..i'm tempted !!
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