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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. i'd say... tuner>envelope filter>overdrive>big muff>wah>chorus you'll need the tuner early on to get a clean signal. mind you i've no idea about the chorus, but i quite like the idea of chorused wah
  2. isn't anyone going to stag off metal ?
  3. interesting thoughts... interestingly the same goes for my cowpoke pj - i only ever use the front p pickup.
  4. [quote name='Hamster' post='116579' date='Jan 8 2008, 09:33 PM']Yew use the wrong worms entirely so that other people cannot underhand a bird yew are spraying. ** Hamster ** © Ronnie Barker[/quote] here is the nows at ton classic !!!!
  5. [quote name='Hamster' post='116554' date='Jan 8 2008, 09:15 PM']Yes - it does make you weird I thought the bridge was the back Hamster[/quote] dunno what you're talking about serves me right for posting whilst eating a very hot chilli
  6. seems a of of people really favour the bridge pickup on jazz basses... i only ever use the neck on mine...not blend of the back at all - i find the bridge far too nasal. hmmm...
  7. i've currently got this on my desk at work
  8. [quote name='Hit&Run' post='116044' date='Jan 8 2008, 07:49 AM']Theoretically, the British Library keeps a copy of every book ever published (in this country?)...[/quote] published in the UK, yes....i know this, cos i work there.
  9. relic-ing is nothing but posing.... and posing is for w@nkers
  10. i'm very happy with my tannoy reveal 6's
  11. [quote name='joegarcia' post='115379' date='Jan 7 2008, 12:56 PM']Sell it to me for £550. :-)[/quote] /eyes in trance/ why of course....
  12. actually, i'm being a bit sneaky.... i'm not thinking of [i]buying[/i]...quite the opposite in fact
  13. thanks for the info
  14. [quote name='Hamster' post='115171' date='Jan 7 2008, 01:31 AM']You didn't put much power into it - really sounds like a dodgy track. Can you get a refund / replacement? Hamster[/quote] as i mentioned, i binned it... if i decide to go for another amp sim, i'll think i'll save up for a sansamp...and this time keep it clear of electric mistresses !
  15. [quote name='Hamster' post='115159' date='Jan 7 2008, 01:12 AM']3V difference won't burn a pcb track out - that takes amps. What's the current draw of the pedal @ 9v - and what's the rated amps of the 12v supply you plugged into it? If it draws amps well in excess of it's requirements it's most likely a direct short. Hamster[/quote] i suppose it's possible the track was a dud...and something finally gave in the end. the supply was rated 12v @500mA
  16. just a quick question - anyone know the going rate for a sabre ? i've checked on ebay and can't seem to find any, even in te completed listings...
  17. [quote name='BassManKev' post='115118' date='Jan 7 2008, 12:14 AM']it doesnt sound normal for a 9v to fry like that from a 12v supply[/quote] unless i just got a dud in the first place
  18. as i said '...or somesuch'
  19. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='114913' date='Jan 6 2008, 07:45 PM']Just a quick ask but would any other manufacturers similar product had the same end result? I only ask as I've had a few Behringer products just die in a very short life span and for seemingly obvious things that wouldn't have killed other manufacturers stuff![/quote] all i did was bung 12v into it rather than 9v...i guess it's just behringer build quality or somesuch [quote name='David Nimrod' post='114917' date='Jan 6 2008, 07:52 PM']Any way you could just send it back and get a replacement? Unlikely I know, but could be worth a try...[/quote] possibly, if i hadn't just pulled it apart to see what was wrong and junked it. bit hasty i know, but with the amount they cost, i hardly thought it was worth the bother, should i decide to get another one.
  20. brilliant ! thanks for the info
  21. yup...accidentally plugged the wrong power supply nto it ans pffft...it's dead - big burnt track on the pcb. i think i'm cursed when it comes to amp simulators...my sansamp was taken out by a malfunctioning electric mistress... not sure i'm going to bother replacing it. /sigh/
  22. if you're in london i've got a 'santa ana' (i.e. no-brand) acoustic bass that i'm looking to get rid of. not a bad player and you won't need an amp of course !!! something like £50 ?
  23. [quote name='martthebass' post='114835' date='Jan 6 2008, 06:23 PM']To continue the pedantic theme - Silicone contains silicon so in principle if the polish contains silicone it also contains silicon (just not elemental silicon).[/quote] i know...but that seemed pedant overload, even for me....
  24. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='114786' date='Jan 6 2008, 04:55 PM']Stay away from Mr. Sheen, that has silicon in and that makes finishing pro's angry. Everyone hates silicon. Unless it hasn't got silicon in and I made that up. Natural beeswax, Rustins wood finishing products are all good.[/quote] some polishes may contain silicone, but not silicon sorry if i sound pedantic, but there's quite a difference...
  25. couldn't see these in the sticky so... i) does anyone know the dimensions of the badass III (a diagram would be nice) ? ii) do they have the same problem with not being able to have an action as low as the stock fender bridge ? many thanks
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