"You had one eye on the mirror as you watched yourself make custard
And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner, they'd be your partner"
It works, but it certainly paints a different picture.
I don't worry about my onstage sound. I make sure that I can give the person dealing with the sound a DI that sounds the way I want it to.
Anything on-stage is just for monitoring.
However, if the person doing the sound wants just a straight DI with no whistle and bells then that's that I'll give them. Being heard is more important to me than 'my sound' and it's their job to decide how that's best achieved, on that night, in that venue.
I think it's a 4-dimensional double-necked guitar. It just looks odd as we're looking at its 3-dimensional projection.
Which is quite funny until you realise that are factories in China engaged in higher-dimensional fabrication and then it's really fecking scary.
Mrs Pook suggested this one:
"Your name is heard in high places
You know the Aga Khan
He sent you a race horse for Christmas
And you keep it just for fun, for a laugh, ha-ha-ha"
From "Where do you go to my lovely"
There's a twisted mastery to rhyming Khan with fun, or fahn.
It's a great song with a really nice bit of bass playing to go along with it.
I've played it a few times live and its gone down great, really good to see - I'm not really surprised it's spent so long in the charts
Yep, another top video Greg. Useful and concise.
I'm going to have a look at "Reading Music for Bass Players". Maybe it IS time
EDIT: My wife is ordering it for my birthday
I bought one a month or so. Very impressed with the sound and feel of it.
I've not really played any of my other basses since I got it - a month-long honeymoon period is an impressive feat in my book
I happened upon this the other day and really made me wish I'd got to see AC Temple live.
I dug out my only album by them that I own (the rest were on tape I think, long gone), and it was on Blast First records. Blimey....Blast First.
Well, I got them second-hand, but the chap at Catswhisker was very helpful.
What can I say, they sound really good, totally hum cancelling and I'm going to get another pair for one of my other jazzes soon.