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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. I suppose there comes a point when someone can't actually play their instrument, remember songs, have the energy to gig, and so on, so that playing in a band becomes impossible...when I'm there I hope realise it myself before someone has to tell me.
  2. My Alpine ear defenders arrived, and they look pretty good - sturdy but possibly not bulletproof I'd say - and very comfortable over the relatively short time I've worn them. Difficult to say just how much defendering they do without using them at a practice, which will happen on Wednesday, but Mrs. Pook's loud clapping and shouting next to my head seemed to be nicely attenuated. One factor I'd not accounted for us that wearing glasses does allow a bit more sound in, so ear plugs have that as an advantage, but the proof of the pounding is in the beating, so I'll report back after Wednesday's rehearsal.
  3. Always a good thing. I advocate strongly for my bandmates to wear some kind of hearing protection, but it falls on deaf ears* Looks like the shooting defenders might not be the answer then. Good to know 👍 *Couldn't help myself, sorry.
  4. No experience here either...just what I've deduced from the couple of retailers websites I've looked at - you could be right.
  5. It seems you can get shooting ear defenders that will allow lower volume sounds like speech to be sent to speakers inside the defenders. I wonder if that principle has been used for musicians ? They do seem to delay the incoming sounds slightly so the circuitry can decide loud vs quiet before letting the external noises through. Time for some pondering and research perhaps. Any shootists on BC who might know if they'd work ?
  6. Nicely put, yes !
  7. Aha ! Very good point, thanks.
  8. Excuse my absolute lack of knowledge here, but can you get ear defenders with a built-in room mic and a volume control, so you can effectively turn down the outside world with a twist of a dial ? Feels like such a thing should exist...
  9. I usually tuck one spare plectrum in the scratchplate or down the side of the pickup cavity and a few in my pocket.
  10. I've just ordered a pair, I shall report back to The St-earing Committee in due course.
  11. My bet would be Andy Bell (ex-Ride, not Erasure )
  12. Me too. I'm quite happy with my ear plugs, but I do worry about jamming ear wax into my ears every time I use them. Also one of the folks at one of our gigs was wearing a pair of over-ears and it got me thinking about alternatives.
  13. Have to agree, sadly. EDIT: 42mm nut as well. Hey ho
  14. I wouldn't have bothered. Paying £1.50 just to see King Crimson ? Rip off !
  15. Just got in from the second gig in a week with the prog/math-rockish band. Another jamboree bag of various acts at a bar in Farringdon. Dismal onstage sound, but we soldiered on...not the first time, not the last etc. I was pleased with my singing and playing, so overall not too bad.
  16. "Morrissey undertakes a largely sold out tour of the USA in November." Seems like a grab for some free column inches.
  17. Happy Memories of The Muppet Album. I played it to death as a young lad. 👍
  18. I heard you like niches, so I put a niche in your niche so you can niche whilst you're niching
  19. Fair doos. Listen to some yourself, you can't describe taste IMHO.
  20. I'd go to Spotify or YouTube and find a playlist in that style and give it a listen. Incidentally, why do you want to know...you hardly sound enthused! I listen to quite a lot of music that could be defined as dream pop and shoegaze, but describing music is a lot tougher than just listening to it and deciding yourself tbh.
  21. I'm learning Judith by A Perfect Circle, both the bass and some of the vocals. Slight complication in that the band tunes down to D standard and the song is played C# standard, and I'm not tuning any lower (there are limits, dammit ! ) but no real biggy, just some changes in note choice. Tried it at practice on Tuesday, sounded pretty good 👍
  22. Good God. That's.......um......generic. Not sure it's AI though. I'd much rather listen to his sister...
  23. Could be worse...could be a bass solo
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