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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. True, but I suppose in coming to that conclusion you've a decision to play to the song not to what shows the bass off, which I'm sure some would do. It's a good exercise tho - I don't really play any metal stuff, so I've been having fun trying different stuff out.
  2. NOW SOLD. Thanks to everyone who showed interest. Brown Boss CE-2B Bass Chorus, Green Label, Made in Japan. In pretty good condition, but the previous owner glued the velcro to the bottom. The velcro is gone, but memories of the glue remain. Still my favourite bass chorus, but it only comes out once in a blue moon so it's not really worth me holding onto it. Quite sort-after I believe. Just the pedal, but I can post in another Boss pedal box, so it'll be packed securely. £60 includes postage to UK only. Thanks for looking.
  3. Could be !
  4. Both now sold. Thanks for everyone who show interest. John East MMSR 3 knob 2 band Musicman EQ The EQ has been fitted and removed with care from a bass, works a treat and has all the original washers included. It sounds awesome, as you'd expect. No original box, but I will pack in suitable cardboard box for shipping. I can't find the instructions, but they're available from the John East website. £75 including PP to UK. Thanks for looking. Aguilar AG4M The pickup's in superb condition and comes with the original packaging and instructions. Screws and springs included. I had this fitted to my OLP Stringray and it sounded great
  5. Excellent selection, really good album too.
  6. I'd say if you favour 18mm, then go for 18mm. As @Lfalex v1.1 says, you could use pickups with blades...Nordstrand make 'Big Blades', for example.
  7. Thanks, I haven't listened to that in years ! Tasty bit of playing, thoroughly enjoyed it. I do not need another bass, I do not get on with P-necks I do not need another bass, I do not get on with P-necks I do not need another bass, I do not get on with P-necks ...
  8. In the Youtube comments, but here's the link.
  9. Yes, not my specialist subject either !
  10. That's an IFVyard This is a tankyard
  11. Happened upon this yesterday, thought it was really interesting to hear how different people approached the same song. Not sure which is my favourite, they're all really good basslines. It must be said, I've no idea who any of these people are, apart from recognising Will Agtang from his reviews on YT channel from whence this video springs. I've downloaded the bassless tune myself, I'm going to have a noodle to see what I come up with.
  12. Funk ? Jazz's deformed cousin ?
  13. Svirfneblin ?
  14. Lovely bass, sorry to hear about the injury. Might be worth letting folks know if it's collection or you're willing to post. GLWTS.
  15. That's a lovely offer WoT...I'm flattered, I really am. But y'know....there is a Mrs. Pook and she kinda gets jealous about that kind of thing.
  16. Nice addition. Blocked and Bound, always a looker.
  17. Here's my current mess of cables. The hand-labelled ones are a Schalltechnik Vong-Filterung on the right and a Pumpernickel Compressor on the left. Thought I'd break out a bit of modulation at the top left for a bit of colour and after all, how sweet the sound of the flanged fuzz
  18. Good work !
  19. I've never noticed that before.....good grief !
  20. I'd say no. IME what you get through headphones will not by a long chalk be the sound you get through a speaker.
  21. Gold hardware. 'Relic' finishes. Coffee table basses - the sort that looks like a tree has thrown up, especially if they've been dyed/had resin applied.
  22. "That's glorious" - Mrs. Pook. And indeed it is !
  23. We're just two cool cats chewing the fat. 👍
  24. You seem to have mistaken me scratching my head about this style of marketing to be me not approving of it. This isn't the case at all, it just goes waaaay over my head, as a lot of internet stuff does these days. I was honestly trying to see if I could understand, not judge at all. I neither dislike or like the chap, I wish him nothing but good things.
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