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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. Even if you don't use Reaper, their ReaPlugs VSTs are excellent. It includes a multi-band compressor. https://www.reaper.fm/reaplugs/
  2. I was waiting for the slapping, praying it wouldn't happen. Hoping to be confounded. Just this once. Just....prove me wrong. But no. Maybe next time ?
  3. Here's something from my youth. Great song, but what's going on here ? Have they all got stiff necks ? Maybe they were painting the guitarist's living room ceiling the day before and have got sore necks from all that overhead work. Lens seems a bit grimy too. Producer got bored and went off for a snog halfway through. Hell, it was the 80s. It was indie.
  4. "Well Peter used to dress up in all that weird theatrical stuff, so I'll put this orange fishing hat on....there, check me out lads....I'm arty" "Belt up tiny drummer and get inside that piano"
  5. Ba-Boom Tish !
  6. Mine too, it's a sublime bit of bass. Cool bit of playing. Nicely done 👍🏻
  7. Well said. It quite often kills the thread too.
  8. Discussing playing for free is as good a way of getting the Basschat blood pressure up as suggesting kit share.
  9. To paraphrase Beavis and Butthead "This video tells a story" "That sucks"
  10. Total silence no, I've only experienced that a couple of times - fair point that it's hard to come by. The gaps then, then things that make sounds end and begin.
  11. This thread has made me make more of an effort to listen to more music. And appreciate silence more as well. 👍🏻
  12. I do too, now I've fiddled with the playback speed in YouTube
  13. ahpook


    Somewhere between Bexleyheath and Horn Park ? Ayfangoo. Play me off Johnny.
  14. This is why, although I turned 50 this year, I've held off going down the custom route !
  15. For you, no....but if the Moodies don't know they'll be wasting their time, and they're not getting any younger.
  16. Hang on, I think that's the lost chord isn't it ? Best give the Moody Blues a shout
  17. My 'dream' bass would most likely be a neck-through jazz bass, with the neck profile of on my 86 Jazz bass and maybe a musicman pickup at the bridge instead of the single coil. Being a dream bass there would be a way of having the neck pickup passive and the musicman through an active MM EQ. Bound dark wood neck and white inlays, finished in black with matching hardware. Fun to dream EDIT: Forgot to mention the string spacing at bridge would be 17mm
  18. I also record two tracks - I always do a clean DI and also an 'effected' track. The clean DI comes from a Schalltechnik_04 VONG-Filterung, which sits at the front of my pedalboard. This gives me options later on in case the effected sound doesn't quite work and quite a few people I record with ask for the clean DI as they'd rather use amp sims or somesuch at their end. The effected signal goes out of the VONG through whatever effects I fancy for the song and then into an EBS MIcrobass II with some EQ and the cab sim on. I've been using the EBS for I-don't-care-to-remember many years, for recording and live, and it's just brilliant. At the moment I just use that into a power amp and speakers for my amp at home. When it's recorded I don't use any amp sims unless something's gone wrong and I have to use the clean DI. I'll use EQ (most likely a HPF) and some compression on the effected recording. I'd much get a good sound going into the box than use sims. I do the same with guitars most of the time. Effects and then a little Palmer DI/Speaker Sim box.
  19. There's a layout for the circuit here at Tag Board Effects, if that helps, although it seems that it misses out the protection diode ! Might be worth looking for D1 if the parts correspond.
  20. Silver Machine
  21. Best suggestion so far
  22. My experience of my friends trying to pass on 'good music' to their children always seems to end up the same way... Nobody in the playground except DC knows the words to 'Cygnus X-1' or 'Everyone Thinks He Looks Daft', so it's 'Baby Shark' and 'Let It Go' that gets the most requests at home. That said, good on the OP for going for female musicians compared with the sausage fest my friends seemed to want to be on the decks !
  23. God knows, it's almost as it we're just meant to be staring at the ladies. Shame, as it's a great song.
  24. Directed by Mike Mansfield. Nuff said really. It's time for Dramarama !
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