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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. "Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak Somewhere in this town" I may be splitting hairs here, but its location isn't that much of a mystery. EDIT: Mrs. Pook also just commented on the astrophysical impossibility of 'Black Hole Sun'.
  2. I've got a Fender VI. Good to have the trem, just in case it's in tune and you don't want it to be
  3. Sharing equipment with other musicians will always result in disaster.
  4. Thanks, I'll check it out.
  5. Mind sharing your epiphany ?
  6. This is almost exactly the approach I use, it works for me as well. There may be a more 'pro' approach, but I find if there's too many tracks on the boil at once I lose the plot a bit...so I never rack up too many takes before tidying things up.
  7. Good choice. Now sporting a smile and got a good nod going.
  8. The Cutlass Series II was a carbon-necked Sabre.
  9. There's only one song guarenteed to make me happy See, it worked. I just jigged to the kettle, put it on to boil and did a spin and jazz hands on the way back to my PC. "Feel good, feel good !"
  10. It's a valve DI made by Ridge Farm recording studio, going by the wonderful name of the 'Gas Cooker'. There were two versions, the one in the picture is the older, light blue version, and there was a second one in a darker blue. I don't think the studio exists any more, but there's still info online about the DI. They are rather pricey now it seems, but it is a phenomenally good DI/valve preamp. I had one for many years, sold it here if memory serves me well.
  11. Just received a superbly packed John East preamp and Aguilar MM pickup from Andy. Echoing what's been said above, Andy's a class act - a pleasure to deal with. 👍
  12. Sorry, wrong Andy
  13. Agreed. If I saw this thread and I wasn't a member, I'd not join the forum. As it is it makes me wonder if I want to be associated with a place where such playground behaviour is tolerated, so if you don't see me around for a while....well, you know why I've gone.
  14. I don't think it's possible to build a long-scale hollow body that would balance well enough for my liking, so some flavour of neck-through jazz bass with teeny-tiny string spacing would have to do.
  15. Could you ask someone (here, maybe ?) to make you a pedal based on a schematic ? Jinx @Jus Lukin !
  16. I have two sig basses bought for their own qualities....I'd not buy a bass just because of the person who played them. I have a Jack Casady bass - a lovely instrument, only marred by its neck dive. It's a testament to how much I like it that I decided to keep it despite the ergonomics. Usually I have no patience at all with instruments that don't balance on me, but it sounds and plays so well that it's remained in my possession. I've also got a Geddy Lee sig...mainly as it seemed to match the spec of my beloved '62 reissue jazz very closely and I fancied a spare....and I quite liked the bling . Loved it at first, but now find that my '86 reissue just 'has it' - I think the Geddy Lee is just too clanky for my taste. Interestingly I'd never even listened to any Rush until I started thinking about buying the GL Jazz and wanting to get an idea of the type of sound I could expect !
  17. Looks cool, but did nobody look at the design and mention that they might need a bigger box ?
  18. A spare battery and a couple of spare plectrums don't really count as a 'box' I guess ! .
  19. Folks, I think you've crossed the line...this is just pointing and laughing now. The thread is starting to be just unpleasant, and isn't doing credit to anyone here, nor to Basschat as a whole. Please feel free to flame me mercilessly if you wish, I don't mind. I just think you should let the guy to get on with what he does and if you don't like what he sells.....don't look at his auctions. YMMV
  20. That's in stonking condition.
  21. I'll/We'll be interested/excited /inspired to hear/see /perceive the reply
  22. Maybe it's to head off any exploration of why you didn't get it - not in a sinister way, just 'Don't bother us for feedback or a reason why we didn't employ you' style of thing. Not that it doesn't strike me as weird tho.
  23. And a fine job you've done too
  24. A friend of mine had an old Electric Mistress that had the earth disconnected as well. I'm fairly sure the earth was just attached to the chassis, but don't quote me....it was some time ago.
  25. OK...I think I'm ready. I consider this the musical equivalent of exploding a nail bomb full of anthrax in a pram outside a primary school, on the last day of term before the summer holidays just as the kids are let out into the playground. Maybe.
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