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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. That's a cracking looking rig...bass AND amp 👍
  2. This is why I never do any serious practise sitting down !
  3. ahpook

    FCS P-bass

    Agreed. The man's head-to-toe a class act. I hope he gets a lot of pleasure out of his new bass.
  4. Hope Andy Bell's involved. Totally ambivalent to Oasis tbh, but it'd be nice to see Mr. Bell getting some dosh to carry on his solo stuff, which I'm quite partial to. Silver linings and all that
  5. Would you need two channels or just a good sound for fingerstyle set up with your amp and then maybe an EQ pedal to change to plectrum ? Or vice-versa. EDIT: When I've mixed plectrum and fingerstyle I've usually used some kind of EQ to even up the sound - usually an EBS MicroBass II, as I do like the way the EQ section sounds.
  6. Same for me.
  7. First gig outside London on Saturday (only third one overall). Part of an all-day do in a pub in Chatham...looked a bit rough and ready when we got there (set up in the corner of the pub, no stage kind of affair), and a proper jamboree bag of acts, but we went down really well and played a really good set. Mrs. Pook and I had hired a car for the weekend (for non-band purposes), so we drove down and back rather than getting the train. We gave the guitarist a lift there and back, might be a while before he accepts the offer of a lift again as Mrs. Pook and I sang along to Absolute 80s radio all the way back. He sat in the back, occasionally mentioning that he didn't know any of the songs... First time gigging my Ibanez EHB - very impressed. It'll take a bit to get used to it, sound-wise, after using my Spector for so long, but boy.....so much lighter !
  8. When I was learning the fretboard I drew a big bass neck on a bit of paper and labelled all the notes on it. Then I stuck it on the wall and looked at it a lot.
  9. A funky slightly jazzy blues band ? How about FSJ Blues Band ?
  10. Ah look, the bowls is on
  11. Exactly. See: 'growl', 'heft', 'punch', etc.
  12. Taking the blue vibe... Soul Blue
  13. Agreed. I think it's stunning.
  14. I know exactly what you mean, but the exercise is good for them and they'll all sleep really well tonight
  15. I've heard of them...sure they've been mentioned on the forum before. Stonking performance...and you can't beat a bit of Beat Club 👍
  16. No obsession for me - just a preference. But it must be great not to notice the difference - much wider choice available.
  17. Fender Jaguar for me. Offsets ftw.
  18. 1.64" nut width. Sniff
  19. You can guess where the band's second gig was
  20. Indeed - my 'punch' could be your 'growl'...and other such phrases only ever seen in bass forums
  21. Half 10 and POTD. Well played, Sir !
  22. Basschat could sponsor....
  23. You can get bags of beer bottle washers from ebay, amazon, etc. (if you don't like Grolsch that is !)
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