First gig outside London on Saturday (only third one overall).
Part of an all-day do in a pub in Chatham...looked a bit rough and ready when we got there (set up in the corner of the pub, no stage kind of affair), and a proper jamboree bag of acts, but we went down really well and played a really good set.
Mrs. Pook and I had hired a car for the weekend (for non-band purposes), so we drove down and back rather than getting the train.
We gave the guitarist a lift there and back, might be a while before he accepts the offer of a lift again as Mrs. Pook and I sang along to Absolute 80s radio all the way back. He sat in the back, occasionally mentioning that he didn't know any of the songs...
First time gigging my Ibanez EHB - very impressed. It'll take a bit to get used to it, sound-wise, after using my Spector for so long, but much lighter !