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Everything posted by ahpook

  1. Another RightOn user here, great straps and I appreciate the absence of animal products as well
  2. China In Your Hand by T'Pau ?
  3. A song with a country in the title or is about a country ? Well, that narrows it down
  4. If it's a city rather than a country my bet would be on 'Monkey Gone to Hebron' by The Pixies
  5. I went once, had a blast...no real desire to go again. I hope those there this year have a blast as well....sure they will, with or without our approval
  6. No Sansamp will dry socks the way an SVT does though. End of line.
  7. I've had an SVP-Pro and now own an V4B, and think it's something about how well the EQ suits the sound I like, and how the driven valves add a bit of extra...extra to the overall picture. Oddly, I never got on with the SansAmp I had.
  8. If you don't go to sleep, Santa's won't come...
  9. Seeing all those 'Dead Tapes', you might be on to something...
  10. This is like the 'Ask the Family' picture round I can almost hear Robert Robinson saying "Would that it were...would that it were..."
  11. I'll throw my hat in the ring and say something pitchshifter/octaver-y Just to add to the drama a bit.
  12. My fingers are crossed.
  13. They may just like it that way.
  14. It's a stapler ! Yesssssss !
  15. It looks to me like there's no tension in the strings- the E strings looks curved and possibly stuck to one of the pole pieces. Might just be my eyes though. !
  16. It looks like it's got mumps
  17. The big square Wal headstock, for me, ruins the look of an otherwise very pleasantly-shaped instrument. It looks like something you'd get a pizza out of the oven with
  18. If you like the sound, you like it, no comparison necessary. I've tried various combinations of active EMG pickups and circuits in my two. They all have different flavours. I've ended up with one with the stock electronics and the other is active EMGs with a passive tone control. I had to back off the gain on my drives too - there's a lot of signal comes out of them !
  19. Lovely. . I made a change from mainly playing my Jazz basses to an NS2000/4 a year or two back. Big change in sound - took me a while to get used to it (especially when using overdrive, et. al.) but I'm a big fan now....an 'I now have two' fan What's the pickup and EQ complement ? P.S. I'm a sucker for a bass that looks like a chocolate biscuit !
  20. I hope so. I need all the boosting I can get
  21. If I'm learning a song, out comes the A4 pad and a pencil. Firstly I'll identify all the sections (intro, verse, chorus, etc. - or whatever seem distinct sections) then five bar gate how many times they turn up, so I have a structure. I usually write that out a bit more neatly - which helps me learn the structure - and then I'll start learning the actual bassline, annotating the structure I've written down with technical names like 'Fiddly bit in C', 'Flamenco !!', 'Goth Reggae', etc. After all that's done it's practice time to get all the parts sounding right. I don't usually explicitly work out the musical 'meaning' of the song - chords, key, etc. but I will occasionally as an exercise. HTH
  22. Gut strings for miles !
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