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Everything posted by guiguite

  1. bump
  2. 1x15 sold
  3. thanks for the kind words :-)
  4. the title says everything; will trade for a sansamp looking for 80 GBP posted
  5. cab's spec edited
  6. Yes only the tubes need replacing. It was checked by Ted when he replaced the transformer. I used the amp at home for couple of month after aquisition then a tube died, and i replaced it with an old spare one and it was alright. Still i d like to have them replaced before selling it. I was planning to replace them anyway as i want to sell the head, but i thought it could be nice for the new user to be able to choose for the tubes. Other than that, there is no problem, as far as replacing tubes is considered as a problem. I bought the Bigblock second hand in the US from this guy [url="http://www.marcobenevento.com/"]http://www.marcobenevento.com/[/url] forgot to mention also in the former add;: a switch has been added to at the back to switch off the effect loop.
  7. that is quite weird indeed, i guess it s a credit crunch undesirable side effect ^_^
  8. xxx
  9. that s what i tought too, i was used to have a SVP pro, some trace head and i always used any kind of preamp tube... but i didn t wanted to get into an argue with the guy so i just left :-) i ve been told that JJ tubes were pretty nice. the mesa i got now are quite cool too. and i tried groove tube in the past... what would you recommand ? For indication, i do play in a metal band with a 6 string active bass. i m looking for a soft warm distortion with good definition in the high and high mids withotu loosing to much low end. nothing too saturated. just enought to make the sound a bit more dirty and fill a bit more the space when my guitar player leave me alone during solos.
  10. thx, i hope it s that... can t really affort to pay for a repair right now :wacko:
  11. hi everyone I got a small trouble with my bigblock that will hopefully be easily fixed but i wanted you opinion about it. Last time i tried to play it , it went all fine for like 20 minutes and after that i didn t had any volume at all but a weird hum, a bit like the noise between two radio stations. I checked all the cables, the bass and bladibla, it s all fine. If i put the amp really loud (like 75 % gain and volume) i heard a tiny distorded bit of bass behind the hum and that s all. Is this thing typical of dead preamp tubes? Like when they are cool it s fine but when they warm up, something happen. i hope this is it... otherwise, what could it be ? i opened the amp and checked the valves, they are still lighting up but they are not doing the "ringing" thing when i hit them gently with a pen... i tried again today, and it does the same... 15 minutes and then humming thx in advance. gui
  12. Hi there i m about to replace the 4 12AX7 in my bigblock so i went to denmark street to buy some. the guy told me i can only put mesa tubes inside and they didn t had any... I knew that it was better for the poweramp section but Is that true also for the preamp ? i m a bit lost. cheers
  13. salut bienvenue ! tu etais sur onlybass aussi avant ? [i]translation: hi and welcome, were you also on onlybass.com before ?[/i]
  14. yup, i really don't regret my adamovic at all. nicholas is really doing a great job. same as above, i ll record in studio with it in 2 weeks and i ll try to post some MP3.
  15. sorry, it s sold, forgot to edit the post
  16. it sounds;.. HUUUUGE, hte bigblock is such a powerfull amp ! and the 1x15 + 4x10 combo is pretty cool too, and managable in narrow starcases so it s all good ! I might record with this rig in august, i ll post the mp3 ^_^
  17. oops i just read i was supposed to post it in the show us yur rig topic... sorry about that. you can delete it if needed and i ll post it in the correct topic
  18. hey guys, just took some pictures of the rig i m now playing. Mesa Boogie Bigblock 750 Symetrix 501 Korg DTR 2 tuner Mesa Boogie 4X10 Diesel EV Mesa Boogie 1x15 Diesel EV and my little adamovic super nova
  19. hey many thanks for your help. i ll call jon free later. Sorry to sound stupid but who is phil mann? does he have a website ? cheers
  20. hi all, i m recording in august with my band i ll need my bass all set up. the thing is that i also need it badly to practice so i m looking for good adresses where to ask a setup in 24h in (north) London (without paying too much money) do you have any recommandation ? thanks
  21. hi there i m selling this brand new 3U ABS flight case from the flightcase warehouse 40£ posted ONO comes with a bunch of screws 3u (135mm) * 420mm deep centre box. * Rack rails at front and rear. * Comes with screws. * Internal lid depths 60mm. * 2 x handles * Stackable. thanks for the interest.
  22. hi there, i traded it for a normal 3U ABS flight case today with therinser (tom). I need this case for moving my BB750 to my amp tech but after that (next week i guess) i might resell the ABS flightcase for quite cheap so let me know if you are interrested.
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