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Everything posted by DTB

  1. + like 1 million on that.
  2. I tried really hard not to let it happen. I only started playing six string within the last couple of months and I mentioned to my wife about a couple of web pages I had read from six string players I termed “six string snobs” who thought their instruments were superior, and whilst I don’t share that point of view, I picked up my Jaco replica (the Vintage make not the custom shop one) to play Sledgehammer yesterday only to put it down to go back to the sixer. Can’t see the four string getting much use now. But I guess it doesn’t matter just as long as one plays as much as possible.
  3. Revamped bruno mars if i was your man or so I’m told. Still nice song though.
  4. Listening to raised by wolves. Hope they all as good. 🙏
  5. Yes, small gigs. I will make more of an effort to get to some this year if I can.
  6. I have emailed the site to ask.
  7. I don’t think it’s “always”, maybe it is idk, it all became worse when a couple of business men bought a failing radio station in USA and realised they could make more money selling advertising time between songs than their regular business (can’t remember what that was, hotels or lawyers or something) so then they bought up a load or radio stations across USA, and employed a load of “experts” to choose the music that kept people listening until the next set of ads and all of a sudden the experts are dictating the formula of music to keep people listening and it isn’t what we would call good music I’m fairly safe to say. Then they had music companies making music to their specific requirements etc etc.
  8. Exactly my point. The “experts” that control the playlists for what they consider the stupid public or peasants to consume are not musicians and wouldn’t know good music from dross.
  9. Spellings between languages is great isn’t it? I wished all my skate friends on Facebook a happy new @rsehole one year instead of happy new year coz i left an accent off in Spanish.
  10. Only with a valve rectifier. Solid state rectifiers not really any compression there tbh.
  11. I don’t think one guy does all the tracks. There is a way to submit backing tracks if you are into making them. I used to do my own but I only did bass and drums as I did the vocals and guitar live for a trio sound, like Cream.
  12. I don’t use any effects when playing guitar. Just straight into a nice valve amp. Kind of carrying over onto my bass playing. There’s something I like about going straight into the amp, even my tuner is on a spur from the mixer.
  13. If that’s the case why would my Hartke bass amp have one built in before the eq section?
  14. Well that’s a difficult question but I would say including but not limited to; real instruments eg drums keys guitars, being played by real people with a degree of expertise, playing original compositions and singing, music that has melody, rhythm and structure, with a memorable melody that sticks in your brain, my preference would be rock, blues, funk, mild jazzy fusion Martin Miller session band playing Layla is a good example. Although not original before anyone points that obvious error on my part.
  15. Getting out and about is somewhat of a difficulty for me these days. Thanks to the curse of spinal degeneration due to arthritis travelling by vehicle is extremely painful and I wheel around my local town, which no longer has any major live music venues, in my wheelchair. So I rely on the www to provide my solace.
  16. Exactly what I’m trying to avoid. I see the excitement in the eyes of my 2 yo son when he picks a cd to listen to and hears for example Pink Floyd We don’t need no education for the first time and is transfixed. I still feel like this about music.
  17. I wouldn’t expect to find new stuff on R2, except maybe Jo Whiley, I merely used that as an example of what is being offered. Day time is crap, I’m glad I don’t buy a tv licence. So apart from 6Music no one has actually stumped up with any places to start looking or listening, oh excuse me they have, the algorithm on facetube which has brought up a few gems lately. The only new stuff I have bought in a while is Andy Timmons, Greta Van Fleet and Hundred Seventy Split. Plus the odd blues stuff.
  18. Indeed. I used to be into fast downhill longboarding and the music that the skate crowd would use on their vids was always new and awesome. Where do u seek out the new stuff that excites you??
  19. I should preface by saying I am a dinosaur at 53 yo, and a grumpy dinosaur at that. I love music, absolutely love it, couldn’t live without it. I always have music on, be it radio or facetube or God forbid even a CD, remember those? The more I listen to new stuff, the more I’m of the opinion that the main stream stuff is crap. For example a certain BBC Radio station is playing a new artist from Sweden and I said to my wife when it had finished can you sing the melody of that song and she just shook her head. She said it didn’t really have one it just washed over you and you listen without having to listen, like no effort or consciousness. I said can you sing the bass line and same response. I know the record companies tailor music to fit radio, with short intros and exact timings but seems now the stuff they’re churning out fits the instagram zombies that want to listen without having to listen or get a melody stuck in their head. I don’t want to think I’m never gonna find a new band again that play proper music.
  20. There is a slightly different angle to ownership of signature models. On the strength of a Tim Pierce video of a comparison of a 57 strat and a PRS silver sky I bought one. It wasn’t until after buying it I realised it was a signature guitar. Turns out Mayer is my build and likes a chunky neck and low output pickups. I’m not even sure I spelt his name right. Lol To be fair I do like some of his music but I wouldn’t have bought his guitar on the strength of that. Clapton is another story though…
  21. Abba - winner takes it all ”I was in your derrière, thinking I belong there!”
  22. If only…… 😂
  23. Well if the legendary Sklar doesn’t use one then that’s put me right off getting one.
  24. And the phrase they always used - “No we don’t carry that as a stock item, but we can get it in……”
  25. If only they’d stuck a compressor on it.
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