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Everything posted by gilmour

  1. [quote name='redzombie' post='257751' date='Aug 8 2008, 04:29 AM']Billy Gould sounds like he's pick playing on a lot of Faith No More albums (to me anyway). Unfortunately I've no idea how he went about doing this, aside from using his fingers.[/quote] I think Billy Gould used a pick on most of the Albums, except the first one (with Chuck Mosley singing) at the time he slapped quite a lot. When he plays finger or slap, he just does it really aggresivley, most of the time he was just playing open E anyway
  2. [quote name='neptunehealer' post='260638' date='Aug 12 2008, 09:55 AM']Anyhow i am buying blind without trying but i am considering aGK 1001 RB 11 head and a Hartke XL 4x10 with aluminium cones.[/quote] Don't do that, make the pilgramage and spend a day trekking round shops and trying some kit out, otherwise your bound to get something that you're happy ith untill you hear someone leses rig. FWIW Unlike most of the posts above I'm not a fan of the Hartke cabs, I think they look great, but didn't like the the sound when I've used them. I was very impressed with some Warwick backline that I used recently though.
  3. [quote name='jimmybass04' post='260479' date='Aug 11 2008, 11:50 PM']right thats great, also can i run it with one 4ohm and one 8ohm cab daisy chained ? and if so what wattage would the amp give out ? cheers again, jimmy.[/quote] You can do this, but I think I'm right in saying that you'll get uneven power distribution, with more power going to the 4 ohm cab (and thus more volume), but the head should be fine.
  4. gilmour

    Omni 10

    TBH, I'm sure what ever you make will sound great, and you'll have a massive sense of satisfaction at the end of it. My step dad once said to me "making cabs is great, they always work, and always sound good, even if yo've only stuck a speaker in a box" I'm just jealous as I want to be building more cabs but my life keeps getting in the way
  5. gilmour

    Omni 10

    [quote name='clauster' post='254402' date='Aug 4 2008, 01:58 PM']...Why? So it will stack neatly ontop of an O15TB sub should I feel the need for more bass :-) Going with a four element cut & glued piezo array (switchable for on and off).[/quote] Nice one, it's a great project to undertake, but if you feel the need for more bass then don't go for the O15 sub (IIRC Bill doesn't recomend it) build a 20" wide Titan Sub. Now get with making sawdust, and make sure to give us lots of updates
  6. [quote name='acidbass' post='254963' date='Aug 5 2008, 12:01 AM']I've never taken a spare bass or amp to a gig, it's just extra hassle really! A more useful option would be to take some basic tools (soldering iron, pliers, screwdriver etc) and if something goes wrong you have most of your bases covered, bar a freak accident! As has been said above, you can always just DI to the PA if your amp fails too.[/quote] +1 Couldn't agree more, anything more than just 1 bass is more effort than it's worth, I've broken a string once in 15+ years of gigging. Few absic tools and a set of spare strings are all you need, and if it's something that can't be fixed/botched for the gig (which has never happened to me) then I guess it's just not meant to be. With spare strings I always carry a used set around with me, as putting one brand new string on sounds really funny next to your played in strings.
  7. I think power is almost immaterial, especially given the manufacturers obsession with quoting the highest numbers possible, and it varies massivley form make to make. I used to run a Trace Elliot that was 125W and it was much louder than my current amp which is an Eden at 235W.
  8. [quote name='Josh' post='251625' date='Jul 30 2008, 08:39 PM']Another reason is, I'm finding the sound of my rig to be not as crystal, growly and Hi-Fi as I had hoped for[/quote] Aren't HiFi and Growly mutually exclusive terms? I'm surprised taht you can't get a clear sound out of your Eden also, mine is almost to clean, but I don't use Eden cabs, so that'd be the first thing I suggest changing.
  9. Are you watching a live version? Because I've just listened to my version of the track and I can't hear any bass chords in there? Perhaps he's just doing it for effect in the video, or to double the vocal sample at the begining, I'm sure on the original there's no bass chords.
  10. [quote name='Machines' post='250208' date='Jul 29 2008, 09:44 AM']I know I wouldn't have that much in it... a tuner, synth, distortion... erm.. ok i've run out now.[/quote] Exactly how I feel, I love the sound of all this kit in the shops, but when I'm on a gig there's little call for it. And a board for just a couple of pedals doesn;t seem wirth it when you see some of the beasts on here.
  11. [quote name='Machines' post='250196' date='Jul 29 2008, 09:27 AM']I might start building a pedal board..[/quote] I often think that, as I have a whole load of pedals that I've bought over time just lying around, but I wind up just taking the ones I need for each gig. I think I have EQ, Octaver, 2 Envelopes, Synth (fried), several distortions, chorus, flange, Bass Murf, Loopstation, A/B thingy, tuner, the list goes on I think so far this year I have only used the tuner and one evnvelope. I also use the EQ to get rid of feedback on upright.
  12. I had the didgitech one - it was good for 1 band practice, at the second I stupidly plugged the wrong power supply in and killed it, it produced a very unpleasant smell so I assume I melted something important. In no way was this the fault of the pedal, and I've often considered getting a second one.
  13. I really liked that Peavey 1516, one of the rehearsal studio I use from time to time still has one, but it is the haeaviest thing ever, and I don't know if I could live with one if I had to transport it to gigs.
  14. I've seen... Flea super glue up his thumb Mark King use tape (or a Bass Hammer anyone remember them?) and Steve Vie Pisses on his own fingers to toughen them up - but he'd probably do that anyway. I wouldn't reccomend any of these, unless you have a fetish. But your fingers will eventually toughen up. I know a lot of players that when learning to slap and pop alomst want to tear the strings off the bass, but you don't have to play that hard, not saying you are of course, but wother bearing in mind.
  15. I used to be in a band that did a swung jazz version of 'Fight for your right' by the Beatstie Boys, always went down well. I think THem Bones will work well. There's a guy who did a whole album of Jazz version of RATM tracks but I can't remember his name, not that it's much help but you should dig around and find out who it was, if I remeber I'll post it, or maybe someone else knows.
  16. Yes, provided it's a decent PA, the DI will give you a better response, but like Ferret points out you won't get any extra treble off the mic (it's only pickigng up what's there, so if you can't hear it, neither can it). Which then begs the question "why mic it up if you're not happy with the sound?" TBH there's little point in doing both live (although there is merit in doing it when recording) as the engineer will more likely just use the DI anyway, as it's the signal he has more control over. Of coure all this depends on the size of the system. If it's a small pub sized vocal PA then it is less likely to have a sub and generally in those situations I try to avoid putting any additional strain on the PA anyway.
  17. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='246559' date='Jul 24 2008, 01:05 AM']Alex Clabers first rule: [b]You can use any power ouput amp with any power handling cab. If any of these combinations makes bad sounds then turn down and/or stop cranking the bass EQ excessively or damage may occur[/b][/quote] and it's a great rule, and easy to follow, although for some reason we all get obssesed by the numbers.
  18. I'm surprised there's only been one mention of Yamaha so far (snobs) For £500 I think you will struggle to find a better value for money instrument. [url="http://www.zingsmusic.com/product_info.php?products_id=5028"]http://www.zingsmusic.com/product_info.php?products_id=5028[/url] Irrespective of other higher end gear I always go back to my TRB, versatile, plays well, sounds great. ANd whenever I'm recording or gigging other musicians and engingeers always prefer the sound of it.
  19. Have to agree with Kev, Hamster and Musky. On all the G Tuning points. I think you'll struggle to have any tonal control on your bass with it tuned down that low, irrespective of what Pup's and Pre are in there. When the strings tuned down that much (9 steps it will be hard to get any punch, clarity or sustain from the note). Even using B sting that's still down 4 steps (almost another sting), if I tune my 5 down that much I get little more than an irritating rattle as the string hit's the Pup and that's on a 35" scale bass. Part of me thinks you could try getting whatever stinrgs 7 string players use (tuned to F# normally) and tune it up, but I don't know if that would work. However most of me thinks you should invest in a 5 string, with a longer scale legth. Sorry to be so negative, one of my students tunes down to A for his band and we have this same conversation every week.
  20. It was changed out for a seymour DUnca Pick up and Pre, and then the Pre was taken out (so it could be run passive) so that only the volume worked. After discussing at length with others I decided I wanted the original electrics put in (although when running passive it did sound pretty good TBH, just no versatility in the tone). When being removed they hadn't taken the greatest care of the original electrics, one if the solder point on the PCB had been burn't off, but we've sorted that, and the Pup had all the wires removed, again by no means a disaster, jsut an invconvenience. Thanks again Hopefully it should work now.
  21. [quote name='obbm' post='245466' date='Jul 22 2008, 04:03 PM']How's this? [attachment=11079:MM5pup.jpg][/quote] You're a legend, thanks so much
  22. I've recently got my hands on a stingray 5, which had the elctrics and pickups modified, I'm getting it rewired with all the original electrics. However the person who removed the original pickup removed all of the leads from the pickup. At the moment the tech is going to have to go through a process of trial and error to work out which tag connects to which part of the PuP. Does anyone out there have a pickup for a post-’02 Stingray 5 stingray (that's the one with the dummy third coil underneath) that they could take a pic of so we can see how each coloured wire connects up. It would be massively helpful and really appreciated if you could. Thanks Rob
  23. My favourite daft question used to happen to me once a week, every week, when i went into my local post office, with my bass ... Shop "So, catch anything interesting..." Me "hmm?" Shop "been fishing haven't you?" Me "erm, no, no, it's bass guitar" Shop "ahh" Every effing week, for two years! To top it of, I have seen a fishing rod before, they are a lot longer and thinner than bass guitars, and only have one string
  24. [quote name='lowdown' post='244881' date='Jul 21 2008, 10:22 PM']My nephew is guitarist Musician type of person like you... He spins the decks.'[/quote] Well, they let 'turntablists' in the MU now....
  25. Boiling your strings basically cleans them, it makes them sound a little newer and brighter, which is or isn't desirable depending on the sort of sound you like. In other words it makes them sound more like new strings when you first put them on, however after you've boiled them they do tend to go 'dead' more quickly than a set of new strings. As for 'softening them up' I'm afraid not, if you're really sruggling try some lighter guage nickel strings, but again this will affect the tone. Finding the right strings is a constant search for most players, you won't have it after a year so don't worry. In fact I've been playing over 15 ears and i'm still looking!
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