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Everything posted by gilmour

  1. gilmour


    Says in my profile ... I'm in Reading, Berkshire , an hour and a half straight along the M4
  2. [quote name='steve-soar' post='223545' date='Jun 21 2008, 12:44 PM'][/quote] Steve, what's that bass in the background - is something interesting happening to it?
  3. gilmour


    Sorry haven't been online much this weekend, and my camera is still bust! Grrrr. PM's replied too.
  4. [quote name='Merton' post='223035' date='Jun 20 2008, 03:54 PM']The kit? A black felt marker pen [/quote] And has double use that you can write the songs on the floor if you can't remember the chords [quote name='Merton' post='223048' date='Jun 20 2008, 04:07 PM']Can yours fix torn drivers? We haven't figured out how to do that yet... [/quote] Gaffa??
  5. If you play with Horns, or Keys a lot then go for the 5 - the extra string is invaluable.
  6. [quote name='alexclaber' post='222918' date='Jun 20 2008, 01:45 PM']I suspect those of you that enjoy carpeting also enjoying wallpapering. I don't. But I am very happy to fuss endless over getting stupidly thin pieces of ply to line up neatly and then fill and sand any imperfections until it all looks very pro. Btw, that's the 3015 not the 3015LF. The LF sounds nice on its own but too treble-shy for most. The 3015 is very punchy and clear - seems very low distortion compared to the usual 10" cabs.[/quote] I've never done wallpapering, but I do enjoy doing the decorating! My bad on the speaker, I had thought I read somewhere that the 3015LF needs some help in the top end. Still good to know about the 3015 though, cheers.
  7. Finished at last, well done Alex, nice and compact I'm interested to know that the 3015LF sounds good on it's own. [quote name='david_l_perry' post='222657' date='Jun 20 2008, 09:16 AM']On the next one try and get the carpet joins so that you only have a single one on the btm of the box running front to back. When making a cut, If you overlap the carpet and then cut through both layers, you can peal off both bits and are left with a perfect join.[/quote] Dave's right, I actually found carpetting a real joy and it took next to no time, it's actually easier to do it with one big piece of carpet, almost like one of those Cube Shap nets from when you were a kid at school... Only obviously you don't need the front! I quite like a carpetted or Tolex type finish for backline, not sure why, I'd probably go with painted for PA though ?!? Also I can't see any cab corners, or it just the photo, I'd have thought with 9mm they'd be important?
  8. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='221064' date='Jun 18 2008, 01:54 AM']Their most ingenious invention was to use two mics side by side, wired reverse-polarity. They'd sing into only one, but any foldback was equally received by both, where the reverse polarilty cancelled out the signal, allowing outragous levels with no feedback.[/quote] I just thought they had two mics to make the singers twice as loud! now that I say that I feel like a fool.
  9. [quote name='stevie' post='220827' date='Jun 17 2008, 06:42 PM']You think a bass rig should be designed on the principles of a public address system? The mind boggles.[/quote] Why Not? As I pointed out in my post above 90% of the time what you are hearing at any big gig is the bass through the PA, not the sound of the Cabs (why else do you think Bass heads have a built in DI?), and I'm sure most people would agree that the bass always sounds better, clearer and more defined at bigger concerts than at smaller Pub shows where it is just the backline. In which case yes we should borrow some learning from PA system designs.
  10. It's apretty standard replacement part, pop into your local guitar shop I'm sure they'll have one. Also when you replace it use some wood glue or Epoxy resin (which I prefer) this should stop the wood splitting further when you put n the new screw
  11. [quote name='Clive Thorne' post='220802' date='Jun 17 2008, 06:11 PM']Having said that the 'covers' band that I am in tends to do 'versions' rather than 'covers'. (My definition of the difference being a cover band tries to sound like the original, reproducing the same bass lines and guitar solos etc, whereas a 'versions' band takes the song and does its own thing with it.) So, to some extent you get the best of both worlds.[/quote] Yeah loads of musos have been doing that for years, grates me to see Mark Ronson's success
  12. [quote name='The Funk' post='220321' date='Jun 17 2008, 12:37 AM']I will say that charic and chris have a point that when it comes to live work where you're going through a PA and good monitors, dispersion from your cabs and their frequency response don't matter so much 'cos they're mainly for show. The rest of your band will hear you through monitors - not from your amp - and the audience will hear you from the PA speakers.[/quote] It's also probably worth pointing out that most PA's work with, Subs, Mids and Tops, (thus avoiding comb filtering) and that 90% of the time the bass is DI'd straight into the desk (even when it's Mic'd the engineer will usually take a DI too), so the sound we all hear and enjoy at live gigs isn't the sound of the backline, but IS the sound of a bass going through a much better designed cabinet. I used a 4x10 on top of a 1x15 for over 10 years untill switching to one of Bill's designs earlier this year, and I wonder how I ever managed, every gig I dep on where there is a different system my heart sinks (especillay those bloody Ampeg 8x10s) that said I'm not in a rock band where that grunty sound is more desirable. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='220296' date='Jun 16 2008, 11:26 PM']Don't get me wrong, the last thing that I am actually searching for in my quest for sonic heaven is a flat response cab and amp that faithfully reproduces every f*ck up I make on the bass [/quote] Hehhe, in seriousness you do notice more of your mistakes this way... but I guess that's a good thing
  13. I'm surprised that people feel iplaying cover limits or inhibits their creativity. By learning more and more songs you'll increase your 'lick library' and give yourself more chops/styles/ideas to draw on when creating your own. In fact I find the exact opposite, when I'm only playing original stuff I settle into a style and everything sounds the same
  14. Hi Guys, This is my attempt at viral marketing so I'm gonna make a little plug here for a project that I'm working on over the summer, might be suitable for some of you, or if you know any young musicians, or indeed have any kids, that may be interested please let them now. [i]"The Readipop Rock Academy is open to young bands, singer and musicians aged 13+. This five day intensive course will see young people form a band, write their own material, record songs and finally perform at a gig, all in one week! Over the course of week the participants will; Compose their own songs, have instrumental master classes, record songs, play a showcase gig, jam with loads of like-minded musicians, learn about live sound, get lots of hints and tips on songwriting & composition, music industry Q&A’s."[/i] Course runs 4th - 8th August, at Plug'n'Play Studios ([url="http://www.plugnplay.tv"]www.plugnplay.tv[/url]) in Reading Were running the course in a slightly different way to a lot of the other music schools, instead of concentrating on learning songs and scales etc. the focus is put on songwriting, composition and working as a band, with some instrument masterclasses in between. At the end of the week they get to spend some time in the studio recording, and then play a gig on the Friday night. It's a good week for all involved. Any way more info at [url="http://www.readipopacademy.co.uk"]www.readipopacademy.co.uk[/url] Cheers.
  15. Hi Guys, This is my attempt at viral marketing so I'm gonna make a little plug here for a project that I'm working on over the summer, probably not suitable for most of you, but if you know any young musicians, or indeed have any kids, that may be interested please let them now. [i]"The Readipop Rock Academy is open to young bands, singer and musicians aged 13+. This five day intensive course will see young people form a band, write their own material, record songs and finally perform at a gig, all in one week! Over the course of week the participants will; Compose their own songs, have instrumental master classes, record songs, play a showcase gig, jam with loads of like-minded musicians, learn about live sound, get lots of hints and tips on songwriting & composition, music industry Q&A’s."[/i] Course runs 4th - 8th August, at Plug'n'Play Studios ([url="http://www.plugnplay.tv"]www.plugnplay.tv[/url]) in Reading Were running the course in a slightly different way to a lot of the other music schools, instead of concentrating on learning songs and scales etc. the focus is put on songwriting, composition and working as a band, with some instrument masterclasses in between. At the end of the week they get to spend some time in the studio recording, and then play a gig on the Friday night. It's a good week for all involved. Any way more info at [url="http://www.readipopacademy.co.uk"]www.readipopacademy.co.uk[/url] Cheers.
  16. Nice, I like this design, it's knida like a bass version of those Cigar Box guitars You can also make a one string Tin Can bass, takes about 20 mins, but the pick up method will work well for this. [url="http://www.mcld.co.uk/oddmu/tincanbass/"]http://www.mcld.co.uk/oddmu/tincanbass/[/url]
  17. gilmour


    [quote name='Geester' post='217605' date='Jun 12 2008, 01:48 PM']Just wanted to check, is this one yours - Ebay Item No 280234785573 ?[/quote] No, I ahven't put it on Ebay as I'm interested in trades. I just noticed that one this morning when I was looking for a guide price, mine is serial No. 6/269, this one is 6/272, I have no idea how the serial No's work. Funny that two come up at once though!
  18. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='217475' date='Jun 12 2008, 10:42 AM']and then there is the eq on your bass, mine seems pretty hot eq wise and on my current amp needs only very small changes to get a big change on the output. on another cab that may well be different.[/quote] I think on board Pre amps are a very good point, and probably why most people want a relativley flat EQ on their amp (to acuratley reproduce the sound of the bass). I imagine that using a pre on you bass and again on your amp your are going to wind up with way to much boost of certain frequencies and it will sound really boomy. Different case for passive i suppose...
  19. One of my students has one of these, and I think in terms of value for money there isn't a better bass.
  20. gilmour


    Hi All, Thanks for all the offers an PM's some interesting offers. All PM's have been replied to. My Digital camera is broken so I will borrow one this weekend and post some pics for all those that are interested. Thanks Rob
  21. gilmour


    [quote name='redd' post='216680' date='Jun 11 2008, 10:22 AM']dont suppose you'd be interested in a 5 string electric upright?[/quote] Hi Redd, I like to keep my upright acoustic, but thanks for the offer.
  22. Glad you weren't offended, I was a little worried I'd said something worng I now understand what you mean about EQ. My Eden head has no graphic, just a Bass, Mid and Treble Control, I have Bass and Mid at about 6, and treble backed off to about 4 (3 when I've got new strings on!), It sounds good flat, but just the subtle adjustments make it sound better. I've messed around with extreme EQ's (as you do) and found that If I push any frequency to the max then it is way way too much, but this may well vary from amp to amp, the Eden ahs a very even response, wheras some amps have 90% of their range in about 20% of their dial. I've tried my cab with both mr Eden and Trace heads, and the Eden sounds much better, but then it's brand new and the trace is 15 years old so that was to be expected. I'd really like to hear one with the Mark Bass as everyone races about that.
  23. Hi Mottlefeeder, I certainly didn't mean to say anything bad about your cab, and I'm sorry if it came accross that way, from what I've read the O12 is giving you exactly the sound you want. I may have misunderstood that thread a little. I remember reading your thread about EQ, and in fact have commented on EQ on various other threads, in that I'm still unsure Bass players often to leave our EQ flat? As you say above cab sounds good with EQ and as Bill says that's why they give us all the knobs. TBH I probably get carried away with my EQ to the point where I have some Bowel emptying bass. I haven't heard an O12 and am only going by what I've read so probably unfair of me to comment. However I know that either will be a big improvement on a commercial 1 x 15 or 2 x10 etc, especially if you are after a more modern tone.
  24. [quote name='Hamster' post='216553' date='Jun 11 2008, 01:01 AM']The Madejski Stadium might be better - they do hot dogs too [/quote] Even better for me - i'm only 2 mins walk away! Although we may struggle to fill it, and they often have stuff on at the weekends, somethign to do with football...
  25. I'm up for it if i'm about. How's Reading for everyone, I can probably sort out a deal at Plug'nPlay studios given enough notice. Nice big live room with a stage, also seperate rooms should needs be, and a bar [url="http://www.plugnplay.tv"]www.plugnplay.tv[/url]
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