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Everything posted by gilmour

  1. [quote name='alexclaber' post='129230' date='Jan 28 2008, 12:55 PM']Nice work! I like the way you don't need a grill with the Omni cabs - it's amazing quite how heavy and expensive a full front grill is, left me wondering if I can go with speaker cloth instead. Alex[/quote] Thanks, I am quite pleased. The plans don't give you a recess for a grill or cloth, without which the cab will be cheaper and lighter. I was gonna add a grill, but I quite like it with just the recess, I'm really not sure? I thought about grill cloth and giving it a really retro look, but the parts are a little harder to source and a little more expensive (I was thinking about that gold/brown fender look). But I don;t think it would be difficult to add cloth with some nice pipping.
  2. Sorry for dleayed updates, but I've been to busy with actually building the thing! [b]Friday PM[/b] Went to collect my crossover Components from john at audio-component.co.uk and what I nice man, he invited me into his listening room where he has a set of (hi fi) spekers designed specifically for that room, they are the best sounding speakers I've ever heard, everything I've listened to since sounds rubbish (I know BFM does plans for home speakers, hmmm I wonder if Sally can put up with the mess any longer?) John also explained a lot about crossovers, and how the inductors and capacitors work, I understand more completeley how this cab will work now. [attachment=5259:crossove...mponents.jpg] aren't they beatiuful? [b]Saturday[/b] I started off by re-doing the rear bracing, it didn;t work quite as I hoped, so I wound up cutting out the bracing that was there moving it up a few inches (probably more than I needed to) and after clamping cursing and screwing glued it in place. Next I sanded and profiled the edges, I don;t own a router and really can;t afford to buy one so I used a belt sander and rotary sander. I've used this method quite a lot with street art and found materials so wasn;t worried. Basically use the belt sander to do the heavy take down and rough angle, then the rotary sander to profile and smooth it nicely. It turned out really nicely but the pics aren't so good [attachment=5310:edge.jpg] That is pretty much the end of the woodwork (yay I'm nearly there) Next i primed the front of the cab, once dry i spray painted it matt black, with a plastic based spray paint, this should be reasonably tough wearing, but it will be behind a grill. [b]Sunday[/b] Loads of progress today. Carpeted the cab, other builders seem to find this quite tricky and time consuming but I really enjoyed it, didn't take long at all just over an hour. Again the glue and techinques are really similar to those that I use for street aart which is probably why. Next I added the corners, handles, recess for the speakon socket. I think I've done a pretty neat job. [attachment=5258:cornerready.jpg] Suddenly it looks like a bass cab. [attachment=5256:nearlythere.jpg] I quite like it like this, I'm not sure if I want to add a grill now? Then I put all the dampening on the interior. This was more fiddly and took an hour or two, but was quite enjoyable, the inside of the cab looks all snug now Then finished the day by installing the woofer. This was the only tricky bit as one of the tee nuts popped out, grrrr I don't know why it happened they all fitted beofre it was together. I'll have to try and find a way to sort it during the week. So this is pretty much where I'm at. [attachment=5257:interior.jpg] I just have to pop in the tweeter horn and the midrange speaker, unfortunatley I need to wait for my PXB lamp to arrive before I can solder it all together, so I guess the build halts here for a few days Rob
  3. Wow that was quick, thanks bill, unfirtunatley it's to late for me, but I;' confident it will be ok. The driver radius does just squeekze through on the angle, it's the magnet at the back that prevents it going through. It's good to know this thread is of use to you for the plans (at least that's what I'm telling myself, rather than it generating you work!)
  4. [b]Friday[/b] After yesterdays debcale I'm a day behind, I was hoping to be carpetting today I've scrapped/sanded all the excess glue on the exterior away. I left it on the inside figuring it will help make it airtight. All of the internal bracing is in (I didn;t take pics it's not very exciting, and with the screen on my camera not working it's also very difficult), except for the bracing over the rear acces panel, I realised that if I put this in then I won;t be able to fit the driver through the gaps, so I'm gonna do as much as possible, then install the driver, then the last two braces. Not sure why it won't fit, I've used the recommeded driver, nevermind I'm not worried about this it will be fine. Last night I was looking at the new range of Schroeder cabs and thinking that I really like the look of them and that is the look I'll copy. So I've decided to add a reccessed grill. It would probably be better if I had thought of this in advance as I could make the sides top and bottom slightly larger. Instead I Have added wood around all four corners, the wood is slightly thicker than the ply, but i think this will give it a really nice chunky look. Here are some pics of how far I've got. [attachment=5188:recesswhole.jpg] and up close... [attachment=5189:recess.jpg] Of course the grill is an extra cost, and an extra part to source, but I've found a buyer for my old Trace amp and head so that will go some way to funding this build. I'm off to collect the crossover components now, hopefully i'll be back in time to start rounding off the edges for carpetting. Peace Rob
  5. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='126749' date='Jan 24 2008, 11:01 AM']Basically, if you need the extended range, it's going to be worth the extra outlay. I've never found a five I really liked and completely got along with. I have however, got along instantly with my Yamaha 6-stringer. Go figure![/quote] Interesting, someone once said to me it can be an easier switch from 4 to 6 because it is so different you're more conscious of it? That said i'm a terrible 6 string player, but fine on 5. Whenever I'm playing with keys and horns I prefer to use a 5, just alittle more option for some of the keys those guys prefer. For guitar rock bands, I just stick with 4.
  6. [quote name='barneythedog' post='127206' date='Jan 24 2008, 07:18 PM']excellent diary - I'm finding myself GLUED to your progress (another cheap pun )[/quote] I keep finding myself Glued to anything I touch
  7. [b]Thursday[/b] Sorry no update today. I had a meeting in the morning and managed to lock myself out *doh* and couldn't get in until my girlfriend got home from work, which means no cab building On the bright side (as if anyone cares) the meeting went well and I picked up a bit of freelance work
  8. I really like the look of single cut basses (I know not everyone will agree with me) I'd really like to try some out, but I don;t know whomakes them other than shuker? Are they a custom build job only? Answers on the back of a postcard please...
  9. [quote name='Hamster' post='126663' date='Jan 24 2008, 09:03 AM']DIY alert!!!! - Bill means from the CABS!! (I'm always grateful when people explain DIY stuff to me, so I'm just passing on the help ) Hamster[/quote] hehehe I'll try to chisel/scrpae most of it off, annoyingly it's where I've tried to wipe it off before it's dry that will need sanded. Had band practice last nights, turns out the best way from removing glue from fingers is playing bass, so that was a happy coinicidence
  10. Right couldn't get the pics of the Mobile phone camera to work, so I'll have to skip those, sorry however I have got my digital camera working, albeit without screen, so some shots are a little off. [b] Monday[/b] I now have the basic walls for the cab up, the next task is to install the woofer baffle, I'm pretty nervous about this because it's important that it goes in right, and I have to cut a circular spacer for the 15" woofer to actually sit on and stop it hitting the wood. everythign else so far has been straight lines with guideboards. The circle came out ok, not perfect, but close enough for Jazz... [attachment=5166:wooferbafflefback.jpg] The baflle also installed quite easily , although fiddly to clamp and secure inplace, my 'flat pack' idea seems to be holding up, I just hope it lasts longer than Ikea! [attachment=5167:wooferbafflefront.jpg] Next was the midrange horn, now this really was tricky, in the plans Bill gives you a panel jig to make building this part easier, but every time i used it i just kept making a mess. I can only assume that I've cut the jig out wrong. I decided to have a go at doing it without the jig and tacking the parts in place. and after several hours of playing with my wood I had the Horn... (sorry couldn't resist the nob pun) once the glue had set I scrapped off the exess and then went back and filled all the edges and holes from screwing the jig in with a wood filler that expands and contracts with the wood (in theory) then I sanded it to buggery, I'm pleased with the results. [attachment=5168:midhorn.jpg] By the end of Monday night it looks like this... [attachment=5169:monday_night.jpg] it's begining to look like the cab should The mess all along the top is where I tried to wipe the glue off beofre it set, I now understand why other builders recommend waiting for it to dry and then removing with a sharp chisel, much quicker and neater, I've had to add this to my growing 'sanding' list. [b]Tuesday[/b] Haven't had much time to work on it today as I have to do my bloody tax return (Grrrrrr) I just wanted to get the mid range Horn into the cab, and the Midrange Baffle installed. This involves cutting into the cab front at a specific angle by dropping the running circular saw onto the cab - this terrified me and I bottled it (I am quite fond of all my limbs) instead I reverted to the trusty pendulum jigsaw. This was pretty straightforward, although the cut wasn't perfect so i've gone overboard with Adhesive, which will also need sanded *sighs* it's really important that this bit is airtight. [attachment=5170:hornfornt.jpg] once it had dried I inserted the midrange baffle. [attachment=5171:midrangebaffle.jpg] I feel like I'm nearly there with the woodwork. [attachment=5172:tuesdaynight.jpg] but every time i look at that glue, it looks so messy, I might have to sand it off before I go any further, just for my sanity. John at www.audio-components.co.uk has been a legend helping me out with all the crossover parts, I called him up explained what i was building and he has sorted me out, in one case custom winding one of the coils, the crossover components are quite pricey (around £50) It also turns out that he's just down the road from me so I'm going to collect them on friday, that gives me the goal of finishing woodwork by Friday, shouldn't take to much longer now it's pretty much just the internal bracing, and i need to decide wether or not I want to recess to tweeter. [b] Wednesday[/b] I'd much rather be doing this than my tax return *sobs* [attachment=5173:tax.jpg] In fact the cab build is tidier than the bloody tax return, ho hum, I'll do the final woodwork Thrsday, and start carpeting friday, I hope
  11. Thanks Paul, It is really enjoyable, I'm not nearly finished yet, but it's great seeing it come together. I really liked the look of the Omni 10's but decided to go with the 15TB for a more full range sound. I'm already thinking about building a pair of Omni 10.5's as a more portable rig - Not sure if Sally will put up with the mess again though! As I'm writing this post the Carpet has just turned up - i better get cracking!
  12. Before Christmas I purchased a new amp head (a lovely eden time traveller) and my Cabs, a Trace 4x10 and Peavy 1x15, just haven't been doing it justice. I've been looking to replce my cab with a nice fullrange one for a while, unfortunatley as a freelancer work is a little thin at this time of year and subsequently so is cash. So as I A] have a lot of time on my hands and B] can't afford the boutique cabs I wanted (sorry Robbie I really like those Dr Bass too) I decided to build my own. I did a lot of looking around at different plans, and without doubt the consensus was that Bill FitzMaurice plans were the best. I settled on the Omni 15 Tall Boy as it is a full range cab, which I figure will cover most gigging situations. (the tall boy version is has a smaller foot print but is taller than the other version, this will take up less of the stage and bring the sound nearer to ear level, both luses in my book) Anyway I bought the plans on 8th Jan and spend the next week sourcing parts (thanks Neds Beds and David Perry for all the links and suppliers), and finally got some construction started over the weekend. I promised a few other builders who've given me tips a build diary...so hear goes. [b]Saturday[/b] Build started well with me sitting on my digital camera, so not all the photos came out, and some might make you headspin It's taken a while to source all the parts, I'm still waiting on carpet and crossover components, but figure that's a way off so i'll start anyway. [attachment=5142:components.jpg] also this box in the living room is annoying Sally (my better half) ...not to mention this pile of wood, we haven't sat at the dinning table for days [attachment=5143:wood.jpg] She's ordered me to sort it out... and you don't want to make her angry [attachment=5147:domi0407.jpg] I started by marking up all the wood as per Bill's plans, he provides really usefull cut sheets, in theory this should mean that i can create my own 'flat pack' to work from. I'm lucky because my mum's fella, Larry, is not only a gifted musician but a bit of a DIY pro, so I trip over to their house and spend the day trying not cut my finger off with his table saw. I've done the old measure twice, cut once. The only tricky part are those involving cutting angles, particlularly the front of the cab which requires an angled cut going in the opposite direction to Larrys table saw, by then we were both knackered, and getting a little drunk so decided to cut it off using a Pendulum Jigsaw, it works ok but will need a good go of the belt sander at a later date. [b]Sunday[/b] I now have a pile of wood that looks like this... [attachment=5144:cutwood1.jpg] and this [attachment=5145:cutwood2.jpg] I really took my time over aligning the parts to ensue that they all fit ok, this is fidly, and gets more tricky as you run out of clamping angles etc. but you get the idea here... [attachment=5146:clamp.jpg] At this point my camera decides it's quite upset with me covering it in glue and sitting on it and dies I took some pics on my partners phone, but haven;t got the off it yet, I'll post them later. but by the end of day two I've built the cab walls and feel like i'm getting somewhere:) I should spare a mention for the glue, it is really lethal stuff, latex gloves are a must, fortunatley I do a lot of street art so I have them in abundance, unfortunatley I didn't realise that I had ripped the fingers on them, the glue melted the dried spray paint, and then stuck it to my fingers, which are now a funny sort of gray colour that I can;t scrub off - they are in fact sore from trying. I shall buy more Latex gloves, and be more careful with them lol. I'll post Monday/Tuesdays diary tomorrow
  13. [quote name='craigjf1969' post='121738' date='Jan 16 2008, 08:47 PM']is it really that heavy??? [/quote] It's heavy but not that bad, it will be a lot lot lighter thatn the 4x10 in your avatar.
  14. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='117964' date='Jan 10 2008, 04:43 PM']Fuschia.[/quote] ahh... Fuschia of course! so: Blue cab Red Amp and Fuschia wiring are the best colours for sound, it seems obvious now I guess couple it with a few coloursound pedals .... sorry i've gotten silly now
  15. [quote name='StiffyP' post='119333' date='Jan 12 2008, 11:00 PM'] Basses: KSD custom Ibanez EDC700 Ibanez AEB100 Amp/rack/cab: EBS HD350 EBS Classic 410 Behringer BTR2000 Effects (through parallel loop): EBS BassIQ -> EBS UniChorus soon to get a sansamp bass driver or multidrive ! hmm which to choose..[/quote] That looks awesome - i want that tuner, just for the light
  16. any of the options above will sound better than an Ashdown imho
  17. [quote name='Gray' post='117469' date='Jan 9 2008, 10:15 PM']My favourite story (which may or may not be true) from PA world is that Turbosound decided to use the 'turbo blue' paint colour on their cabinets because it sounded 'better' in blind listening tests...[/quote] Does that mean an SWR Redhead would go Faster?
  18. [quote name='alexclaber' post='116348' date='Jan 8 2008, 05:03 PM']P.S. And don't even attempt to do the D'Angelo/?uestlove/Pino/Saadiq thing unless you want your brain to melt or you're such a bad mofo that you can't help yourself! Go here for elucidation - actually this is so badass I shall embed it:[/quote] OMG - that's a real funky little number you've found there, much better than the album version. Thanks Alex
  19. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='116952' date='Jan 9 2008, 12:52 PM']Sooo would you recommend it to someone who wants to teach bass? Or should I save my money and spend the years practising by myself, jamming with mates and giggin in bands? I mean, I'd still be doing all of that on top of my studies, since it's what I do at the moment[/quote] If you are interested in Teaching an instrument then you should contact your local music service (probably through the council) many of whom provide traingin for instrumental tutors, and if they don;t they should. Also consider signing up to www.musicleader.net who provide free/reduced rate training for those wanting to work in music education (it might be England only) If you want more info on either of these I have a string of links contacts etc. that I won't post but PM me and I'll be happy to pass some on.
  20. [quote name='Beedster' post='116960' date='Jan 9 2008, 01:05 PM']Teaching and performing are two different things. If you want to teach for a profession, your level of technical ability is not all that important, whereas your ability to observe a pupil, to evaluate and identify, to communicate, to motivate, inspire etc are. If you find a school that will train you specifically to be a bass teacher this would likely be a far better route that one which will train you to be a bass performer. They are two different skills. Chris[/quote] I couldn't agee with this more. I spend a lot of time working with Peripatetic (in school) instrument tutors, many of whom really get their backs up that they are expected to do some (1 or 2 days) training on teching/tuition methods. Oftne feeling that it is a question of their instrumental ability, and taking for granted that because they can play they can teach. There is an interesting point on standardisation here, if you are delivering one on one or small group tuition should you have to do teaching qualifications/training? I'm not sure where I stand on that, but I do feel if you are partaking knowledge onto others, you should know how to do it, especially if it is in a school setting. You'd be surprised how many parents think that Peripatetic tutors are qualified, and also by how many aren't.
  21. [quote name='Geddys nose' post='116816' date='Jan 9 2008, 09:59 AM']A crap band with good gear will always sound crap and a good band with crap gear will always sound good- My Dad always told me that [/quote] Your dads right Does it depend on the audience? I think that not all audiences are the same, if i'm gigging in a jazz club or even a local arts centre I know I'm under a lot more scrutiny than if I'm playing in the backroom of the Dog and Duck, or some metal club with black walls and sticky floors. One audience is there for the music, the other to have a drink, and the music is (hopefully) a bonus.
  22. [quote name='Perry' post='116791' date='Jan 9 2008, 09:23 AM']Glimour, I'd give you some headache tablets but I need them all [/quote] I'm off down the chemists then ! I think I'm getting there, slowly but surely, I've only just found out that for the last 10 years I've been using a 4ohm and 8ohm cab together (apparently a big no no), what can I say I was young and foolish back then Interestingly it was this that was one of the things that made me think about this thread in the first place. I've been runnign a Trace 4x10 and And Peavey BW 1x15. The Peavey is 4 ohms and the Trace 8 but the Peavey Isn't significantly louder, I thought it might be down to the sensitivity of the Trace, but perhaps it's just the number of cones, or the fact that it's at ear height. For the last year or so I've only used the Peavey on it's own. I'd like to pretend that this was down to the Ohm issue, or a preference for the 15 (which I do like) but in truth it's lighter and fine for most gigs, the two cabs was just overkill, when I do a bigger gig there's usually a backline anyway.
  23. I've got the WT550 - and it goes down to 2 ohms, dunn anything about the ROcco signature series - but if it's Eden, and it's good enough for Rocco
  24. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='116127' date='Jan 8 2008, 11:36 AM']Just a thought - I have worked with only one pianist who could REALLY sight read anything. I discussed his skills with him and he revealed that it actually took him 15 years to develop this skill. THAT is why the schools in question don't teach sight reading - because they can't get it into an academic year.[/quote] ?? Last time I looked at the ACM syllabus for the one year Dip. there was 4 hours sight reading a week in there - double that of any of the other subjects studied on the course. Adnitidley not enough time to perfect it.
  25. Thanks for all the ideas above, Just thought that I'd feedback. I eventually bought a gigskinz medium mixer bag and it fits like a dream and is of a very good quality. The case is a soft case but veray hard wearing and made of a really rigged foam that seems as if it will survive impact, also has space for leads etc. it's in a silver/carbon fibre imitation finish, a little garrish but I'm sure it will dull down. They also make gig bags for bass, I may well buy one I didn't buy it from gigskinz but from here: [url="http://www.chemical-records.co.uk/sc/servlet/Info?Track=GSMIXM"]http://www.chemical-records.co.uk/sc/servl...fo?Track=GSMIXM[/url] arrived within 24 hours.
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