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Everything posted by gilmour

  1. I'm very surprised to the negativity towards the BIMM courses, especially as most of the posts admit to not having been on the course, or to the school! I can sympathise with Niks's original post, as I'm not sure that this course or any of it's equivalents are great at inspiring creativity and individuality, however they are great for improving you all round general musicianship, reading, improvising, composition, extending your repetoire etc. I also feel that some of the comments that you can learn more by being in a good gigging covers band are a little misinformed, you can learn a hell of a lot giggng like that that you wouldn;t learn at music school, however you won't learn the accompanying musicanship, which if you aspire to more than just covers (sessioning, teaching etc) that you just have to understand. My personal feeling is that these courses (ACM, BIMM, et al) are very good for your playing, but need to be accompanied with 'real world' playing, if you really aspire to be a pro musician then you need to be doing both.
  2. I was alos under the impression that a publice ents license was down to the venue?
  3. The Part where it moves down to the B ? It is a little trickier, the riff is the same but the downbeat chages each bar, so you just have to work on phrasing it differently.
  4. I used to anhor mine above the neck pup, untill recently. I've been having a few refresher lessons and my teacher plays a 'ray, anchoring his thumb on the bridge PuP. I really liked the sound and have started to do that, I've had to adjust more than just anchoring my thumb though, my fingers now curve over the string more as I have to dig in a lot more. I feel it's given me a more consistent one over the strings, that said, I do still move from time to time.
  5. so 106db is significantly louder then
  6. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='113218' date='Jan 3 2008, 09:41 PM']I bought some shipped over from the USA, and was very dissappointed. First set I had on started deadening after only a couple of gigs. Reckon I could've just got a bad batch?[/quote] Hmm mine have been fine I used them over December (35 ish gigs) and they're just starting to go, but I do prefer a slightly thicker less bright sound
  7. Ok, this should be a quickee I read in the "What I learned in 2008" thread someones commment that the sensitivty of a cab can make a big difference to volume. I'm looking at 2 cabs ATM one is 103DB sensitive and the other 106DB. WIll this make a really significant difference, or is 3DB to little to really notice? I remember someone once telling me that each decibel was twice as loud as the previous, ie 100DB is twice as loud as 99DB. But I might have dreamt that, and it may have no bearing when talking about sensitivity. Thanks
  8. DR Bass Strings - Fat Beams - simply the best strnings I've ever used Improvise, improvise, improvise. Get to loads of Jam nights, invite friends round for a blast. Improves your playing no end, and is the most fun to be had with your instrument.
  9. If you ever think of parting with the Eden let me know, I'm after an Eden 4 x 10
  10. I had a Trace for years until recently. I found that If I had both the Pre and the graphic on it was too much EQ, so I took to turning off the pre and setting the graphic flat and then subtly adjusting it for the room i was perfomring in. Great amps, but really easy to 'over EQ' and muddy your sound
  11. I've often added artwork to that part of my guitar using vinyl from a craft shop, it leaves no marks and little sticky residue (that can easily be removed) I wouldn't reccomend it on oiled, satin or unfinished basses (like warwick) but on everyting else it's a cheap non permanent soloution.
  12. I play 5 - i've got so used to it that I know struggle when I pick up a 4. I had a 5 for a long time before I started to use it a lot, when I was playing mostly rock it really diddn;t get used that much as i perefered to de-tune, however I play a lot more funk, jazz an soul these days, and find the 5th string really usefull when playing alongside keyborad players and horn sections who often prefer to play ina different key to guitarists a la Rock. That said Bass Ferret is right it's just a matter of taste, like I say I trip up on a 4 these days EDIT: Sorry for my terrible spelling, wrote this in a bit of a rush
  13. Dunno, but I'd guestimate 60 - 70! I loose track after a while.
  14. lol - Thanks The mini is a whole £2 cheaper so i can put that aside for an extra battery... Thanks again
  15. Can anyone tell me the difference between the Electro Harmonix Mini Q-Tron and the Micro Q-Tron? Is one better than the other? Or should I just hol out for a fully fleged Q-Tron? I understand that the Mini is now discontinued, but don't know why. Thanks
  16. that bass confuses me - i think i've drunk too much
  17. +1 on his strings - but they are freakin expensive
  18. [quote name='RIM Basses' post='106692' date='Dec 19 2007, 08:43 PM']Dr Bass Cabs[/quote] Do you have any idea on the costs of these yet, seems to be a really good option? Thanks R
  19. Thanks for the suggestions fellas. I'm not sure about the Hartke stuff, I used one of their kickback combos the other week and it sounded terrible, i've got it in my head that this is to do with the alloy cones? But pehaps not - the Hartke stuff does look the part
  20. [quote name='Subthumper' post='106250' date='Dec 18 2007, 11:18 PM']Just found this on Youtube,it s a great shot of his technique whilst just having a bit of a jam by himself. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHdN_O5k3WM&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHdN_O5k3WM...feature=related[/url] Its not really amps and cabs but I thought it was good. Cheers Just[/quote] mmm nice vid. He's really quite gentle with his slap, yet it's so Ballsy.
  21. Hi All, I'm after a bit of Cab advice, I've just got myself an Eden Time Traveller and I'm looking for a Cab (or two) to accompany it. It's currently going through a Peavey Black Widow 1x15 300W @ 4 Ohm, but feel that this probably isn't doing it justice. I'm quite tempted to go either for a 4x10 or 2x10 and a smaller 1x15 (I can't use the Peavey inthe combination as it is 4ohm). I think I want something with more punch (was using an SWR 8x8 the other day v.nice, but can't afford or be bothered with lugging one of them around) I can't get Eden stuff as they have no distributor in this country, Andertons have some 1x15's in but I don't see the point in replacing one 1x15 with another (although could be tempted if I could find a 2x10 to go with it) I don't have a fortune to spend, maybe around £300 - £400 any suggestions thanks
  22. I saw Marcus at the Jazz Cafe, not last time but the time before, when he was still using the EBS stuff. What a tone, he gets such balls in his slap tone compared to most players, blew me away. I think I would use the word 'meaty' definatley no twangy nickel strings there. But he's had that tone for years and years, I'm sure it's down to his style, strings, and any onboard preamps he might have on his bass (not sure if he does or not), in that order. What a player though, he may not be as fast as Wooten but more than makes up for it in tone, and his ability to hold a groove whilst soloing. Wish I'd gone to the last one now, but couldn;t afford it at the time
  23. Electric Picnic in Ireland - great festival - great vibe - great backstage - and lots of beatiful Irish ladies serving us free drinks
  24. Yeah Flea uses GK stuff. Interestingly - he recorded power of equality and the whole of that album using a Wal, rather than his iconic stingray.
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